Sleptsova M.I.

Graduated from Ivanovo Chemical and Technological Institute (1983), specialization "chemical engineering" and All-Russia Academy of Foreign Trade (1995), specialization "economics".
PhD in Technical Sciences.
Senior Researcher of Institute of Oil and Gas Problems of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences – a separate subdivision of the Yakut Scientific Center SB RAS (IPNG SB RAS).
Area of scientific interests: petroleum geology, economy of petroleum branch.
Author of 34 publications, 1 patent.
Regional petroleum geology
Article # 39_2023 submitted on 07/13/2023 displayed on website on 10/27/2023
13 p.
pdf The structure of the Taryn thrust zone of the eastern side of the Tompon depression of the Pre-Verkhoyansk marginal trough
This article examines one of the poorly-studied territories of the Pre-Verkhoyansk regional trough, the Tompon depression, where the seismic surveys carried out by JSC Yakutskgeofizika revealed the definition of two zones of the Kitschan-Tomporuk and Taryn thrust hidden under Neogene-Quaternary strata. The authors supplemented previously performed constructions and obtained new data useful for a wide range of researchers. The Kitchan-Tomporuk and Taryn thrust zones are considered, the manifestation of Kimmerian tectogenesis are studied on the example of the Taryn thrust zone. The Kimmerids belong to one of the main epochs of tectogenesis in terms of the formation of oil and gas traps of the Pre-Verkhoyansk marginal trough, the Verkhoyan-Kolyma folded region, and the Arctic shelf. The structures not affected by Cenozoic folding are of primary importance. Among the thrust-type structures, the most promising are the thrusts and ramps. The Taryn thrust is one of the promising objects in the search for hydrocarbon accumulations. In its structure there are thrust plates that do not go out to the erosion section.

Keywords: Kimmerian tectogenesis, promising object for the search for hydrocarbon accumulation, Taryn thrust zone, Tompon depression, Pre-Verkhoyansk marginal trough, south-east of Yakutia.
article citation Obolkin A.P., Grigor'eva T.I., Safronov A.F., Sitnikov V.S., Obolkin A.A., Sleptsova M.I., Sevost'yanova R.F. Stroenie Tarynskoy nadvigovoy zony vostochnogo borta Tomponskoy vpadiny Predverkhoyanskogo kraevogo progiba [The structure of the taryn thrust zone of the eastern side of the Tompon depression of the Pre-Verkhoyansk marginal trough]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2023, vol. 18, no. 4, available at: EDN: KUVSFO
   Geologicheskaya karta Yakutii. Masshtab 1:500 000. Yuzhno-Verkhoyanskiy blok. Listy O-53-A-B; R-53-V-G [Geological map of Yakutia. Scale 1:500,000. South-Verkhoyansk block. Sheets O-53-A-B; R-53-C-G]. Editor V.A. Yanzhinshin. St. Petersburg, Kartfabrika: VSEGEI, 1995.
   Khain V.E., Filatova N.I., Polyakova I.D. Tektonika, geodinamika i perspektivy neftegazonosnosti Vostochno-Arkticheskikh morey i ikh kontinental'nogo obramleniya [Tectonics, geodynamics and prospects of oil and gas potential of the Eastern Arctic Seas and their continental framing]. Trudy Geologicheskogo instituta. Moscow: Nauka, 2009, issue 601, 156 p.
   Obolkin A.P. Postroenie poverkhnosti kristallicheskogo fundamenta severo-vostochnogo sklona Aldanskoy anteklizy po materialam interpretatsii geofizicheskikh poley [Construction of the surface of the crystalline basement of the northeastern slope of the Aldan anteclise based on the interpretation of geophysical data]. Fiziko-tekhnicheskie problemy dobychi, transporta i pererabotki organicheskogo syr'ya v usloviyakh kholodnogo klimata: sbornik trudov II Vserossiyskoy konferentsii (Yakutsk, 9-11 Sept 2019). Kirov: Izd-vo MTsITO, 2019, pp. 43-49.
   Obolkin A.P. Proyavlenie Baykal'skoy skladchatosti v osnovanii Tomponskoy vpadiny vostochnoy okrainy Sibirskoy platformy po dannym seysmorazvedki [Presence of Baikal folding at the base of the Tompon depression of the eastern margin of the Siberian platform according to seismic data]. Geologiya i mineral'no-syr'evye resursy Severo-Vostoka Rossii: materialy XII VNPK IGABM SO RAN (23-25 March 2022). Ed. V.Yu. Fridovskiy. Yakutsk: Izdatel'skiy dom SVFU, 2022, pp. 584-589.
   Obolkin A.P., Sevost'yanova R.F., Sleptsova M.I. Izuchenie vozmozhnogo proyavleniya v seysmicheskom volnovom pole v osnovanii Tastakhskogo progiba Yuzhno-Anyuyskoy sutury na Severo-Vostoke Yakutii [Study of the possible appearance of the South Anyui suture in the seismic wave field at the base of the Tastakh trough in the North-East of Yakutia]. Geologiya i mineral'no-syr'evye resursy Sibiri, 2022, no. 1 (49), pp. 57-62.
   Obolkin A.P., Sitnikov V.S., Alexandrov A.R., Arzhakov N.A., Kovnir B.D., Kulyandina A.S., Sleptsova M.I., Sevostyanova R.F., Syundyukov R.S. Obobshchenie rezul'tatov seysmorazvedochnykh issledovaniy Severo-Vostoka Yakutii [Results of seismical research of the North-Eastern Yakutia]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2017, vol. 12, no. 4, available at: DOI: 10.17353/2070-5379/38_2017
   Obolkin A.P., Sitnikov V.S., Sevost'yanova R.F., Sleptsova M.I. Izuchenie Andrianovskogo podnyatiya na shel'fe Severo-Vostoka metodami seysmostratigraficheskogo i strukturnogo analizov [Study of the Andrianov uplift on the shelf of the Northeast by methods of seismostratigraphical and structural analyses]. Geologiya i neftegazovyy potentsial Respubliki Sakha (Yakutiya): problemy razvedki i osvoeniya: sbornik tezisov Vserossiyskoy nauchnoy konferentsii (Yakutsk, 11 Aug 2022). Kirov: Izd-vo MTsITO, 2022, pp. 72-74.
   Peyton Ch., Veyl P.R., Gregori A.P., Mitchem R.M. ml., Sheriff R. Seysmicheskaya stratigrafiya. Ispol'zovanie pri poiskakh i razvedke nefti i gaza [Seismic stratigraphy. Use in the search and exploration of oil and gas]. Moscow: MIR, 1982, 375 p. (vol. 1), 486 p. (vol. 2).
   Safronov A.F. Istoriya neftegazoobrazovaniya i neftegazonakopleniya v kraevykh sistemakh severa Tikhookeanskogo poyasa [History of petroleum formation and accumulation in the marginal systems of the north of the Pacific belt]. Avtoref. diss… d-ra geol.-min. nauk. Moscow: MGU, 1987, 36 p.
   Safronov A.F. Istoriya razvitiya osadochno-porodnykh basseynov vostoka Sibirskoy platformy [Actual issues of the geology of oil and gas of the Siberian platform]. Aktual'nye voprosy geologii nefti i gaza Sibirskoy platformy: sb. nauch. statey. Yakutsk: Izd-vo YaF SO RAN, 2004, pp. 79-91.
   Shatskiy N.S. Izbrannye trudy. T. 1 [Selected works. Vol. 1]. Moscow: Izd. AN SSSR, 1963, 623 p.
   Tektonika, dinamika i metallogeniya territorii Respubliki Sakha (Yakutiya) [Tectonics, dynamics and metallogeny of the territory of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)]. Moscow: MAIK «Nauka/Interperiodika», 2001, 750 p.
Regional petroleum geology
Section editor – PhD in geology and mineralogy Makarevich V.N.
Article # 44_2018 submitted on 10/24/2018 displayed on website on 12/20/2018
14 p.
pdf Hydrocarbons forecast resources and their development in the Northern Yakutia territories
The results of studies on the assessment of the forecast resources of hydrocarbons in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) are considered. The data on the dynamics of their change as new data of exploration and production on the deep structure of the subsoil of the studied territories and their petroleum potential content are presented. The state of work on the development of forecast oil and gas resources and their conversion into reserves of various categories is highlighted. Examples of the increase in oil and gas reserves in connection with the new conceptions about the accumulations structure are indicated. Set out recommendations for the continuation of prospecting in poorly explored potentially oil and gas areas, as well as the feasibility of returning to certain areas of work of previous years with new scientific ideas and modern technologies of petroleum exploration.

Keywords: hydrocarbons resources, hydrocarbons reserves, petroleum resources forecast, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia).
article citation Sleptsova M.I., Sitnikov V.S., Sevostyanova R.F. Prognoznye resursy uglevodorodov i ikh osvoenie na severnykh territoriyakh Yakutii [Hydrocarbons forecast resources and their development in the Northern Yakutia territories]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2018, vol. 13, no. 1, available at:

   Belonin M.D. O strategii osvoeniya toplivno-energeticheskogo potentsiala Rossii [On the structure of the development of the petroleum and energy potential of Russia]. Strategy for the development and development of the resource base of the main energy carriers of Russia. Coll. of tethes of conf. St. Petersburg, VNIGRI, 2004, p. 9-12.
   Geologiya i neftegazonosnost' osadochnykh basseynov Vostochnoy Sibiri [Geology and petroleum potential of the Eastern Siberia sedimentary basins]. Ed. V.V. Zabaluev, Moscow: Nedra, 1980, 200 p.
   Geologiya nefti i gaza Sibirskoy Platformi [Oil and gas geology of the Siberian platform]. A.S. Antsiferov, V.E. Bakin, I.P. Varlamov, V.I. Vozhov, V.N. Vorob'ev, A.V. Gol'bert, V.V. Grebenyuk, M.P. Grishin, T.I. Gurova, D.I. Drobot, A.E. Kontorovich, V.L. Kuznetsov, V.M. Lebedev, I.G. Levchenko, M.M. Mandel'baum, N.V. Mel'nikov, K.I. Mikulenko, G.D. Nazimkov, V.D. Nakaryakov, I.D. Polyakova, B.L. Ryb'yakov, V.E. Savitskiy, V.V. Samsonov, O.F. Stasova, V.S. Starosel'tsev, V.S. Surkov, A.A. Trofimuk, E.E. Fotiadi, A.V. Khomenko. Editors A.E. Kontorovich, V.S. Surkov, A.A. Trofimuk. Moscow: Nedra, 1981, 552 p.
   Gosudarstvennyy balans zapasov poleznykh iskopaemykh Rossiyskoy Federatsii po Respublike Sakha (Yakutiya) [State balance of mineral reserves of the Russian Federation in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)]. Moscow: Rosgeolfond, 2015.
   Kontorovich A.E. Geologiya nefti i gaza. Izbrannye Trudy [Geology of oil and gas. Selected Works. In 3 tons. T.3. Methods for predicting petroleum potential]. Novosibirsk, 2008, p. 331.
   Mel'nikov N.V., Sitnikov V.S., Starosel'tsev V.S. Demin V.I., Efimov O.A. Kachestvennaya otsenka resursov uglevodorodnogo syr'ya yugo-zapadnoy Yakutii v svete novykh dannykh [Qualitative assessment of hydrocarbon resources of the south-western Yakutia in the light of new data]. State and prospects of development of the mineral complex of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) in modern conditions. Yakutsk, 2002, p. 108-113.
   Serezhenkov V.G., Sitnikov V.S., Arzhakov N.A., Mikulenko K.I., Timirshin K.V. Nadvigovaya tektonika i neftegazonosnost' Predpatomskogo progiba [Thrust tectonics and oil and gas potential of the Prepatom downwarp]. Geologiya nefti i gaza, 1996, no. 9, p. 2-9.
   Sitnikov V.S. Prognoz prioritetnykh napravleniy poiskov nefti na vostoke Sibirsko y platformy [Forecast of the priority directions of oil exploration in the Eeastern Siberian Platform]. Actual problems of forecasting, prospecting, exploration and production of oil and gas in Russia and in the CIS countries. St. Petersburg: Nedra, 2006, p. 433-439.
   Stroenie i evolyutsiya zemnoy kory Yakutii [Structure and evolution of the Earth's crust of Yakutia]. G.S. Gusev, A.F. Petrov, G.S. Fradkin, F.F. Tret'yakov, A.V. Prokop'ev, B.R. Shpunt, A.K. Bobrov, I.E. Moskvitin, M.D. Bulgakova, P.K. Mazaeva, V.S. Sitnikov, V.S. Starosel'tsev, V.V. Gayduk, V.A. Kashirtsev, V.D. Matveev, K.I. Mikulenko, Yu.D. Nedosekin, B.M. Koz'min, V.S. Imaev, Yu.Kh. Protopopov, V.D. Suvorov, V.F. Uarov, G.V. Bocharov, V.I. Solov'ev, A.A. Surnin, I.Sh. Syundyukov, O.V. Grinenko, D.V. Abroskin. Moscow: Nauka, 1985, 247 p.
   Zabaluev V.V. Sravnenie usloviy neftegazonosnosti Sibirskoy i drugikh drevnikh platform [Comparison of oil and gas conditions of the Siberian and other ancient platforms]. The problem of the geology of oil and gas of the Siberian platform. Leningrad, 1982, p. 141-164.

Regional petroleum geology
Section editor – PhD in geology and mineralogy Makarevich V.N.
Article # 38_2017 submitted on 11/03/2017 displayed on website on 11/23/2017
9 p.
pdf  Results of seismical research of the North-Eastern Yakutia
The data on our work method, the volumes carried out and the results obtained in the period 1976-1992 are given using general depth point seismic survey in the Zyryansk, Tomponsky depressions, the Tastakh trough of the North-Eastern Yakutia. Authors compared our results with data concerning the adjacent shelf of the Laptev Sea. It is shown that the synchronous sedimentary sequences can be distinguished on the temporal sections and interpreted as depressions, deflections, and shelves. Field seismic materials are characterized by good quality suitable for processing.

Keywords: general depth point seismic survey, Tastakh trough, Zyryansk, Tomponsky depressions, North-Eastern Yakutia.
article citation Obolkin A.P., Sitnikov V.S., Alexandrov A.R., Arzhakov N.A., Kovnir B.D., Kulyandina A.S., Sleptsova M.I., Sevostyanova R.F., Syundyukov R.S. Obobshchenie rezul'tatov seysmorazvedochnykh issledovaniy Severo-Vostoka Yakutii [Results of seismical research of the North-Eastern Yakutia]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2017, vol. 12, no. 4, available at:

   State Geological Map of the Russian Federation. Scale 1: 1000000 (third generation) The Laptev-Sibiromorskya series. Sheet S-51- Olenek Bay, S-52 - delta of the Lena river. Explanatory note. - St. Petersburg: Publishing House VSEGEI, 2014. P. 15-17, 19, 69-70.
   State Geological Map of the Russian Federation. Scale 1:1000000 (third generation) The Laptev-Sibiromorskaya series. Sheet S-53, 54 - Stolbov, Lyakhov Islands. Explanatory note. - SPb: Publishing House VSEGEI, 2016. P. 70, 142-144.

Petroleum potential and development
Section editor – PhD in geology and mineralogy Zharkov A.M.
Article # 9_2017 submitted on 12/09/2016 displayed on website on 03/21/2017
20 p.
pdf  Newest forecast and data updating of Vilyuy Syneclise (Eastern Siberia) petroleum objects
The research area is the one of the most studied on the Siberian platform. However, the predominant amount of geological and geophysical data had been obtained in the 60-70`s of the last century at a relatively low methodological and technological levels. Until recently, the main focus of research here were almost exclusively on the Mesozoic and Permian sequences, which form the upper part of the sedimentary cover to a depth of 2-6 km. Several gas-condensate fields were discovered, numerous oil shows were identified. The effectiveness of geological exploration of the past years is assessed; and the necessity to return to many of these studied areas again is substantiated taking into account new insights into their structure and using modern technologies of oil and gas exploration. In addition, for the first time the issue of the feasibility study of Vilyuy area and additional investigation was comprehensively considered, where the possible discovery of new hydrocarbon accumulations, mainly oil, is expected.

Keywords: petroleum objects, hydrocarbons accumulation, Mesozoic and Permian sequences, Vilyuy Syneclise, Eastern Siberia.
article citation Sitnikov V.S., Alekseev N.N., Pavlova K.A., Pogodaev A.V., Sleptsova M.I. Noveyshiy prognoz i aktualizatsiya osvoeniya neftegazovykh ob"ektov Vilyuyskoy sineklizy [Newest forecast and data updating of Vilyuy Syneclise (Eastern Siberia) petroleum objects]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2017, vol. 12, no. 1, available at:

   Chernenko V.B., Sivtsev A.I. K probleme relaksatsii yurskoy zalezhi Mastakhskogo GKM [On the problem of the relaxation of the Jurassic deposits, Mastah gas field]. Nauka i obrazovanie, 2015, no. 1, p. 16-21.
   Geologiya nefti i gaza Sibirskoy platformy[Oil and gas geology of the Siberian platform]. A.S. Antsiferov, V.E. Bakin, I.P. Varlamov, V.I. Vozhov, V.N. Vorob'ev, A.V. Gol'bert, V.V. Grebenyuk, M.P. Grishin, T.I. Gurova, D.I. Drobot, A.E. Kontorovich, V.L. Kuznetsov, V.M. Lebedev, I.G. Levchenko, M.M. Mandel'baum, N.V. Mel'nikov, K.I. Mikulenko, G.D. Nazimkov, V.D. Nakaryakov, I.D. Polyakova, B.L. Ryb'yakov, V.E. Savitskiy, V.V. Samsonov, O.F. Stasova, V.S. Starosel'tsev, V.S. Surkov, A.A. Trofimuk, E.E. Fotiadi, A.V. Khomenko. Editors A.E. Kontorovich, V.S. Surkov, A.A. Trofimuk. Moscow: Nedra, 1981, 552 p.
   Golovachev B.C., Kevvay V.F., Kupriyanov Ya.I., Sidorov D.P. Geologicheskie stroenie i neftegazonosnost' mestorozhdeniy Khapchagayskogo rayona. Poiski i razvedka neftyanykh i gazovykh mestorozhdeniy v Yakutskoy ASSR [Geological structure and oil and gas fields of the Hapchagay area]. Yakutsk: izd. YaF SO AN SSSR, 1976, p. 102-114.
   Grausman A.A., Arzhakov M.I., Tugi E.R. Kak eto bylo. Otkrytie nefti i gaza v Yakutii [As it was. Discovery of oil and gas reserves in Yakutia]. Novosibirsk: «Sibtekhnorezerv», 2002, part 1, p.5-31.
   Gudkov A.A. Tektonika osadochnogo chekhla Vilyuyskoy sineklizy i prilegayushchikh rayonov Predverkhoyanskogo progiba [Tectonics of the sedimentary mantle of the Vilyuiskaya syncline and surrounding areas of the Predverhoyansky deflection]. Tektonika, stratigrafiya i litologiya osadochnykh formatsiy Yakutii, Yakutsk: YaF SOAN SSSR, 1968, p. 32-41.
   Matveev V.D., Naydanov V.A. Tektonicheskie formy nizhnepaleozoyskogo strukturnogo plana vostochnoy chasti Vilyuyskoy sineklizy [Tectonic forms of the Lower Paleozoic structural plan for the eastern part of the Vilyuiskaya syneclise]. Izd. AN SSSR. Ser. Geol, 1981, no. 12, p. 131-136.
   Megakompleksy i glubinnaya struktura zemnoy kory neftegazonosnykh provintsiy Sibirskoy platform [Megacomplexes and deep structure of the Earth crust of petroleum provinces of the Siberian platform]. M.P. Grishin, V.S. Starosel'tsev, V.S. Surkov, V.I. Lotyshev, P.K. Mazaeva, A.V. Migurskiy, K.I. Mikulenko, G.F. Popilukha, E.E. Fotiadi, G.S. Fradkin, V.B. Khmelevskiy, V.A. Astashkin, O.V. Vaag, V.V. Gayduk, V.V. Grebenyuk, G.S. Gusev, T.A. Divina, V.A. Kashirtsev, A.E. Kontorovich, R.G. Matukhin, N.V. Mel'nikov, V.A. Mikheev, A.V. Parshin, A.Ya. Khlebnikov, B.R. Shpunt. Moscow: Nedra, 1987, 204 p.
   Protopopov Yu.Kh. Tektonicheskie kompleksy platformennogo chekhla Vilyuyskoy sineklizy [Tectonic complexes of platform mantle of the Vilyuiskaya syncline]. Yakutsk: Izd. YaNTs SO RAN, 1993, 48 p.
   Shatskiy N.S. O vozmozhnykh neftenosnykh rayonakh Sovetskogo Soyuza [On the possible oil-bearing regions of the Soviet Union]. Geologiya i poleznye iskopaemye Severa SSSR. Leningrad, 1936, vol. 11, p. 299-307.
   Sitnikov B.C., Kushmar I.A., Prishchepa O.M., Pogodaev A.V. Perspektivy neftenosnosti yuzhnoy chasti Vilyuyskoy sineklizy [Oil potential prospects of the southern part of the Vilyuiskaya syncline]. Razvedka i okhrana nedr, 2014, no. 7, p. 22-28.
   Sitnikov B.C., Spektor V.B. Vilyuysko-Aldanskaya sistema dislokatsiy [Vilyi-Aldan system of dislocations]. Geofizicheskie issledovaniya v Yakutii, Yakutsk: YaF SO AN SSSR, 1978, p. 1021.
   Stroenie i evolyutsiya zemnoy kory Yakutii [Structure and evolution of the Earth's crust of Yakutia]. G.S. Gusev, A.F. Petrov, G.S. Fradkin, F.F. Tret'yakov, A.V. Prokop'ev, B.R. Shpunt, A.K. Bobrov, I.E. Moskvitin, M.D. Bulgakova, P.K. Mazaeva, V.S. Sitnikov, V.S. Starosel'tsev, V.V. Gayduk, V.A. Kashirtsev, V.D. Matveev, K.I. Mikulenko, Yu.D Nedosekin, B.M. Koz'min, V.S. Imaev, Yu.Kh. Protopopov, V.D. Suvorov, V.F. Uarov, G.V. Bocharov, V.I. Solov'ev, A.A. Surnin, I.Sh. Syundyukov, O.V. Grinenko, D.V. Abroskin. Moscow: Nauka, 1985, 247 p.