Kuvaev I.V.
Graduated from Ukhta Industrial Institute (1983), mining engineer.
Director of NK «Soyuz».
Author of 21 publications, 40 scientific and technical reports. Has 11 patents.
Regional petroleum geology
Section editor – PhD in geology and mineralogy Makarevich V.N.
Article # 4_2012 | submitted on 10/12/2011 displayed on website on 01/11/2012 |
14 p. | Terent'ev S.Е., Bogdanov B.P., Kuvaev I.V., Fedotov A.L. |
Kochmes area - structure and petroleum potential of the Lower Permian deposits | |
Petroleum potential of the Kochmes structure in the Kosyu-Rogov depression (Pre-Urals trough) has been put in evidence in 1976 when oil inflow was received in well 3/11-Kochmes. Twelve boreholes were drilled for exploring the revealed deposit. Oil occurrence was not received because of the poor reservoir qualities of the Lower Permian section.
The seismic prospecting carried out by LLC NK «Soyuz» in 2000 have confirmed the presence of reefs in the Lower Permian deposits. Reinterpretation of geophysical data in complex «Geo Office Solver» has showed the presence of oil-saturated reservoirs in mapped reefs and in the covering strata. Recommendations on well development are made. Key words: reef, reservoir, oil, Lower Permian, seismic recording anomalies, Kochmes area, Kosyu-Rogov depression. |
article citation | Terent'ev S.E., Bogdanov B.P., Kuvaev I.V., Fedotov A.L. Osobennosti stroeniya i neftegazonosnosti nizhnepermskikh otlozheniy Kochmesskoy ploshchadi [Kochmes area - structure and petroleum potential of the Lower Permian deposits]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2012, vol. 7, no. 1, available at: http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/4/4_2012.pdf |
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