Kachinskas I.V.
Graduated from Tyumen state oil and gas university, specialization "geology of oil and gas" (2009).
Junior Researcher, Laboratory of industrial geology and hydrocarbon reserves' evaluation of Ltd "TyumenNIIgiprogaz".
Research interests: modern methods of analysis of core study data, petroleum geology.
Author of 7 publications.
Regional petroleum geology
Section editor – PhD in geology and mineralogy Makarevich V.N.
Article # 15_2012 | submitted on 01/19/2012 displayed on website on 02/27/2012 |
13 p. | Gorlov I.V., Kachinskas I.V., San'kova N.V. |
Omorin license block - exploration planning of the Vendian terrigenous reservoir | |
Commercial oil and gas inflow from the Vendian sediments within the Omorin license block were recovered in the zones of channel facies development. Searching these zones is one of the most significant exploration targets in this region. Wide spread occurrence of reservoir-scale fractures in the studied rocks proved the necessity of implementation of hydraulic fracturing technology in testing of wells, which uncover producing sediments out of channel facies.
Key words: terrigenous reservoir, facies, Vendian, fracturing, well testing, Omorin license block. |
article citation | Gorlov I.V., Kachinskas I.V., San'kova N.V. Planirovanie razvedki zalezhey v terrigennykh plastakh venda na Omorinskom litsenzionnom uchastke [Omorin license block - exploration planning of the Vendian terrigenous reservoir]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2012, vol. 7, no. 1, available at: http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/4/15_2012.pdf |
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