Verba M.L.
Graduated from Leningrad Mining Institute, specialization «geology and prospecting of oil and gas fields» (1958).
PhD in geology and mineralogy.
Head of department of the Research Institute of Arctic Geology (1983-1994). Chief Geologist (1994-2000) and Chief Researcher of «Sevmorgeo».
Area of scientific interest: geology and petroleum potential of Arctic shelf, oil and gas fields’ tectonics; general questions of the evolution of the Earth, the latest tectonic movements, use of quantitative methods in studying the history of sedimentary and katagenetic processes.
Author of 250 publications, including 13 monographs.
Article # 49_2011 | submitted on 10/27/2011 displayed on website on 12/08/2021 |
12 p. | Verba M.L., Ivanov G.I., Tikhonova I.M. |
Central and southern areas of Okhotsk Sea: geological, geochemical and geophysical evidence of oil and gas potential prospects | |
The new seismical and gas-geochemical data, obtained from the key profiles 2-DV-M ("Magadan – Urup island") and 1-OM ("Shantary – Onekotan island ") in the Okhotsk Sea, are analyzed. Information that indicates the presence of salt dome in the Neogene-Quaternary sediments of the South-Okhotsk depression is provided. The salt dome is considered as a favorable object for further research. The distribution of gas hydrate accumulations in the deepwater areas is confirmed. It is concluded that the central regions of the Okhotsk Sea, which experienced intense crustal stretching in the Cenozoic, are the most perspective for new hydrocarbon deposits’ prospecting.
Key words: deep-water kettle, seismic profiles, gas-geochemical anomalies, salt dome, gas hydrate deposits, oil and gas potential prospects, Okhotsk Sea. |
article citation | Verba M.L., Ivanov G.I., Tikhonova I.M. Central and southern areas of Okhotsk Sea: geological, geochemical and geophysical evidence of oil and gas potential prospects // Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika. – 2011. -V.6. - #4.- http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/1/49_2011.pdf |
Article # 46_2016 | submitted on 10/25/2016 displayed on website on 11/28/2016 |
17 p. | Verba M.L. |
Paleozoic section of the sedimentary cover of the East Siberian Sea’s northern outskirts and its importance to petroleum potential assessment | |
A section of regional seismic profile crossing the shelf of the East Siberian Sea from Wrangell Island to Mendeleev Uplift made in accordance with modern technologies is analyzed. It was found that the platform cover of the region includes not only the Upper Cretaceous and Cenozoic rocks with thickness up 0.5-1.5 km, as previously believed, but also two Late Paleozoic - Mesozoic sequences with a total thickness not less than 4-5 km. It was concluded on the basis of speed waves characteristics analysis and regional comparisons that petroleum generating potential preserved even into the lowest part of these strata. Carbonate levels characterized as favorable reservoir buildings of cavernous type are identified in this section. It is shown that the use of light modification of seismic survey in the region leads to partial coverage of the sedimentary section and to petroleum potential under-estimation.
Keywords: sedimentary cover, Upper Paleozoic, carbonate rocks, petroleum potential prospects, East Siberian Sea. |
article citation | Verba M.L. Paleozoyskie porody v osadochnom chekhle severnoy okrainy Vostochno-Sibirskogo morya i ikh vklad v obshchuyu otsenku perspektiv neftegazonosnosti [Paleozoic section of the sedimentary cover of the East Siberian Sea’s northern outskirts and its importance to petroleum potential assessment]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2016, vol. 11, no. 4, available at: http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/5/46_2016.pdf |
DOI | https://doi.org/10.17353/2070-5379/46_2016 |
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Bruvoll, V., Kristoffersen, Y., Coakley, B.J., Hopper, J.R. Hemipelagic deposits on the Mendeleev and north western Alpha submarine Ridges in the Arctic Ocean: acoustic stratigraphy, depositional environment and an inter-ridge correlation calibrated by the ACEX results. Mar. Geophys. Res. (2010) 31:149-171.
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Article # 46_2015 | submitted on 11/27/2015 displayed on website on 12/28/2015 |
35 p. | Verba M.L. |
Interaction of igneous and sedimentary rocks of archipelago of Svalbard in the light of the petroleum potential evaluation | |
Inflow of gas and light oil in important quantities in the coal deposits on the Petunia bay banks in the upper reaches of Bill fjord on Western Svalbard Island, was a powerful argument in favor of oil and gas prospects of these and underlying Devonian sediments. Drill holes together with the results of ground-based studies have shown that metamorphic rocks of Atomfella series developed in the area of Bill fjord fault, which considered to be Archean-Early Proterozoic formations for a long time, are in fact Middle Paleozoic intrusions of gabbro, the thermal effect of which on the surrounding Upper Devonian and Lower Carboniferous rocks caused the accelerated maturation of the organic matter and intensive generation of light oil, revealed by boreholes. Keywords: sediments, Devonian, Carboniferous, gabbro, intrusion, metamorphism, organic matter, generation of oil, Western Svalbard Island. |
article citation | Verba M.L. Vzaimodeystvie izverzhennykh i osadochnykh porod arkhipelaga Shpitsbergen v svete otsenki perspektiv neftegazonosnosti [Interaction of igneous and sedimentary rocks of archipelago of Svalbard in the light of the petroleum potential evaluation]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2015, vol. 10, no. 4, available at: http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/4/46_2015.pdf |
DOI | https://doi.org/10.17353/2070-5379/46_2015 |
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Verba M.L. Kollektornye svoystva porod osadochnogo chekhla arkhipelaga Shpitsbergen [Sedimentary cover reservoir of Svalbard archipelago]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2013, vol. 8, no. 1, available at: http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/4/5_2013.pdf
Verba M.L. Kontaktovyy metamorfizm kamennougol'nykh otlozheniy v zone Billef'ordskogo razloma [Contact metamorphism of coal deposits in the area of the Billeford fault]. Razvedka i okhrana nedr, no. 1, 2005, p. 26 - 35.
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Article # 5_2013 | submitted on 07/27/2012 displayed on website on 01/14/2013 |
45 p. | Verba M.L. |
Sedimentary cover reservoir of Svalbard archipelago | |
The data obtained by the author during field works in the vicinity of the Barentsburg and Pyramid mines of Arktikugol complex of enterprises are analyzed. Additional information obtained by previous researchers in various areas of the Svalbard archipelago, including wells Grumantskaya-1 and Raddedalen-1, is used, as well as the results of petrophysical study of the collection of geologists of Polar Marine Geological Expedition and VNIIOkeangeologia. The results of laboratory study of porosity, density, velocity and magnetic properties are presented. It is concluded that the Phanerozoic sediments’ section is not so hopeless in terms of porosity and permeability as previously thought. Furthermore, the section of Svalbard archipelago has similar features with the section of the Timan-Pechora province in terms of reservoir properties (one of the prerequisites for petroleum potential). The different types of reservoirs are identified on the basis of petrophysical properties in the Lower Paleozoic, Middle Devonian, Lower and Middle Carboniferous, Middle Triassic and Cretaceous-Paleocene strata, which sometimes contain fluid migration. The halogen bands and permafrost rocks are considered as confining beds.
Key words: petrophysics, reservoirs, confining beds, permafrost, sedimentary cover, Phanerozoic, wells, Svalbard archipelago. |
article citation | Verba M.L. Kollektornye svoystva porod osadochnogo chekhla arkhipelaga Shpitsbergen [Sedimentary cover reservoir of Svalbard archipelago]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2013, vol. 8, no. 1, available at: http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/4/5_2013.pdf |
DOI | https://doi.org/10.17353/2070-5379/5_2013 |
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Article # 31_2012 | submitted on 03/26/2012 displayed on website on 06/26/2012 |
37 p. | Verba M.L. |
Middle Paleozoic deposits of Andre-Dickson aulacogen (Spitsbergen) - geological and geochemical background for petroleum potential prospects | |
Some geological, geophysical and chemical data on the material composition, occurrence conditions and nature of organic matter of the Middle Paleozoic deposits (Bille-Fjord, Western Spitsbergen) are analyzed. It is shown that the formational characteristics of the Devonian strata have excluded the possibility of its finding in the basement of Svalbard plate and have proved its belonging to the undisturbed formations of sedimentary cover of rift depression (proposed name for rift depression - Andre-Dickson aulacogene). The evidence of absence of regional "Svalbard" unconformity, which was previously regarded as the base of sedimentary cover of Svalbard plate, is provided. The near-contact metamorphism was identified along the Bille-Fjord fault, caused by the powerful series of the Carboniferous mafic intrusions, which were previously regarded as a horst of the Pre-Cambrian rocks. The features of “hot” contact between this intrusion and the Carboniferous surrounding rocks are described. It is concluded that the Devonian and Carboniferous deposits that make up a single powerful sin-rift complex, represent a perspective object for oil prospecting and is associated with productive stratum of the same age of the Pechora-Kolva aulacogen in view of its characteristics, conditions of formation and location in the section. The presence of wet hydrocarbon gas, gas condensate and light oil in the section of coal deposits on the shores of the Petunia Bay is regarded as a result of accelerated maturation of organic matter under conditions of thermal effects of hot magma on the surrounding sedimentary rocks.
Key words: coal-bearing deposits, organic matter, Carbon, Devon, intrusion, gabbro, "hot" contact, gas, gas condensate, light oil, semi-commercial inflow, Spitsbergen, Bille-Fjord. |
article citation | Verba M.L. Geologicheskie i geokhimicheskie predposylki perspektiv neftenosnosti srednepaleozoyskikh otlozheniy Andre-Diksonskogo avlakogena (Shpitsbergen) [Middle Paleozoic deposits of Andre-Dickson aulacogen (Spitsbergen) - geological and geochemical background for petroleum potential prospects]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2012, vol. 7, no. 2, available at: http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/1/31_2012.pdf |
Burov Yu.P., Semevskiy D.V. Osnovnye cherty tektonicheskogo stroeniya devonskogo grabena (ostrov Shpitsbergen) [The main features of the tectonic structure of the Devonian graben (Spitsbergen)]. Geologiya Sval'barda. Leningrad: NIIGA, 1976, pp. 103-116. |
Article # 026 | displayed on website on 06/28/2007 |
37 p. | Verba M.L. |
Current Bilateral crustal extension in the Barents-Kara Region and its role in hydrocarbon potential evaluation | |
Neotectonic morphological structures, regarded as the result of tectonic creep (dilation) of the Earth's crust under its bilateral extension, have been identified on the basis of geophysical and geomorphological data analysis in the Barents-Kara region. The morphology, genesis and age of off-shelf troughs, inner-shelf subsidence structures and small negative forms of relief not filled with sediments and identified in the axial zone of the Barents-North Kara megadepression, the apical zones of troughs in the offshore of the Gulf of Ob, in the Gorlo Strait of the White Sea, in the west of the shelf and the adjacent coasts have been considered. The general features of extension structures are described, their regmageneous origin, linked to the processes of rifting during Eurasian basin formation in the Arctic Ocean, have been identified. The conclusion of the significant role of thixotropy properties of water-saturated sedimentary formations under their plastic deformation has been made. And finally practical significance of the neotectonic activity of the Barents-Kara shelf in the petroleum geological forecast, especially in evaluation of the size of current hydrocarbon fluids migration, has been pointed out. The necessity of neotectonic factors consideration to ensure the safety of engineering and geological works in the offshore area is highlighted. Key words: neotectonics, sedimentary cover, rifting, creep, thixotropy, dilation, trough, morphostructure, pockmarks, Barents Sea, Kara Sea, oil and gas potential, migration, oil exploration. |
article citation | Verba M.L. Current Bilateral crustal extension in the Barents-Kara Region and its role in hydrocarbon potential evaluation // Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika. - 2007. - V.2. - http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/4/026.pdf |
Article # 018 | displayed on website on 05/31/2007 |
22 p. | Verba M.L. |
Natural hydrocarbon manifestations in the sedimentary cover of Svalbard | |
The characteristics of quantitative and qualitative composition of dispersed organic matter and level of catagenetic transformation common for oil and gas generation potential of the sequence, and systematic data on the natural hydrocarbon manifestations (bitumen, oils and combustible gases) from outcrops, mines (coal mines) and drill holes within the Upper Riphean to Paleogene sedimentary formations is presented on the basis of the geological and laboratory geochemical research carried out by the author since 1986, as well as the results of previous Russian scientists’ research within the Russian area of Svalbard during different periods, and the published data on the foreign scientists oil and gas exploration.
Some conclusions are made on the presens of three most prospective for oil and natural gas deposits (Upper Devonian - Middle Carboniferous, Upper Permian - Triassic and Paleogene), the connection between the periods of petroleum formation with tectonic (rift) activity in the region, the positive role of intrusions in the formation of light oil deposits, discovered in the Petunia bay area in Carboniferous deposits, and the absence of negative impact of Cenozoic uplifts on the preservation of hydrocarbon accumulations.
The priority of Russian scientists in the first oil reserves discovery in the archipelago from Paleogene sediments in Laylenskaya area and from Carboniferous sediments in Ebbadalenskaya area is marked.
Key words: Phanerozoic, Carbon, Paleogene, sedimentary cover, organic matter, catagenesis, oil and gas manifestations, oil and gas reserves, oil and gas potential, the archipelago of Svalbard, license blocks. |
article citation | Verba M.L. Natural hydrocarbon manifestations in the sedimentary cover of Svalbard // Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika. – 2007. - V.2. - http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/6/018.pdf |