Bulach M.H.
Graduated from Grozny Petroleum Institute (1947) and postgraduated from the Laboratory of Limnology of Academy of Sciences of the USSR in Leningrad.
PhD in geology and mineralogy (1953), Senior Researcher (1972).
Worked as an assistant professor at the Department of Petroleum Geology in the Mining Institute. Returned to VNIGRI in 1958.
Key fields of scientific research: reservoir study (fractured, carbonate, complex, at great depths).
Has developed schemes of fractured reservoir classification, methods of complex reservoirs forecasting.
Author and coauthor of numerous publications, including monographs.
Stratigraphy and lithology
Section editor – PhD in geology and mineralogy Kirichkova A.I.
Article # 030 | displayed on website on 07/16/2007 |
18 p. | Belonovskaya L.G., Bulach M.H., Gmid L.P. |
The role of fracture in the formation of capacitive-filtration space of complex reservoirs | |
The main provisions of the theory of fracture, developed in VNIGRI, which are of help in forecast of and search for fractured reservoirs have been presented in the article. The express method of total (background) fracturing and reservoir rocks potential estimation enabling us to make preliminary lithological and rocks texture evaluation of capacitive-filtration potential of the sequence has been proposed. The necessity for an integrated approach in the study and forecast of complex fractured reservoirs has been emphasized.
Key words: fracture, complex oil and gas reservoirs, reservoir potential, genetic classification of fractures, micro-fractures. |
article citation | Belonovskaya L.G., Bulach M.H., Gmid L.P. The role of fracture in the formation of capacitive-filtration space of complex reservoirs // Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika. – 2007. - V.2. - http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/8/030.pdf |
Scientific heritage /VNIGRI's ideas/
Section editor – PhD in geology and mineralogy Prischepa O.M.
Article # 029 | displayed on website on 06/20/2007 |
14 p. | Bulach M.H., Belonovskaya L.G., Gmid L.P. |
Low-permeability reservoirs of oil and gas provinces of Russia and the CIS | |
Statistical analysis of porosity distribution in productive deposits of sedimentary cover of different oil and gas provinces of Russia and the CIS has been presented in the article. The essential role of low-permeability rocks (especially carbonate ones) in oil and gas potential of individual provinces (from 18 to 21% of hydrocarbon deposits in low-permeability reservoirs) has been highlighted and their association with specific stratigraphic horizons as well as the increase in the share of low-permeability reservoirs with the increase in the depth have been analyzed. The key criteria for low-permeability reservoir forecast has been formulated, most important being availability of reliable cover and enhanced fracture to support hydrocarbon filtration from pore space of matrix into the well.
Key words: carbonate reservoirs, low-permeability reservoirs, fracture, oil and gas provinces. |
article citation | Bulach M.H., Belonovskaya L.G., Gmid L.P. Low-permeability reservoirs of oil and gas provinces of Russia and the CIS // Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika. – 2007. - V.2. - http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/10/029.pdf |