Grislina M.N.
Graduated from St. Petersburg Mining Institute named after G.V. Plekhanov (2007), specialization "applied mineralogy, petrology and geochemistry".
Researcher of the St. Petersburg branch of All-Russian Research Geological Oil Institute (VNIGNI).
Area of scientific interests: lithology, sedimentology, natural reservoirs, forecast of non-structural hydrocarbon traps.
Author of 14 publications.
Stratigraphy and lithology
Article # 1_2024 | submitted on 01/29/2024 displayed on website on 02/22/2024 |
37 p. | Shimanskiy V.V., Taninskaya N.V., Nizyaeva I.S., Kolpenskaya N.N., Vasil'ev N.Ya., Shimanskiy S.V., Myasnikova M.A., Zel'tser V.N., Nugumanova A.A., Grislina M.N. |
Paleogeographic reconstructions of Jurassic strata of Western Siberia | |
Based on the integration of geological and geophysical data, the facies and sedimentation environments of the Jurassic strata of Western Siberia were determined. As a result, paleogeographic maps were created for the Lower Jurassic (Late Toarcian), Middle Jurassic (Bajocian, Bathonian, Callovian) and Upper Jurassic (Oxfordian, Kimmeridgian) oil and gas structures. New research carried out at the modern level has made it possible to significantly clarify and detail the general picture of paleogeographical development and to identify the stages of evolution of the Jurassic sedimentation basin for the entire territory of West Siberia petroleum province. Facies that are promising for the formation of non-structural hydrocarbon traps have been identified. Keywords: Jurassic terrigenous strata, facies, sedimentation environment, paleogeographic reconstruction, non-structural trap, West Siberian petroleum province. |
article citation | Shimanskiy V.V., Taninskaya N.V., Nizyaeva I.S., Kolpenskaya N.N., Vasil'ev N.Ya., Shimanskiy S.V., Myasnikova M.A., Zel'tser V.N., Nugumanova A.A., Grislina M.N. Paleogeograficheskie rekonstruktsii yurskikh otlozhenii Zapadnoi Sibiri [Paleogeographic reconstructions of Jurassic strata of Western Siberia]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2024, vol. 19, no. 1, available at: http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/2024/1_2024.html. EDN: AUQIHF |
Atlas of lithologic-paleogeographical maps of the Jurassic and Cretaceous periods of the West Siberian Plain, scale 1:5000000; ed. I.I. Nesterov. Tyumen, 1976, issue 93, 24 p. (Proceedings of ZapSibNIGNI). (In Russ.)
Atlas of lithological and paleogeographical maps of the USSR. Vol. III. Triassic, Jurassic and Cretaceous periods; Ch. ed. A.P. Vinogradov. Moscow: All-Union Aerogeological Trust of the Ministry of Geology of the USSR, 1968, 71 p. (In Russ.)
Decision of the 6th Interdepartmental Stratigraphic Meeting on the consideration and adoption of refined stratigraphic schemes of Mesozoic strata of Western Siberia. Novosibirsk, 2003. Explanatory note. Novosibirsk, 2004, 114 p. (In Russ.)
Devyatov V.P. Bituminous clays of the lower Toarcian of the Siberian platform. Geology of coal-bearing and combustible shale formations of Siberia. Novosibirsk: SNIIGGMS, 1987, p. 1. (In Russ.)
Devyatov V.P., Nikitenko B.L., Shurygin B.N. Paleogeography of Siberia in the Jurassic period at the stages of major restructuring. News of paleontology and stratigraphy. Supplement to the journal "Geology and Geophysics", 2011, issue 16-17, vol. 52, pp. 87-101. (In Russ.)
Explanatory note to the atlas of lithologic-paleogeographical maps of the Jurassic and Cretaceous periods of the West Siberian Plain on a scale of 1:5000000; edited by I.I. Nesterova. Tyumen: ZapSibNIGNI, 1976, 87 p. (In Russ.)
Geological structure and oil and gas content of the Lower-Middle Jurassic of the West Siberian petroleum province / F.G. Gurari, V.P. Devyatov, V.I. Demin, A.E. Ekhanin, A.M. Kazakov, G.V. Kasatkina, N.I. Kurushin, N.K. Mogucheva, V.V. Sapyanik, O.V. Serebrennikova, L.V. Smirnov, L.G. Smirnova, V.S. Surkov, G.G. Sysolova, O.V. Shiganova. Novosibirsk: Nauka, 2005, 156 p. (In Russ.)
History of the development of the relief of Siberia and the Far East: In 15 volumes. Ed. V.N. Saxon. Novosibirsk: Institute of Geology and Geophysics of the Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences, 1964-1976, 1978. (In Russ.)
Ilyin Yu.M., Sapyanik V.V., Naydenov L.F. Western Siberia. Paleogeographical schemes of Jurassic stratigraphic levels. Tyumen: OJSC "TNK-BP", 2005, 85 p. (In Russ.)
Kolpenskaya N.N., Nizyaeva I.S., Taninskaya N.V., Shimansky V.V., Bakuev O.V., Naydenov L.F. Sedimentation conditions of productive levels of Upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous strata on the eastern side of the Bolshekheta depression of the West Siberian plate. Geologiya nefti i gaza, 2014, no. 6, pp. 2-10. (In Russ.)
Kolpenskaya N.N., Taninskaya N.V., Khafizov S.F., Shimansky V.V. Lithological and paleogeographic criteria for predicting zones of development of non-structural hydrocarbon traps in Jurassic strata in the south of the Tyumen region. St. Petersburg: Nedra, 2006, 168 p. (In Russ.)
Kolpenskaya N.N., Taninskaya N.V., Shimansky V.V., Myasnikova M.A., Volkov V.A. Forecast of development zones of hydrocarbon reservoirs in Jurassic strata of the Karabash zone of Western Siberia. Exploration and protection of subsurface resources, 2017, no. 7, pp. 44-49. (In Russ.)
Kontorovich A.E., Kontorovich V.A., Ryzhkova S.V., Shurygin B.N., Vakulenko L.G., Gaideburova E.A., Danilova V.P., Kazanenkov V.A., Kim N.S., Kostyreva E.A., Moskvin V.I., Yan P.A. Palaeogeography of the West Siberian sedimentary basin in the Jurassic period. Geology and Geophysics, 2013 vol. 54, no. 8, pp. 972-1012. (In Russ.)
Kontorovich V.A. Tectonics and oil and gas potential of the western part of the Yenisey-Khatanga regional trough. Geology and Geophysics, 2011, vol. 52 (8), pp. 1027-1050. (In Russ.)
Kurchikov A.R., Borodkin V.N. Characteristics of the geological structure and oil and gas potential of the Jurassic oil and gas complex of Western Siberia. - Novosibirsk: Publishing House SB RAS, 2015, 140 p. (In Russ.)
Mesezhnikov M.S., Balabanova P.F., Vereninova P.P., Galerkina S.T., Dzhinoridze N.M., Kirina T.I., Kravets V.S., Chirva S.A. Paleogeography of the north of the USSR in the Jurassic and Cretaceous periods. Questions of paleogeography, paleobiogeography of the Mesozoic north of the USSR. Leningrad: Nedra, 1971, issue 304, pp. 3-133. (Proceedings of VNIGRI). (In Russ.)
Muromtsev B.S. Electrometric geology of sand bodies - lithological traps of oil and gas. Leningrad: Nedra, 1984, 260 p. (In Russ.)
Myasnikova M.A., Taninskaya N.V., Nizyaeva I.S., Vasiliev N.Ya., Zeltser V.N. Facies modeling of Bathonian strata of the Lyaminsky oil and gas region of Western Siberia. Jurassic system of Russia: problems of stratigraphy and paleogeography: materials of the Seventh All-Russian meeting. Moscow: GIN RAS, 2017, pp. 149-152. (In Russ.)
Nizyaeva I.S. Lithological-facies criteria for predicting reservoirs in the Upper Jurassic strata of the Yugansk oil and gas region. Materials of the VIII All-Russian Lithological Meeting (Moscow, October 27-30, 2015). Moscow: RSU named after I.M. Gubkin, 2015, vol. 2, pp. 99-102. (In Russ.)
Nizyaeva I.S. Sedimentological features of the Middle Jurassic oil-prospective strata of the Uvat region in the south of the Tyumen region. Jurassic system of Russia: problems of stratigraphy and paleogeography: materials of the 4th All-Russian meeting (St. Petersburg, September 26-30, 2011). St. Petersburg, 2011, pp. 153-155. (In Russ.)
Nizyaeva I.S., Shimansky V.V., Taninskaya N.V., Kolpenskaya N.N. Lithological-facies reconstructions of Upper Jurassic strata of the central and southern parts of the West Siberian oil and gas pipeline. St. Petersburg-2016. Through the integration of geosciences - to comprehend the harmony of the subsoil: materials of the 7th international geological and geophysical conference EAGE. St. Petersburg: EAGE, 2016. (In Russ.)
Nizyaeva I.S., Shimansky V.V., Taninskaya N.V., Myasnikova M.A. Facies variability of the Middle-Upper Jurassic strata of the northern part of the Pyl-Karaminsky oil and gas region. Modern problems of sedimentology in oil and gas engineering: proceedings of the III All-Russian scientific and practical meeting. Tomsk, 2017, pp.108-111. (In Russ.)
Nugumanova A.A., Shimansky V.V., Taninskaya N.V., Nizyaeva I.S., Kolpenskaya N.N., Raevskaya E.G., Vasiliev N.Ya., Myasnikova M.A., Zeltser V.N., Grislina M.N., Mirzoeva I.I. Paleogeographic reconstructions of the formation conditions of Jurassic strata of the West Siberian sedimentation basin. Materials of the IX All-Russian meeting with international participation: Jurassic system of Russia. Syktyvkar: IG Komi Scientific Center Ural Branch RAS, 2023, pp. 117-119 p. (In Russ.)
Paleogeography of the Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous of the West Siberian petroleum province: in 2 books. V.V. Shimansky, N.V. Taninskaya, I.S. Nizyaeva, N.N. Kolpenskaya, E.G. Raevskaya, N.Ya. Vasiliev, M.A. Myasnikova, V.N. Zeltser, M.N. Grislina, I.I. Mirzoeva, A.A. Nugumanova; FSBI "VNIGNI". Book 1. St. Petersburg: Renome, 2023a, 232 p. (In Russ.)
Paleogeography of the North of the USSR in the Jurassic period. V.A. Basov, T.A. Vereninova, V.A. Zakharov, E.D. Kalacheva, V.S. Kravets, S.V. Meledina, M.S. Messezhnikov, T.I. Nal'nyaeva, K.V. Paraketsov, I.V. Polubotko, Yu.S. Repin, Z.Z. Ronkina, I.I. Sey, S.A. Chirva, B.N. Shurygin. Novosibirsk: Nauka, 1983, 188 p. (In Russ.)
Paleolandscapes of Western Siberia in the Jurassic, Cretaceous and Paleogeneю A.V. Gol'bert, L.G. Markova, I.D. Polyakova, V.N. Saks, Yu.V. Teslenko. Moscow: Nauka, 1968, 150 p. (In Russ.)
Shimansky V.V., Khafizov S.F., Taninskaya N.V., Eganyants R.T., Kolpenskaya N.N., Shibina T.D. Sedimentation models of Jurassic strata in the south of the Tyumen region as a basis for forecasting oil and gas potential. Oil lithology. Non-structural traps and unconventional reservoir types. St. Petersburg: Nedra, 2004, pp. 50-61. (In Russ.)
Shimansky V.V., Khafizov S.F., Taninskaya N.V., Kolpenskaya N.N. Sedimentation criteria for predicting the oil and gas potential of Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous strata of Western Siberia. State, trends and problems of development of oil and gas potential of Western Siberia: materials of the International Academic Conference. Tyumen: ZapSibNIIGG, 2008, pp. 83-91. (In Russ.)
Shimansky V.V., Khafizov S.F., Taninskaya N.V., Kolpenskaya N.N., Eganyants R.T. Lithological hydrocarbon traps in Jurassic strata in the south of the Tyumen region. Non-structural, complex traps - the main reserve for the growth of hydrocarbon raw materials in Russia. St. Petersburg: Nedra, 2005, pp. 36-47. (In Russ.)
Shimansky V.V., Kos I.M., Khafizov S.F., Taninskaya N.V. Lithogenetic criteria for forecasting oil and gas content in Jurassic and Cretaceous strata of the Latitudinal Ob region. Current problems of forecasting, prospecting, exploration and production of oil and gas in Russia and the CIS countries. Geology, ecology, economics. St. Petersburg: Nedra, 2006, pp. 135-140. (In Russ.)
Shimansky V.V., Nizyaeva I.S., Taninskaya N.V., Kolpenskaya N.N., Vasiliev N.Ya., Myasnikova M.A., Zeltser V.N. Sedimentation model of oil and gas bearing strata of the Vasyugan Formation of the northeastern parts of the Latitudinal Ob region. Geologiya nefti i gaza, 2017, no. 5, pp. 21-30. (In Russ.)
Shimansky V.V., Taninskaya N.V., Kolpenskaya N.N. Methodological aspects of forecasting non-structural hydrocarbon traps using the example of Jurassic-Cretaceous strata of Western Siberia. Bulletin of the Moscow Society of Nature Testers. Dept. Geology, 2014, vol. 89, issue. 4, pp. 24-39. (In Russ.)
Shimansky V.V., Taninskaya N.V., Kolpenskaya N.N. Methods of lithogenetic modeling of oil and gas reservoirs. Materials of the All-Russian lithological meeting dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of L.B. Rukhina. St. Petersburg, 2012, pp. 198-200. (In Russ.)
Shimansky V.V., Taninskaya N.V., Kolpenskaya N.N., Nizyaeva I.S. Vasiliev N.Ya. Sedimentation modeling in the forecast and search for non-structural traps. Geologiya nefti i gaza, 2016, no. 3, pp. 55-65. (In Russ.)
Shimansky V.V., Taninskaya N.V., Kolpenskaya N.N., Vasiliev N.Ya., Nizyaeva I.S. Sedimentation modeling in the forecast and search for non-structural hydrocarbon traps. Exploration and protection of subsoil, 2016, no. 10, pp. 13-18. (In Russ.)
Shimansky V.V., Taninskaya N.V., Raevskaya E.G., Nizyaeva I.S., Vasiliev N.Ya., Gizdatullina I.I., Grislina M.N., Zunde K.A. Paleogeographic criteria for predicting the oil and gas content of Jurassic strata in Western Siberia. St. Petersburg-2020. Geosciences: transforming knowledge into resources: materials of the 9th international geological and geophysical conference and exhibition EAGE (St. Petersburg, November 16-19, 2020). Saint Petersburg. (In Russ.)
Shurygin B.N., Nikitenko B.L., Meledina S.V., Dzyuba O.S., Knyazev V.G. Complex zonal scales of the Jurassic of Siberia and their significance for circum-Arctic correlations. Geology and Geophysics, 2011, vol. 52, no. 8, pp. 1051-1074. (In Russ.)
Stratigraphy of oil and gas basins of Siberia. Jurassic system. B.N. Shurygin, B.L. Nikitenko, V.P. Devyatov, V.I. Ilyina, S.V. Meledina, E.A. Gaideburova, O.S. Dzyuba, A.M. Kazakov, N.K. Mogucheva. Novosibirsk: Publishing house of the SB RAS "Geo", 2000, 480 p. (In Russ.)
Taninskaya N.V., Kolpenskaya N.N., Nizyaeva I.S., Grislina M.N., Pashinsky A.A. Sedimentation models of Jurassic-Cretaceous strata of Western Siberia. Materials of the All-Russian lithological meeting dedicated to the 100th anniversary of birth of L.B. Rukhin. St. Petersburg, 2012, pp.124-126. (In Russ.)
Taninskaya N.V., Shimansky V.V., Kolpenskaya N.N., Nizyaeva I.S., Filatova M.N. Sedimentation criteria for predicting hydrocarbons in Jurassic strata of the south of Western Siberia. Jurassic system of Russia: problems of stratigraphy and paleogeography: materials of the 4th All-Russian meeting. St. Petersburg, 2011, pp. 211-213. (In Russ.)
Vasiliev N.Ya., Taninskaya N.V., Shimansky V.V., Nizyaeva I.S., Kolpenskaya N.N. Sedimentation models of the Lower Cretaceous oil and gas complex of the north of Western Siberia. Materials of the 2nd scientific-practical conference. Novosibirsk: SNIIGIMS, 2015, vol. 2, pp. 23-27. (In Russ.)
Zakharov V.A. Biogeography, facies and stratigraphy of the Middle Jurassic of the Soviet Arctic (based on bivalves). V.A. Zakharov, B.N. Shurygin. Tr. IGG SB RAS, 1978, issue 352, 206 p. (In Russ.)
Zeltser V.N., Taninskaya N.V., Shimansky V.V., Myasnikova M.A., Vasiliev N.Ya., Nizyaeva I.S. Lithological-facies reconstructions of Lower-Middle Jurassic strata of the Yugan zone of Western Siberia. Geomodel-2017: materials of the 19th international scientific and practical conference on geological exploration and development of oil and gas fields EAGE. Gelendzhik, 2017. (In Russ.)
Atlas of lithological and paleogeographical maps of the USSR. Vol. III. Triassic, Jurassic and Cretaceous periods; Ch. ed. A.P. Vinogradov. Moscow: All-Union Aerogeological Trust of the Ministry of Geology of the USSR, 1968, 71 p. (In Russ.)
Decision of the 6th Interdepartmental Stratigraphic Meeting on the consideration and adoption of refined stratigraphic schemes of Mesozoic strata of Western Siberia. Novosibirsk, 2003. Explanatory note. Novosibirsk, 2004, 114 p. (In Russ.)
Devyatov V.P. Bituminous clays of the lower Toarcian of the Siberian platform. Geology of coal-bearing and combustible shale formations of Siberia. Novosibirsk: SNIIGGMS, 1987, p. 1. (In Russ.)
Devyatov V.P., Nikitenko B.L., Shurygin B.N. Paleogeography of Siberia in the Jurassic period at the stages of major restructuring. News of paleontology and stratigraphy. Supplement to the journal "Geology and Geophysics", 2011, issue 16-17, vol. 52, pp. 87-101. (In Russ.)
Explanatory note to the atlas of lithologic-paleogeographical maps of the Jurassic and Cretaceous periods of the West Siberian Plain on a scale of 1:5000000; edited by I.I. Nesterova. Tyumen: ZapSibNIGNI, 1976, 87 p. (In Russ.)
Geological structure and oil and gas content of the Lower-Middle Jurassic of the West Siberian petroleum province / F.G. Gurari, V.P. Devyatov, V.I. Demin, A.E. Ekhanin, A.M. Kazakov, G.V. Kasatkina, N.I. Kurushin, N.K. Mogucheva, V.V. Sapyanik, O.V. Serebrennikova, L.V. Smirnov, L.G. Smirnova, V.S. Surkov, G.G. Sysolova, O.V. Shiganova. Novosibirsk: Nauka, 2005, 156 p. (In Russ.)
History of the development of the relief of Siberia and the Far East: In 15 volumes. Ed. V.N. Saxon. Novosibirsk: Institute of Geology and Geophysics of the Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences, 1964-1976, 1978. (In Russ.)
Ilyin Yu.M., Sapyanik V.V., Naydenov L.F. Western Siberia. Paleogeographical schemes of Jurassic stratigraphic levels. Tyumen: OJSC "TNK-BP", 2005, 85 p. (In Russ.)
Kolpenskaya N.N., Nizyaeva I.S., Taninskaya N.V., Shimansky V.V., Bakuev O.V., Naydenov L.F. Sedimentation conditions of productive levels of Upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous strata on the eastern side of the Bolshekheta depression of the West Siberian plate. Geologiya nefti i gaza, 2014, no. 6, pp. 2-10. (In Russ.)
Kolpenskaya N.N., Taninskaya N.V., Khafizov S.F., Shimansky V.V. Lithological and paleogeographic criteria for predicting zones of development of non-structural hydrocarbon traps in Jurassic strata in the south of the Tyumen region. St. Petersburg: Nedra, 2006, 168 p. (In Russ.)
Kolpenskaya N.N., Taninskaya N.V., Shimansky V.V., Myasnikova M.A., Volkov V.A. Forecast of development zones of hydrocarbon reservoirs in Jurassic strata of the Karabash zone of Western Siberia. Exploration and protection of subsurface resources, 2017, no. 7, pp. 44-49. (In Russ.)
Kontorovich A.E., Kontorovich V.A., Ryzhkova S.V., Shurygin B.N., Vakulenko L.G., Gaideburova E.A., Danilova V.P., Kazanenkov V.A., Kim N.S., Kostyreva E.A., Moskvin V.I., Yan P.A. Palaeogeography of the West Siberian sedimentary basin in the Jurassic period. Geology and Geophysics, 2013 vol. 54, no. 8, pp. 972-1012. (In Russ.)
Kontorovich V.A. Tectonics and oil and gas potential of the western part of the Yenisey-Khatanga regional trough. Geology and Geophysics, 2011, vol. 52 (8), pp. 1027-1050. (In Russ.)
Kurchikov A.R., Borodkin V.N. Characteristics of the geological structure and oil and gas potential of the Jurassic oil and gas complex of Western Siberia. - Novosibirsk: Publishing House SB RAS, 2015, 140 p. (In Russ.)
Mesezhnikov M.S., Balabanova P.F., Vereninova P.P., Galerkina S.T., Dzhinoridze N.M., Kirina T.I., Kravets V.S., Chirva S.A. Paleogeography of the north of the USSR in the Jurassic and Cretaceous periods. Questions of paleogeography, paleobiogeography of the Mesozoic north of the USSR. Leningrad: Nedra, 1971, issue 304, pp. 3-133. (Proceedings of VNIGRI). (In Russ.)
Muromtsev B.S. Electrometric geology of sand bodies - lithological traps of oil and gas. Leningrad: Nedra, 1984, 260 p. (In Russ.)
Myasnikova M.A., Taninskaya N.V., Nizyaeva I.S., Vasiliev N.Ya., Zeltser V.N. Facies modeling of Bathonian strata of the Lyaminsky oil and gas region of Western Siberia. Jurassic system of Russia: problems of stratigraphy and paleogeography: materials of the Seventh All-Russian meeting. Moscow: GIN RAS, 2017, pp. 149-152. (In Russ.)
Nizyaeva I.S. Lithological-facies criteria for predicting reservoirs in the Upper Jurassic strata of the Yugansk oil and gas region. Materials of the VIII All-Russian Lithological Meeting (Moscow, October 27-30, 2015). Moscow: RSU named after I.M. Gubkin, 2015, vol. 2, pp. 99-102. (In Russ.)
Nizyaeva I.S. Sedimentological features of the Middle Jurassic oil-prospective strata of the Uvat region in the south of the Tyumen region. Jurassic system of Russia: problems of stratigraphy and paleogeography: materials of the 4th All-Russian meeting (St. Petersburg, September 26-30, 2011). St. Petersburg, 2011, pp. 153-155. (In Russ.)
Nizyaeva I.S., Shimansky V.V., Taninskaya N.V., Kolpenskaya N.N. Lithological-facies reconstructions of Upper Jurassic strata of the central and southern parts of the West Siberian oil and gas pipeline. St. Petersburg-2016. Through the integration of geosciences - to comprehend the harmony of the subsoil: materials of the 7th international geological and geophysical conference EAGE. St. Petersburg: EAGE, 2016. (In Russ.)
Nizyaeva I.S., Shimansky V.V., Taninskaya N.V., Myasnikova M.A. Facies variability of the Middle-Upper Jurassic strata of the northern part of the Pyl-Karaminsky oil and gas region. Modern problems of sedimentology in oil and gas engineering: proceedings of the III All-Russian scientific and practical meeting. Tomsk, 2017, pp.108-111. (In Russ.)
Nugumanova A.A., Shimansky V.V., Taninskaya N.V., Nizyaeva I.S., Kolpenskaya N.N., Raevskaya E.G., Vasiliev N.Ya., Myasnikova M.A., Zeltser V.N., Grislina M.N., Mirzoeva I.I. Paleogeographic reconstructions of the formation conditions of Jurassic strata of the West Siberian sedimentation basin. Materials of the IX All-Russian meeting with international participation: Jurassic system of Russia. Syktyvkar: IG Komi Scientific Center Ural Branch RAS, 2023, pp. 117-119 p. (In Russ.)
Paleogeography of the Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous of the West Siberian petroleum province: in 2 books. V.V. Shimansky, N.V. Taninskaya, I.S. Nizyaeva, N.N. Kolpenskaya, E.G. Raevskaya, N.Ya. Vasiliev, M.A. Myasnikova, V.N. Zeltser, M.N. Grislina, I.I. Mirzoeva, A.A. Nugumanova; FSBI "VNIGNI". Book 1. St. Petersburg: Renome, 2023a, 232 p. (In Russ.)
Paleogeography of the North of the USSR in the Jurassic period. V.A. Basov, T.A. Vereninova, V.A. Zakharov, E.D. Kalacheva, V.S. Kravets, S.V. Meledina, M.S. Messezhnikov, T.I. Nal'nyaeva, K.V. Paraketsov, I.V. Polubotko, Yu.S. Repin, Z.Z. Ronkina, I.I. Sey, S.A. Chirva, B.N. Shurygin. Novosibirsk: Nauka, 1983, 188 p. (In Russ.)
Paleolandscapes of Western Siberia in the Jurassic, Cretaceous and Paleogeneю A.V. Gol'bert, L.G. Markova, I.D. Polyakova, V.N. Saks, Yu.V. Teslenko. Moscow: Nauka, 1968, 150 p. (In Russ.)
Shimansky V.V., Khafizov S.F., Taninskaya N.V., Eganyants R.T., Kolpenskaya N.N., Shibina T.D. Sedimentation models of Jurassic strata in the south of the Tyumen region as a basis for forecasting oil and gas potential. Oil lithology. Non-structural traps and unconventional reservoir types. St. Petersburg: Nedra, 2004, pp. 50-61. (In Russ.)
Shimansky V.V., Khafizov S.F., Taninskaya N.V., Kolpenskaya N.N. Sedimentation criteria for predicting the oil and gas potential of Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous strata of Western Siberia. State, trends and problems of development of oil and gas potential of Western Siberia: materials of the International Academic Conference. Tyumen: ZapSibNIIGG, 2008, pp. 83-91. (In Russ.)
Shimansky V.V., Khafizov S.F., Taninskaya N.V., Kolpenskaya N.N., Eganyants R.T. Lithological hydrocarbon traps in Jurassic strata in the south of the Tyumen region. Non-structural, complex traps - the main reserve for the growth of hydrocarbon raw materials in Russia. St. Petersburg: Nedra, 2005, pp. 36-47. (In Russ.)
Shimansky V.V., Kos I.M., Khafizov S.F., Taninskaya N.V. Lithogenetic criteria for forecasting oil and gas content in Jurassic and Cretaceous strata of the Latitudinal Ob region. Current problems of forecasting, prospecting, exploration and production of oil and gas in Russia and the CIS countries. Geology, ecology, economics. St. Petersburg: Nedra, 2006, pp. 135-140. (In Russ.)
Shimansky V.V., Nizyaeva I.S., Taninskaya N.V., Kolpenskaya N.N., Vasiliev N.Ya., Myasnikova M.A., Zeltser V.N. Sedimentation model of oil and gas bearing strata of the Vasyugan Formation of the northeastern parts of the Latitudinal Ob region. Geologiya nefti i gaza, 2017, no. 5, pp. 21-30. (In Russ.)
Shimansky V.V., Taninskaya N.V., Kolpenskaya N.N. Methodological aspects of forecasting non-structural hydrocarbon traps using the example of Jurassic-Cretaceous strata of Western Siberia. Bulletin of the Moscow Society of Nature Testers. Dept. Geology, 2014, vol. 89, issue. 4, pp. 24-39. (In Russ.)
Shimansky V.V., Taninskaya N.V., Kolpenskaya N.N. Methods of lithogenetic modeling of oil and gas reservoirs. Materials of the All-Russian lithological meeting dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of L.B. Rukhina. St. Petersburg, 2012, pp. 198-200. (In Russ.)
Shimansky V.V., Taninskaya N.V., Kolpenskaya N.N., Nizyaeva I.S. Vasiliev N.Ya. Sedimentation modeling in the forecast and search for non-structural traps. Geologiya nefti i gaza, 2016, no. 3, pp. 55-65. (In Russ.)
Shimansky V.V., Taninskaya N.V., Kolpenskaya N.N., Vasiliev N.Ya., Nizyaeva I.S. Sedimentation modeling in the forecast and search for non-structural hydrocarbon traps. Exploration and protection of subsoil, 2016, no. 10, pp. 13-18. (In Russ.)
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Stratigraphy and lithology
Section editor – PhD in geology and mineralogy Kirichkova A.I.
Article # 19_2017 | submitted on 04/18/2017 displayed on website on 05/16/2017 |
30 p. | Taninskaya N.V., Klyazhnikov D.V., Grislina M.N., Yashina V.N., Myasnikova M.A., Vasil'ev N.Ya. |
The influence of lithogenesis processes on reservoirs formation in Lower Permian deposits of Kochmess field, Timan-Pechora Province | |
The conditions and factors affecting the reservoirs formation in the Lower Permian carbonate sediments of the Kochmess field are considered. As a result of the research, the main lithological types of rocks and facies were identified on the basis of complex interpretation of core and logging, the sequence of Early Permian sedimentation was determined, the influence of post-sedimentation processes on the formation of reservoir properties was established. Based on the results of complex lithologic-petrographic and petrophysical study, the types of reservoirs of the Lower Permian deposits were determined; the regularities of the changes in the filtration-capacity properties of various genetic types of rocks were revealed.
Keywords: organogenic structure, carbonate reservoir, Lower Permian, lithologic-petrographic and petrophysical study, Kochmess Field, Timan-Pechora Province. |
article citation | Taninskaya N.V., Klyazhnikov D.V., Grislina M.N., Yashina V.N., Myasnikova M.A., Vasilyev N.Ya. Vliyanie protsessov litogeneza na formirovanie kollektorov v nizhnepermskikh otlozheniyakh Kochmesskogo mestorozhdeniya Timano-Pechorskoy provintsii [The influence of lithogenesis processes on reservoirs formation in Lower Permian deposits of Kochmess field, Timan-Pechora Province]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2017, vol. 12, no. 2, available at: http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/2/19_2017.pdf |
DOI | https://doi.org/10.17353/2070-5379/19_2017 |
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Prischepa O.M., Bogatsky M.I., Makarevich V.N., Chumakova O.V., Nikonov N.I., Kuranov A.V., Bogdanov М.М. Novye predstavlenija o tektonicheskom i neftegazogeologicheskom rajonirovanii Timano-Pechorskoj neftegazonosnoj provincii [The Timan-Pechora oil-bearing province – new tectonical insight ] Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2011, Vol. 6, no. 4, http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/4/40_2011.pdf
Shimanskiy V.V., Taninskaya N.V., Kolpenskaya N.N., Nizyaeva I.S., Vasil'ev N.Ya. Sedimentatsionnoe modelirovanie pri prognoze i poiskakh nestrukturnykh lovushek [Sedimentation modeling in forecasting and searching for unstructured traps]. Geologiya nefti i gaza, 2016, no. 3, p.55-65.
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Taninskaya N.V., Vasiliev N.Ya., Myasnikova M.A., Yashina V.N. Vozmozhnosti geologo-geofizicheskikh metodov dlya diagnostiki organogennykh postroek na primere mestorozhdeniya imeni A. Titova Timano-Pechorskoy provintsii [Opportunities of geological and geophysical methods for diagnosis of organogenous buildups on the example of A. Titov field, Timan-Pechora Province]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2015, vol. 10, no. 3, available at: http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/4/34_2015.pdf. DOI: https://doi.org/10.17353/2070-5379/34_2015
Terent'ev S.E., Bogdanov B.P., Kuvaev I.V., Fedotov A.L. Osobennosti stroeniya i neftegazonosnosti nizhnepermskikh otlozheniy Kochmesskoy ploshchadi [Kochmes area - structure and petroleum potential of the Lower Permian deposits]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2012, vol. 7, no. 1, available at: http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/4/4_2012.pdf
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Klyazhnikov D.V., Fedorova M.D. Osobennosti izucheniya artinskikh kremnisto-karbonatnykh porod po kernu i metodami GIS [Peculiarities of the study of Artinskian siliceous-carbonate rocks by core and GIS methods]. St. Petersburg 2016. In: Cherez integratsiyu geonauk – k postizheniyu garmonii nedr [Through the integration of geoscience - to comprehension of subsoil harmony]: Proceedings of the 7th International Geological and Geophysical Conference EAGE (St. Petersburg, April 11-14, 2016), 2016. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3997/2214-4609.201600255
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Nikonov N.I., Bogatskiy V.I., Martynov A.V., Larionova Z.V. Atlas geologicheskikh kart «Timano-Pechorskiy sedimentatsionnyy basseyn» [Atlas of geological maps "Timan-Pechora sedimentary basin"]. Ukhta: OOO «Regional'nyy dom pechati», 2000, 64 p.
Nikonov N.I., Bogatskiy V.I., Martynov A.V., Larionova Z.V., Laskin V.M., Galkina L.V., Dovzhikova E.G. Timano-Pechorskiy sedimentatsionnyy basseyn (Atlas litologo-fatsial'nykh, strukturnykh i paleogeologicheskikh kart) [Timan-Pechora sedimentary basin (Atlas of lithologic-facial, structural and paleogeological maps)]. Ukhta: OOO «Regional'nyy dom pechati», 2000, 122 p.
Ponomarenko E.I. Evolyutsiya ekosistem nizhnepermskikh skeletnykh kholmov Severnogo Urala [Evolution of the ecosystems of the Lower Permian skeletal hills of the Northern Urals]. Vestnik Instituta geologii Komi NTs UrO RAN, 2010, no. 12, p.8-16.
Prischepa O.M., Bogatsky M.I., Makarevich V.N., Chumakova O.V., Nikonov N.I., Kuranov A.V., Bogdanov М.М. Novye predstavlenija o tektonicheskom i neftegazogeologicheskom rajonirovanii Timano-Pechorskoj neftegazonosnoj provincii [The Timan-Pechora oil-bearing province – new tectonical insight ] Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2011, Vol. 6, no. 4, http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/4/40_2011.pdf
Shimanskiy V.V., Taninskaya N.V., Kolpenskaya N.N., Nizyaeva I.S., Vasil'ev N.Ya. Sedimentatsionnoe modelirovanie pri prognoze i poiskakh nestrukturnykh lovushek [Sedimentation modeling in forecasting and searching for unstructured traps]. Geologiya nefti i gaza, 2016, no. 3, p.55-65.
Slivkova R.P., Ioffe G.A., Konovalova M.V., Firer G.M. Rannepermskie biogermnye fatsii Timano-Pechorskoy provintsii [Early Permian biohermal facies of the Timan-Pechora Province]. DAN SSSR, 1975, vol. 225, no. 6, p. 1400-1402.
Taninskaya N.V., Vasiliev N.Ya., Myasnikova M.A., Yashina V.N. Vozmozhnosti geologo-geofizicheskikh metodov dlya diagnostiki organogennykh postroek na primere mestorozhdeniya imeni A. Titova Timano-Pechorskoy provintsii [Opportunities of geological and geophysical methods for diagnosis of organogenous buildups on the example of A. Titov field, Timan-Pechora Province]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2015, vol. 10, no. 3, available at: http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/4/34_2015.pdf. DOI: https://doi.org/10.17353/2070-5379/34_2015
Terent'ev S.E., Bogdanov B.P., Kuvaev I.V., Fedotov A.L. Osobennosti stroeniya i neftegazonosnosti nizhnepermskikh otlozheniy Kochmesskoy ploshchadi [Kochmes area - structure and petroleum potential of the Lower Permian deposits]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2012, vol. 7, no. 1, available at: http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/4/4_2012.pdf
Zhemchugova V.A. Karbonatnye kompleksy paleozoya Pechorskogo neftegazonosnogo basseyna (stroenie, usloviya formirovaniya, prognoz prirodnykh rezervuarov) [Paleozoic carbonate sequences of the Pechora oil and gas bearing basin (structure, formation conditions, reservoirs forecast)]. Synopsys of dissertation for the degree of PhD in Geological and Mineralogical Sciences. Syktyvkar, 2000, 42 p.