Ibagarov M.K.


Graduated from the Kazakh-British Technical University (2012), bachelor's degree in oil and gas business; Manchester University, UK (2018), Master of Science in Petroleum Geology.
Deputy Director of the Geological Exploration Department of JSC NC "QazaqGaz", Taraz, Republic of Kazakhstan.
Area of scientific interests: geochemical studies of oil, structural geology.
Geochemical research
Article # 41_2022 submitted on 04/05/2022 displayed on website on 11/04/2022
34 p.
pdf Integrated geochemical investigations of gas condensate, gas and core of gas condensate fields of the Moyinkum trough (Republic of Kazakhstan)
The paper presents the results of geochemical studies of gas condensate, gas and core samples from several fields of the Moyinkum trough (Amangeldi, Zharkum, Anabay, Sultankuduk and Airakty) in order to characterize their parent strata and determine the genetic origin of gas condensates and gas. The obtained results of studies of gas condensates are well correlated with the results of gas analyzes: according to the biomarker composition, all the studied gas condensates were formed in clayey (terrigenous) parent strata deposited in the lake environment with the contribution of terrigenous organic matter, while according to the isotopic composition of carbon, all studied gases were also generated from terrigenous parent rock (kerogen type III) with an equivalent vitrinite reflectance of 1.8-2.2%. The thermal parameters of biomarkers showed that among the studied samples of the fields of the Moyinkum trough, the gas condensates of the Amangeldy field have the highest thermal maturity, which is also confirmed by the isotopic composition of carbon. Based on the results of Rock-Eval pyrolysis and the reflectivity of vitrinite, intervals of active parent strata were identified.

Keywords: source rock, organic matter, gas condensate field, biomarker, carbon isotopic composition, Rock-Eval pyrolysis, vitrinite reflectivity, Moyinkum trough, Republic of Kazakhstan.
article citation Seytkhaziev E.Sh., Ibagarov M.K. Kompleksnye geokhimicheskie issledovaniya gazokondensata, gaza i kerna gazokondensatnykh mestorozhdeniy Moynkumskogo progiba (Respublika Kazakhstan) [Integrated geochemical investigations of gas condensate, gas and core of gas condensate fields of the Moyinkum trough (Republic of Kazakhstan)]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2022, vol. 17, no. 4, available at: http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/2022/41_2022.html
DOI https://doi.org/10.17353/2070-5379/41_2022
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