Komgort M.V.
Graduated from Tyumen State University (1979), specialization "history teaching".
Professor of Tyumen Industrial University.
Doctor of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor.
Area of scientific interests: history of Russia, economic history of Russia, history of oil and gas geology.
Author of 130 publications.
Regional petroleum geology
Article # 12_2024 | submitted on 04/02/2024 displayed on website on 05/08/2024 |
8 p. | Borodkin V.N., Komgort M.V., Smirnov O.A. |
Nikolay Nikitich Rostovtsev and the opening West Siberian petroleum province | |
The article discusses the various stages of N.N. Rostovtsev research’s on substantiating the petroleum potential of Western Siberia. The first stage is associated with VSEGEI in Leningrad, where he and a team of researchers laid the foundations of the regional geology of Western Siberia, when they drew up a support drilling program, the partial implementation of which made it possible to open the Berezov gas-bearing region, determine the “oil face” of the Middle Ob region and marked the beginning of the discovery of gas in Cenomanian strata in the north of Western Siberia. The next stage of research took place at SNIIGGiMS in Novosibirsk and its branch in Tyumen, later renamed ZapSibNIGNI, whose director was N.N. Rostovtsev. This period of research by Nikolai Nikitich is associated with a more detailed set of geological activity to substantiate the oil and gas potential of Western Siberia. Based on the results of the research carried out by N.N. Rostovtsev is rightfully considered one of the discoverers who valued the West Siberian petroleum province. Keywords: Nikolay Nikitich Rostovtsev, VSEGEI, SNIIGGiMS, ZapSibNIGNI, support drilling, West Siberian petroleum province. |
article citation | Borodkin V.N., Komgort M.V., Smirnov O.A. Nikolay Nikitich Rostovtsev i otkrytie Zapadno-Sibirskoy neftegazonosnoy provintsii [Nikolay Nikitich Rostovtsev and the opening West Siberian petroleum province]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2024, vol. 19, no. 2, available at: https://www.ngtp.ru/rub/2024/12_2024.html EDN: RECFJS |
Borodkin V.N., Komgort M.V., Nesterov I.I. (ml.). Vedushchaya rol' Zapadno-Sibirskogo nauchno-issledovatel'skogo geologorazvedochnogo neftyanogo instituta v osvoenii neftegazovogo potentsiala Zapadno-Sibirskoy neftegazonosnoy provintsii i razvitii mineral'no-syr'evoy bazy strany [The leading role of the West Siberian Scientific Research Geological Exploration Petroleum Institute in the development of the oil and gas potential of the West Siberian petroleum province and the development of the country’s mineral resource base]. Georesursy, 2023, vol. 25, no. 1, pp. 24-35. (In Russ.).
Geologicheskoe stroenie i perspektivy neftegazonosnosti Zapadno-Sibirskoy nizmennosti [Geological structure and oil and gas potential prospects of the West Siberian Lowland]. Ed. N.N. Rostovtsev. Moscow: Gosgeoltekhizdat, 1958, 391 p. (In Russ.).
Komgort M.V., Koleva G.Yu. N.N. Rostovtsev i stanovlenie geologicheskoy nauki v Tyumeni [N.N. Rostovtsev and the formation of geological science in Tyumen]. Tyumen: Publishing house ''Vector Buk'', 2007, 208 p. (In Russ.).
Rostovtsev N.N. Geologicheskoe stroenie i perspektivy neftegazonosnosti yuzhnoy chasti Zapadno-Sibirskoy nizmennosti [Geological structure and prospects for oil and gas potential of the southern part of the West Siberian Lowland]. Materialy po geologii, gidrogeologii i neftegazonosnosti Zapadnoy Sibiri. Moscow: Gosgeoltekhizdat, 1954, vol. 1, pp. 5-60. (In Russ.).
Rostovtsev N.N. Geologicheskoe stroenie i perspektivy neftegazonosnosti Zapadno-Sibirskoy nizmennosti [Geological structure and oil and gas potential prospects of the West Siberian Lowland]. Inform. sb. VSEGEI. Leningrad: Gosgeoltekhizdat, 1955, pp. 3-11. (In Russ.).
Rostovtsev N.N. Opyt sostavleniya prognoznykh kart na neft' i gaz dlya territorii Zapadno-Sibirskoy nizmennosti [Experience in compiling forecast maps for oil and gas for the territory of the West Siberian Lowland]. Novosibirsk: Izd. SNIIGGiMS, 1961, 22 p. (In Russ.).
Ryl'kov V.A., Komgort M.V. Shturman neftegazovogo okeana («otkrytie veka» i sud'ba uchenogo) [Navigator of the oil and gas ocean (''discovery of the century'' and the fate of the scientist)]. Tyumen: IP Surovezhko, 2014, 320 p. (In Russ.).
Geologicheskoe stroenie i perspektivy neftegazonosnosti Zapadno-Sibirskoy nizmennosti [Geological structure and oil and gas potential prospects of the West Siberian Lowland]. Ed. N.N. Rostovtsev. Moscow: Gosgeoltekhizdat, 1958, 391 p. (In Russ.).
Komgort M.V., Koleva G.Yu. N.N. Rostovtsev i stanovlenie geologicheskoy nauki v Tyumeni [N.N. Rostovtsev and the formation of geological science in Tyumen]. Tyumen: Publishing house ''Vector Buk'', 2007, 208 p. (In Russ.).
Rostovtsev N.N. Geologicheskoe stroenie i perspektivy neftegazonosnosti yuzhnoy chasti Zapadno-Sibirskoy nizmennosti [Geological structure and prospects for oil and gas potential of the southern part of the West Siberian Lowland]. Materialy po geologii, gidrogeologii i neftegazonosnosti Zapadnoy Sibiri. Moscow: Gosgeoltekhizdat, 1954, vol. 1, pp. 5-60. (In Russ.).
Rostovtsev N.N. Geologicheskoe stroenie i perspektivy neftegazonosnosti Zapadno-Sibirskoy nizmennosti [Geological structure and oil and gas potential prospects of the West Siberian Lowland]. Inform. sb. VSEGEI. Leningrad: Gosgeoltekhizdat, 1955, pp. 3-11. (In Russ.).
Rostovtsev N.N. Opyt sostavleniya prognoznykh kart na neft' i gaz dlya territorii Zapadno-Sibirskoy nizmennosti [Experience in compiling forecast maps for oil and gas for the territory of the West Siberian Lowland]. Novosibirsk: Izd. SNIIGGiMS, 1961, 22 p. (In Russ.).
Ryl'kov V.A., Komgort M.V. Shturman neftegazovogo okeana («otkrytie veka» i sud'ba uchenogo) [Navigator of the oil and gas ocean (''discovery of the century'' and the fate of the scientist)]. Tyumen: IP Surovezhko, 2014, 320 p. (In Russ.).