Bikeeva L.R.
Graduated from the Tashkent Order of Peoples Friendship Polytechnic Institute (1989).
PhD in Geological and Mineralogical Sciences.
Head of Laboratory of theInstitute of Geology and Exploration of Oil and Gas Deposits (IGIRNIGM), Tashkent.
Area of scientific interests: forecast of oil and gas potential of territories, issues of interpretation of space imagery materials and structural geomorphological analysis of topographic maps, as well as the study of the nature and scale of neotectonic movements and their influence on the modern structural plan of the cover, on the location and phase state of hydrocarbon deposits.
Author of 32 publications.
Regional petroleum geology
Article # 19_2022 | submitted on 05/25/2022 displayed on website on 07/01/2022 |
16 p. | Mukhutdinov N.U., Khozhiev B.I., Karshiev O.A., Bikeeva L.R., Yuldasheva M.G. |
Integrated use of satellite imagery and geophysical data in forecast studies for oil and gas (western part of Bukharo-Khiva region) | |
The article highlights the results of studies on the refinement of the regional structural plan and the search for local structural petroleum traps in the western part of the Bukhara-Khiva region. The features of the placement of search objects and the nature of their expression on satellite imagery data are considered. Objects of very different quality were analyzed: known structures (removed from drilling, prepared and identified), objects identified by seismic surveys. The structures and faults established by the interpretation determined the nature of the distribution of sedimentation-accumulation, the latest faults caused the formation of fracture zones, which improved the reservoir properties of the rocks. A comprehensive analysis of geological and geophysical data and structural interpretation made it possible to establish the relationship and interdependence of tectonic elements, to identify patterns in its structure and distribution of elements of oil and gas exploration interest. The main purpose of the research is to identify the criteria for regional and local structures bearing the productive petroleum levels of the sedimentary cover. Keywords: satellite imagery data, geological and geophysical data, structural hydrocarbon trap, productive hydrocarbon level, western part of the Bukhara-Khiva region. |
article citation | Mukhutdinov N.U., Khozhiev B.I., Karshiev O.A., Bikeeva L.R., Yuldasheva M.G. Kompleksnoe ispol'zovanie materialov kosmicheskikh s"emok i geofizicheskikh dannykh pri prognoznykh issledovaniyakh na neft' i gaz (zapadnaya chast' Bukharo-Khivinskogo regiona) [Integrated use of satellite imagery and geophysical data in forecast studies for oil and gas (western part of Bukharo-Khiva region)]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2022, vol. 17, no. 3, available at: http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/2022/19_2022.html |
DOI | https://doi.org/10.17353/2070-5379/19_2022 |
Amurskiy G.I., Khoroshilov Yu.N. Geologiya i neftegazonosnost' nekotorykh rayonov Sredney Azii [Geology and oil and gas potential of some regions of Central Asia]. Nauchno-analiticheskie i tematicheskie obzory, Moscow, 1964, 87 p.
Babaev A.G., Simonenko A.N. Formirovanie yurskikh paleosedimentatsionnykh basseynov Uzbekistana i ikh neftegazonosnost' [Formation of the Jurassic paleosedimentation basins of Uzbekistan and their oil and gas potential]. Tashkent: FAN, 1990, 292 p.
Bikeeva L.R. Strukturnyy analiz materialov kosmicheskikh s"emok s tsel'yu vyyavleniya ob"ektov, perspektivnykh na poiski lovushek UV (Khorezmskaya monoklinal' i prilegayushchie geostrukturnye elementy) [Structural analysis of satellite imagery data in order to identify promising objects for the search for hydrocarbon traps (Khorezm monocline and adjacent geostructural elements)]. Novye napravleniya na neft' i gaz, innovatsionnye tekhnologii razrabotki mestorozhdeniy, perspektivy dobychi netraditsionnogo uglevodorodnogo syr'ya: materialy Vserossiyskoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii (Orenburg, 18-20 Sept 2019). Orenburg: OOO «Tipografiya «Agentstvo pressa», 2019, pp.10-13.
Nugmanov A.Kh. Faktory, kontroliruyushchie formirovanie skopleniy nefti i gaza (na primere verkhneyurskoy karbonatnoy tolshchi Amudar'inskoy sineklizy) [Factors controlling the formation of oil and gas accumulations (on the example of the Upper Jurassic carbonate sequence of the Amudarya Syneclise)]. Tashkent, 1996, Trudy IGIRNIGM, issue 76, pp.147-159.
Babaev A.G., Simonenko A.N. Formirovanie yurskikh paleosedimentatsionnykh basseynov Uzbekistana i ikh neftegazonosnost' [Formation of the Jurassic paleosedimentation basins of Uzbekistan and their oil and gas potential]. Tashkent: FAN, 1990, 292 p.
Bikeeva L.R. Strukturnyy analiz materialov kosmicheskikh s"emok s tsel'yu vyyavleniya ob"ektov, perspektivnykh na poiski lovushek UV (Khorezmskaya monoklinal' i prilegayushchie geostrukturnye elementy) [Structural analysis of satellite imagery data in order to identify promising objects for the search for hydrocarbon traps (Khorezm monocline and adjacent geostructural elements)]. Novye napravleniya na neft' i gaz, innovatsionnye tekhnologii razrabotki mestorozhdeniy, perspektivy dobychi netraditsionnogo uglevodorodnogo syr'ya: materialy Vserossiyskoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii (Orenburg, 18-20 Sept 2019). Orenburg: OOO «Tipografiya «Agentstvo pressa», 2019, pp.10-13.
Nugmanov A.Kh. Faktory, kontroliruyushchie formirovanie skopleniy nefti i gaza (na primere verkhneyurskoy karbonatnoy tolshchi Amudar'inskoy sineklizy) [Factors controlling the formation of oil and gas accumulations (on the example of the Upper Jurassic carbonate sequence of the Amudarya Syneclise)]. Tashkent, 1996, Trudy IGIRNIGM, issue 76, pp.147-159.
Regional petroleum geology
Article # 12_2022 | submitted on 05/25/2022 displayed on website on 06/03/2022 |
14 p. | Mukhutdinov N.U., Khozhiev B.I., Karshiev O.A., Khayitov N.Sh., Bikeeva L.R. |
Petroleum prospects in the sedimentary strata of the Khorezm monocline and surrounding territories according to the geological, geophysical and cosmo-geological investigations data | |
The article discusses the features of the geological structure, the identification of petroleum bearing promising zones and the scientific substantiation of the optimal areas of prospecting and exploration for the Khorezm monocline and adjacent territories through a comprehensive analysis of cosmo-geological study and geological and geophysical data. A comprehensive interpretation made it possible to minimize the existing multivariance in solving certain problems related to the tectonic features of the study area, determining possible zones of oil and gas accumulation, identifying fracture zones, predicting structural traps of the sedimentary cover for setting prospecting seismic surveys in a poorly studied, but potentially petroleum bearing promising territory of Uzbekistan. Keywords: trap forecasting, petroleum bearing promising zone, cosmo-geological study, geological and geophysical data, Khorezm monocline, Uzbekistan. |
article citation | Mukhutdinov N.U., Khozhiev B.I., Karshiev O.A., Khayitov N.Sh., Bikeeva L.R. O perspektivakh neftegazonosnosti osadochnykh otlozheniy Khorezmskoy monoklinali i prilegayushchikh territoriy po dannym kosmogeologicheskikh i geologo-geofizicheskikh issledovaniy [Petroleum prospects in the sedimentary strata of the Khorezm monocline and surrounding territories according to the geological, geophysical and cosmo-geological investigations data]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2022, vol. 17, no. 2, available at: http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/2022/12_2022.html |
DOI | https://doi.org/10.17353/2070-5379/12_2022 |
Bakirov A.A., Bakirov E.A., Melik-Pashaev V.S., Yudin G.T. Teoreticheskie osnovy i metody poiskov i razvedki skopleniy nefti i gaza [Theoretical foundations and methods of prospecting and exploration of oil and gas accumulations]. Moscow: Izd-vo «Vysshaya shkola», 1976, 416 p.
Bikeeva L.R. Neotektonicheskie osobennosti stroeniya severo-zapadnoy chasti Bukharo-Khivinskogo regiona po dannym kosmogeologicheskikh issledovaniy [Neotectonic features of the structure of the northwestern part of the Bukhara-Khiva region according to the data of cosmogeological studies]. Uzbekskiy zhurnal nefti i gaza, 2018, no. 4, pp. 24-29.
Gavrilov V.P. Vliyanie razlomov na formirovanie zon neftegazonakopleniya [Influence of faults on the formation of oil and gas accumulation zones]. Moscow: Nedra, 1975, 272 p.
Nugmanov A.Kh. Tektonicheskie i drugie usloviya obrazovaniya preimushchestvenno gazonosnykh i neftenosnykh basseynov [Tectonic and other conditions for the formation of predominantly gas-bearing and oil-bearing basins]. Geodinamicheskie osnovy prognozirovaniya neftegazonosnosti nedr: materialy Respublikanskoy nauchno-tekhnicheskoy konferentsii. Tashkent, 2000, pp. 31-33.
Bikeeva L.R. Neotektonicheskie osobennosti stroeniya severo-zapadnoy chasti Bukharo-Khivinskogo regiona po dannym kosmogeologicheskikh issledovaniy [Neotectonic features of the structure of the northwestern part of the Bukhara-Khiva region according to the data of cosmogeological studies]. Uzbekskiy zhurnal nefti i gaza, 2018, no. 4, pp. 24-29.
Gavrilov V.P. Vliyanie razlomov na formirovanie zon neftegazonakopleniya [Influence of faults on the formation of oil and gas accumulation zones]. Moscow: Nedra, 1975, 272 p.
Nugmanov A.Kh. Tektonicheskie i drugie usloviya obrazovaniya preimushchestvenno gazonosnykh i neftenosnykh basseynov [Tectonic and other conditions for the formation of predominantly gas-bearing and oil-bearing basins]. Geodinamicheskie osnovy prognozirovaniya neftegazonosnosti nedr: materialy Respublikanskoy nauchno-tekhnicheskoy konferentsii. Tashkent, 2000, pp. 31-33.
Regional petroleum geology
Section editor – PhD in geology and mineralogy Makarevich V.N.
Article # 23_2019 | submitted on 05/21/2019 displayed on website on 07/11/2019 |
10 p. | Bikeeva L.R. |
Geotectonic zoning of junction area - Khorezm monocline, Mesheklin high, Dashkalin and Birgutli-Shortaklin fore deeps, using the satellite imagery data | |
The article discusses the possibilities of structural interpretation of space image and morphometric analysis of the latest tectonic movements in the poorly studied petroleum bearing north-western part of the Bukhara-Khiva region (Khorezm monocline and Misheklin high, Dashkalin and Birgutli-Shortaklin fore deeps). The regional latest structure of the territory and the connection of the relief with the deep tectonic structure of the Meso-Cenozoic cover and with the basement surface are revealed by structural interpretation of space photographs. In the sedimentary section, ordered systems of lineaments, which are paragenetic associations of different-scale disjunctives with azimuth-bearing directivity, are distinguished. As a result of the study a new geotectonic zoning was performed. Keywords: satellite imagery data, lineament fracture system, geotectonic zoning, petroleum bearing, Bukhara-Khiva region. |
article citation | Bikeeva L.R. Geotektonicheskoe rayonirovanie zony sochleneniya Khorezmskoy monoklinali, Mesheklinskogo podnyatiya, Dashkalinskogo i Birgutli-Shortaklinskogo progibov po dannym deshifrirovaniya kosmofotosnimkov [Geotectonic zoning of junction area - Khorezm monocline, Mesheklin high, Dashkalin and Birgutli-Shortaklin fore deeps, using the satellite imagery data]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2019, vol. 14, no. 3, available at: http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/2019/23_2019.html |
DOI | https://doi.org/10.17353/2070-5379/23_2019 |
Arnautov E.I., Babaev A.G., Usmanov P.M. Vzaimosvyaz' mezhdu razmeshcheniem razlomov i mestorozhdeniy uglevodorodov - faktor razdel'nogo prognozirovaniya mestopolozheniya lovushek, perspektivnykh na otkrytie skopleniy nefti i gaza [The interconnection between the location of faults and hydrocarbon fields is a factor in the separate forecasting of the location of traps that are promising for the discovery of oil and gas accumulations]. K 60-letiyu Uzbekskoy SSR i kompartii Uzbekistana - 60 razrabotok v oblasti neftegazovoy nauki»: sbornik trudov. Tashkent: IGIRNIGM, 1984, р. 18-21.
Bikeeva L.R. Neotektonicheskie osobennosti stroeniya severo- zapadnoy chasti Bukharo-Khivinskogo regiona po dannym kosmogeologicheskikh issledovaniy [Neotectonic features of the structure of the north-western part of the Bukhara-Khiva region according to cosmogeological studies]. Uzbekskiy zhurnal nefti i gaza, 2018, no. 4, p. 24-29.
Kholliev O.A., Muratov A.S., Akramova N.M., Bikeeva L.R. Perspektivy gazonosnosti zapadnoy chasti Chardzhouskoy stupeni po geologo-geokhimicheskim dannym [Prospects for gas content in the western part of the Chardzhou stage according to geological and geochemical data]. Uzbekskiy zhurnal nefti i gaza, 2019, no. 2, р. 15-18.
Bikeeva L.R. Neotektonicheskie osobennosti stroeniya severo- zapadnoy chasti Bukharo-Khivinskogo regiona po dannym kosmogeologicheskikh issledovaniy [Neotectonic features of the structure of the north-western part of the Bukhara-Khiva region according to cosmogeological studies]. Uzbekskiy zhurnal nefti i gaza, 2018, no. 4, p. 24-29.
Kholliev O.A., Muratov A.S., Akramova N.M., Bikeeva L.R. Perspektivy gazonosnosti zapadnoy chasti Chardzhouskoy stupeni po geologo-geokhimicheskim dannym [Prospects for gas content in the western part of the Chardzhou stage according to geological and geochemical data]. Uzbekskiy zhurnal nefti i gaza, 2019, no. 2, р. 15-18.
Regional petroleum geology
Section editor – PhD in geology and mineralogy Makarevich V.N.
Article # 4_2019 | submitted on 01/24/2019 displayed on website on 02/22/2019 |
21 p. | Bikeeva L.R., Yuldasheva M.G. |
Outlining of potentially and perspective areas of probable hydrocarbons accumulations on the basis of comprehensive analysis of satellite imagery, geological and geophysical data concerning North-Western Uzbekistan | |
The article highlights the issues of the theory and practical approach of the integrated use of satellite imagery with geophysical and geological information’s. The research target is North-Western Uzbekistan (Aral Sea Depression), for which the lineament fracture system was put in evidence for the first time. We consider that the major lineaments (structural-tectonic lines) are important faults and nearly regularly they are fluids migration ways, and the inter lineament blocks are promising areas in search of traps in which hydrocarbon accumulations took place. Keywords: satellite imagery data, lineament fracture system, hydrocarbon traps, North-Western Uzbekistan. |
article citation | Bikeeva L.R., Yuldasheva M.G. Vydelenie potentsial'no-perspektivnykh zon veroyatnogo skopleniya uglevodorodov na osnove kompleksnogo analiza materialov kosmogeologicheskikh i geologo-geofizicheskikh issledovaniy po territorii severo-zapadnogo Uzbekistana [Outlining of potentially and perspective areas of probable hydrocarbons accumulations on the basis of comprehensive analysis of satellite imagery, geological and geophysical data concerning North-Western Uzbekistan]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2019, vol. 14, no. 1, available at: http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/2019/4_2019.html |
DOI | https://doi.org/10.17353/2070-5379/4_2019 |
Abdullaev G.S., Khegay D.R., Yuldasheva M.G. Nizhneyurskie otlozheniya – samostoyatel'nyy neftegazoperspektivnyy kompleks Berdakhskogo vala [Lower Jurassic sediments - an independent oil and gas promising area of Berdha Val]. Aktual'nye voprosy razvitiya neftegazovoy otrasli Respubliki Uzbekistan: materialy Respublikanskoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii. Tashkent, 2015, p. 12-14.
Abidov A.A., Dolgopolov F.G. Geodinamika Tsentral'noy Azii i ee rol' v formirovanii neftegazonosnykh geostruktur Aralo-Ustyurtskogo regiona [Geodynamics of Central Asia and its role in the formation of oil and gas geostructures of the Aral-Ustyurt region]. Geologiya regionov Kaspiyskogo i Aral'skogo morey. Alma-aty: «GazGeo», 2004, p.160-165.
Babadzhanov T.L., Kim G.B. Perspektivy neftegazonosnosti Aral'skogo basseyna [Prospects for the oil and gas potential of the Aral Sea basin. Geology of the Caspian and Aral Sea regions]. Geologiya regionov Kaspiyskogo i Aral'skogo morey. Alma-aty: «GazGeo», 2004, p.282-289.
Bikeeva L.R., Usmanov P.M. Ispol'zovanie distantsionnykh issledovaniy pri poiskakh strukturnykh lovushek na slaboizuchennykh territoriyakh Ustyurtskogo regiona [The use of remote research in the search for structural traps in poorly studied territories of the Ustyurt region]. Neftegazogeologicheskaya nauka Uzbekistana i rol' molodezhi v resheniiee problem: materialy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii. Tashkent, 2015, p. 30-31.
Abidov A.A., Dolgopolov F.G. Geodinamika Tsentral'noy Azii i ee rol' v formirovanii neftegazonosnykh geostruktur Aralo-Ustyurtskogo regiona [Geodynamics of Central Asia and its role in the formation of oil and gas geostructures of the Aral-Ustyurt region]. Geologiya regionov Kaspiyskogo i Aral'skogo morey. Alma-aty: «GazGeo», 2004, p.160-165.
Babadzhanov T.L., Kim G.B. Perspektivy neftegazonosnosti Aral'skogo basseyna [Prospects for the oil and gas potential of the Aral Sea basin. Geology of the Caspian and Aral Sea regions]. Geologiya regionov Kaspiyskogo i Aral'skogo morey. Alma-aty: «GazGeo», 2004, p.282-289.
Bikeeva L.R., Usmanov P.M. Ispol'zovanie distantsionnykh issledovaniy pri poiskakh strukturnykh lovushek na slaboizuchennykh territoriyakh Ustyurtskogo regiona [The use of remote research in the search for structural traps in poorly studied territories of the Ustyurt region]. Neftegazogeologicheskaya nauka Uzbekistana i rol' molodezhi v resheniiee problem: materialy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii. Tashkent, 2015, p. 30-31.