Syuzev O.B.

Graduated from the Ufa Oil Institute (1976), specialization "technology and complex mechanization of oil and gas field development.
Head of the Laboratory for Enhanced Oil Recovery, St. Petersburg Mining University.
Area of scientific interest: reservoir stimulation and well workover.
Author of 30 publications and 15 patents.
New methods and technologies
Section editor – PhD in geology and mineralogy Prischepa O.M.
Article # 10_2015 submitted on 12/23/2013 displayed on website on 03/18/2015
16 p.
pdf  Laboratory research of change in reservoir properties of polymictic sandstones after their development using polymer drilling mud

Samples of polymictic sandstones from different fields after impact of polymer drilling mud were studied in vitro. During core samples studying by means of FDES-645 installation the existence of micro-fractures was confirmed in core samples from low-permeability polymictic sandstones of the Dneprovsko-Donetsky structural low and the possibility of their disclosure in the course of drilling was shown for the purpose to assess a damage rate of productive layer in the static and dynamic modes. On the example of core sample of polymictic sandstone of the Vyngapurovsky field located in the Western Siberia the twofold decrease in permeability after dynamic impact of polymer drilling mud modeling conditions of well washing is shown. As a result of experiments the formation of a firm polymeric film of drilling mud at high temperatures was also identified. It is shown that this film can be effectively deleted with water solution of hydrochloric acid.
Keywords: polymictic sandstones, polymer drilling mud, permeability, micro-fractures, polymeric film, hydrochloric acid, Dneprovsko-Donetsky structural low, Western Siberia.
article citation Podoprigora D.G., Petukhov A.V., Syuzev O.B. Laboratornye issledovaniya izmeneniya fil'tratsionno-emkostnykh svoystv polimiktovykh peschanikov pri ikh vskrytii s ispol'zovaniem polimernogo burovogo rastvora [Laboratory research of change in reservoir properties of polymictic sandstones after their development using polymer drilling mud]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2015, vol. 10, no. 1, available at:

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