Sevast'yanov O.M.

Graduated from Kharkov State University, specialization «hydrogeology, engineering geology» (1960).
More than 20 years worked as assistant professor of geology at the Orenburg branch of the evening Russian State University of Oil and Gas.
Head of the Laboratory of Hydrogeology, VolgoUralNIPIGaz.
Senior researcher.
PhD in geology and mineralogy.
Area of scientific interest: - oil and gas hydrogeology, hydrogeoecology, underground disposal of industrial wastes, improving the legal framework of subsoil use.
Author of 318 publications.
Raw hydrocarbon geoecology
Section editor – PhD in geology and mineralogy Rogozina E.A.
Article # 10_2011 submitted on 02/22/2011 displayed on website on 03/15/2011
21 p.
pdf  Subsurface disposal of liquid industrial wastes of the oil and gas industry of Russia
Peculiarities of the subsurface disposal of industrial wastes of the oil and gas industry are considered. Geological forecast of prospective lost circulation horizons in deposits of a wide stratigraphical range from the Precambrian to the Neogene is performed for petroleum bearing provinces and regions of Russia, where hydrocarbon fields are discovered.
Key words: lost circulation horizons, depth, lithology, reservoir characteristics, formation water, injection parameters, oil and gas industry, industrial wastes.
article citation Sevastyanov O.M., Zakharova E.E. Podzemnoe zakhoronenie zhidkikh proizvodstvennykh otkhodov neftegazovoy otrasli Rossii [Subsurface disposal of liquid industrial wastes of the oil and gas industry of Russia]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2011, vol. 6, no. 1, available at:

   Sevast'yanov O.M., Zakharova E.E. Obespechenie ekologicheskoy bezopasnosti osvoeniya gazokondensatnykh mestorozhdeniy metodom podzemnogo zakhoroneniya nepoddayushchikhsya ochistke zhidkikh proizvodstvennykh otkhodov [Ensuring environmental safety of developing gas-condensate fields using method of the subsurface disposal of liquid industrial cleanup-intractable waste]. Abstracts of Scientific International Conference “Strategiya razvitiya i osvoeniya syr'evoy bazy osnovnykh energonositeley v Rossii” [Development strategy of major energy resource base in Russia]. Saint Petersburg: VNIGRI, 2004, pp. 90-92.
   Sevast'yanov O.M., Zakharova E.E. Podzemnoe zakhoronenie promstokov na gazovykh mestorozhdeniyakh Respubliki Komi [Subsurface disposal of industrial waste from gas fields in the Komi Republic]. Proceedings of Scientific Conference “Kompleksnoe izuchenie i osvoenie zapasov i resursov uglevodorodnogo syr'ya severo-zapadnogo regiona” [Comprehensive study and development of hydrocarbon reserves and resources of the North-Western region]. Saint Petersburg: Nedra, 2005, pp. 157-168.
   Sevast'yanov O.M. Geologo-gidrogeologicheskie predposylki podzemnogo zakhoroneniya promstokov na mestorozhdeniyakh nefti i gaza yuga Sibirskoy platformy [Geological and hydrogeological conditions of subsurface waste disposal from oil and gas fields of southern Siberian platform]. Proceedings of Scientific Conference “Geologicheskie problemy razvitiya uglevodorodnoy syr'evoy bazy Dal'nego Vostoka i Sibiri” [Geological problems of hydrocarbon resource base development of the Far East and Siberia]. Saint Petersburg: Nedra, 2006, pp. 292-297.
   Sevast'yanov O.M., Zakharova E.E. Perspektivy podzemnogo zakhoroneniya promstokov neftegazovoy promyshlennosti v Rossiyskoy Pribaltike [Prospects for subsurface disposal of industrial waste of gas industry in the Russian Baltic]. Proceedings of Scientific International Conference “Problemy izucheniya i osvoeniya syr'evoy bazy nefti i gaza Severo-Zapadnogo regiona” [Problems of study and development of oil and gas resource base of the North-Western region]. Saint Petersburg: VNIGRI, 2007, pp. 172-180.
   Sevast'yanov O.M., Zakharova E.E. Geologo-gidrogeologicheskie usloviya podzemnogo zakhoroneniya promstokov neftyanoy i gazovoy promyshlennosti Rossii [Geological and hydrogeological conditions of subsurface waste disposal in oil and gas industry of Russia]. Proceedings of Scientific International Conference “Aktual'nye problemy neftegazovoy geologii” [Urgent problems of petroleum geology]. Saint Petersburg: VNIGRI, 2007, pp. 380-388.
   Sevast'yanov O.M. Geologicheskiy prognoz i perspektivy podzemnogo zakhoroneniya promstokov predpriyatiy neftegazovoy otrasli Vostochnoy Sibiri i Dal'nego Vostoka [Geological forecast and prospects for subsurface waste disposal of oil and gas enterprises in the Eastern Siberia and the Far East]. Proceedings of Scientific Conference “Neftegazogeologicheskiy prognoz i perspektivy razvitiya neftegazovogo kompleksa Vostoka Rossii” [Oil-gas-geological forecast and prospects for oil and gas complex development in the Eastern Russia]. Saint Petersburg: VNIGRI, 2010, pp. 416-420.