Viskunova K.G.
Graduated from Leningrad Mining Institute, specialization «mining engineer-geophysicist».
Chief Geologist of JSC «Naryan-Marseismorazvedka».
PhD in geology and mineralogy.
Area of scientific interest: geology and petroleum potential of the Western Arctic shelf and adjacent land, seismic and sequence-stratigraphy of carbonate and clastic sediments.
Author of more than 50 publications, including monographs.
Stratigraphy and lithology
Section editor – PhD in geology and mineralogy Kirichkova A.I.
Article # 3_2009 | submitted on 12/23/2008 displayed on website on 02/24/2009 |
44 p. | Basov V.A., Vasilenko L.V., Viskunova K.G., Korago E.A., Korchinskaya M.V., Kupriyanova N.V., Povysheva L.G., Preobrazhenskaya E.N., Pchelina T.M., Stolbov N.M., Suvorova E.B., Suprunenko O.I., Suslova V.V., Ustinov N.V., Ustritsky V.I., Fefilova L.A. |
Evolution of sedimentary environments of the Barents-North Kara palaeobasins in the Phanerozoic | |
Evolution of sedimentary environments of the Barents-North Kara palaeobasins from late Devonian to Aptian is discussed in this study. The study is illustrated by 17 lithofacies and palaeogeographic maps Key words: Barents and Kara Seas, lithofacies and palaeogeographic maps, Devonian – Permian, Triassic –Aptian. |
article citation | Basov V.A., Vasilenko L.V., Viskunova K.G., Korago E.A., Korchinskaya M.V., Kupriyanova N.V., Povysheva L.G., Preobrazhenskaya E.N., Pchelina T.M., Stolbov N.M., Suvorova E.B., Suprunenko O.I., Suslova V.V., Ustinov N.V., Ustritsky V.I., Fefilova L.A. Evolution of sedimentary environments of the Barents-North Kara palaeobasins in the Phanerozoic // Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika. – 2009. - V.4. - #1.- http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/2/3_2009.pdf |