Gritsenko S.A.
Graduated from Novosibirsk State University (1974), specialization «geologist and geophysicist».
Head of Laboratory of methodological developments of seismic data interpretation, VSEGEI.
Key fields of scientific research: geometric seismic, methods of digital processing and interpretation of seismic data.
Author of «Cube Technology 1990-2008».
Has more than 50 publications.
New methods and technologies
Section editor – PhD in geology and mineralogy Prischepa O.M.
Article # 14_2018 | submitted on 03/15/2018 displayed on website on 04/28/2018 |
17 p. | Gritsenko S.A., Egorova N.V. |
Seismostratigraphy, multifocusing and interpolation of seismic sections: mathematical review | |
The paper can be considered as a mathematical overview of the algorithms of a new representation of seismogeological sections. The article presents methods of seismostratigraphic sections construction and new ways for multifocusing of sections and methods for interpolating of seismic and well data based on them.
It is assumed that the algorithms discussed here could be able to change the activity to automatic data processing because most of the manual labor in picking levels. Presenting seismic data in a form as convenient as possible to understanding the geological structure will be more efficiently.
Keywords: processing and interpretation of seismic data, multifocusing, seismostratigraphic section, well data, interpolation of time sections. |
article citation | Gritsenko S.A., Egorova N.V. K voprosu o seysmostratigrafii, mul'tifokusirovanii i interpolyatsii seysmicheskikh razrezov (matematicheskiy obzor) [Seismostratigraphy, multifocusing and interpolation of seismic sections: mathematical review]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2018, vol. 13, no. 2, available at: http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/12/14_2018.pdf |
DOI | https://doi.org/10.17353/2070-5379/14_2018 |
Agena W.F., Lee M.W., Miller J.J., Hutchinson R.D. Lake Baikal – 1992 Processing of Multichannel Seismic Reflection Data U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 94-263, 1992, p .45.
Claerbout J.F. Earth soundings analysis: Processing versus inversion: Black-well Scientic Publications. 1992, p. 304.
Fomel S. Shaping regularization in geophysical-estimation problems: Geophysics, 2007, 72, pp. 29-36. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1190/1.2433716
Fomel S. Predictive painting of 3-D seismic volumes, Geophysics, 2010, 75, no. 4. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1190/1.3453847
Gelchinsky B., Berkovitch A., and Keydar S. Multifocusing Homeomorphic Imaging, Part 1: Basic concepts and formulae: Journal of Applied Geophysics, 1999, vol. 42/3-4, pp. 229-242. Part 2. Multifold data set and Multifocusing: Journal of Applied Geophysics, 42, pp. 243–260.
Gol'mshtok A.Ya. Ot chernogo morya do Baykala: O seysmicheskikh issledovaniyakh L.P. Zonenshayta na ozere Baykal [From the Black Sea to Lake Baikal: about L.P. Sonenshait seismic studies on Lake Baikal]. Lev Pavlovich Zonenshayt: Ocherki. Vospominaniya / Editors: V.E. Khain, A.A. Moskovskiy; Sost. I.B. Filippova. Moscow: Nauka, 1995, pp. 172-174, 180-181.
Gritsenko S.A. Izobrazhenie geologicheskikh razrezov i opredelenie skorostey metodom obshchey glubinnoy tochki [The image of geological sections and the determination of velocities by the common depth point method]. St. Petersburg: Izd-vo VSEGEI, 2014, 119 p.
Guberman Sh.A., Ovchinnikova M.I. O mashinnoy korrelyatsii plastov v razreze skvazhin po geofizicheskim dannym [Geophysical automatic data processing correlation in the wells section]. Izv. AN SSSR. Fizika Zemli, 1972, no. 3, pp. 87–94.
Jager R., Mann J., Hocht G., and Hubral P. Common-reflection-surface stack: Image and attributes: Geophysics, 2001, 66, p. 97–109. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1190/1.1444927
Kuz'min M.I., Karabanov E.B., Kavai T., Vil'yams D., Bychinskiy V.A., Kerber E.V., Kravchinskiy V.A., Bezrukova E.V., Prokopenko A.A., Geletiy V.F., Kalmychkov G.V., Goreglyad A.V., Antipin V.S., Khomutova M.Yu., Soshina N.M., Ivanov E.V., Khursevich G.K., Tkachenko L.L., E.P. Solotchina E.P., Yoshida N., Gvozdkov A.N. Glubokovodnoe burenie na Baykale – osnovnye rezul'taty [Baikal Lake deep-water drilling main results]. Geologiya i geofizika, 2001, no.1-2, pp. 8-34.
Lapkovskiy V.V. Nepreryvnaya seysmostratigraficheskaya model' kak osnova strukturnoy interpretatsii razrezov metodom obshchey glubinnoy tochki [Continuous seismostratigraphic model as a basis for structural interpretation of sections by the common depth point method]. Tekhnologii seysmorazvedki, 2012, no. 4, pp. 33–39.
Levi K.G., Babushkin S.M., Badardinov A.A., Buddo V.Yu., Larkin G.V., Miroshnichenko A.I., San'kov V.A., Ruzhich V.V., Vong X.K., Del'vo D., Kolman S. Aktivnaya tektonika Baykala [Baikal Lake - active tectonics]. Geologiya i geofizika, 1995, vol. 36, no. 10, pp. 154-163.
Stark T.J. Unwrapping instantaneous phase to generate a relative geologic time volume. SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2003: pp. 1707-1710. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1190/1.1844072
Taner M.T., Koehler F. Velocity spectra-digital computer derivation and applications of velocity function. Geophysics, 1969, v. 34, p. 859-81. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1190/1.1440058
Vistelius A.B., Romanova M.A. Krasnotsvetnye otlozheniya poluostrova Cheleken (litostratigrafiya i geologicheskoe stroenie) [Reddish deposits of Cheleken Peninsula (lithostratigraphy and geological structure)]. Moscow; Leningrad: Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1962, 227 p.
Claerbout J.F. Earth soundings analysis: Processing versus inversion: Black-well Scientic Publications. 1992, p. 304.
Fomel S. Shaping regularization in geophysical-estimation problems: Geophysics, 2007, 72, pp. 29-36. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1190/1.2433716
Fomel S. Predictive painting of 3-D seismic volumes, Geophysics, 2010, 75, no. 4. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1190/1.3453847
Gelchinsky B., Berkovitch A., and Keydar S. Multifocusing Homeomorphic Imaging, Part 1: Basic concepts and formulae: Journal of Applied Geophysics, 1999, vol. 42/3-4, pp. 229-242. Part 2. Multifold data set and Multifocusing: Journal of Applied Geophysics, 42, pp. 243–260.
Gol'mshtok A.Ya. Ot chernogo morya do Baykala: O seysmicheskikh issledovaniyakh L.P. Zonenshayta na ozere Baykal [From the Black Sea to Lake Baikal: about L.P. Sonenshait seismic studies on Lake Baikal]. Lev Pavlovich Zonenshayt: Ocherki. Vospominaniya / Editors: V.E. Khain, A.A. Moskovskiy; Sost. I.B. Filippova. Moscow: Nauka, 1995, pp. 172-174, 180-181.
Gritsenko S.A. Izobrazhenie geologicheskikh razrezov i opredelenie skorostey metodom obshchey glubinnoy tochki [The image of geological sections and the determination of velocities by the common depth point method]. St. Petersburg: Izd-vo VSEGEI, 2014, 119 p.
Guberman Sh.A., Ovchinnikova M.I. O mashinnoy korrelyatsii plastov v razreze skvazhin po geofizicheskim dannym [Geophysical automatic data processing correlation in the wells section]. Izv. AN SSSR. Fizika Zemli, 1972, no. 3, pp. 87–94.
Jager R., Mann J., Hocht G., and Hubral P. Common-reflection-surface stack: Image and attributes: Geophysics, 2001, 66, p. 97–109. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1190/1.1444927
Kuz'min M.I., Karabanov E.B., Kavai T., Vil'yams D., Bychinskiy V.A., Kerber E.V., Kravchinskiy V.A., Bezrukova E.V., Prokopenko A.A., Geletiy V.F., Kalmychkov G.V., Goreglyad A.V., Antipin V.S., Khomutova M.Yu., Soshina N.M., Ivanov E.V., Khursevich G.K., Tkachenko L.L., E.P. Solotchina E.P., Yoshida N., Gvozdkov A.N. Glubokovodnoe burenie na Baykale – osnovnye rezul'taty [Baikal Lake deep-water drilling main results]. Geologiya i geofizika, 2001, no.1-2, pp. 8-34.
Lapkovskiy V.V. Nepreryvnaya seysmostratigraficheskaya model' kak osnova strukturnoy interpretatsii razrezov metodom obshchey glubinnoy tochki [Continuous seismostratigraphic model as a basis for structural interpretation of sections by the common depth point method]. Tekhnologii seysmorazvedki, 2012, no. 4, pp. 33–39.
Levi K.G., Babushkin S.M., Badardinov A.A., Buddo V.Yu., Larkin G.V., Miroshnichenko A.I., San'kov V.A., Ruzhich V.V., Vong X.K., Del'vo D., Kolman S. Aktivnaya tektonika Baykala [Baikal Lake - active tectonics]. Geologiya i geofizika, 1995, vol. 36, no. 10, pp. 154-163.
Stark T.J. Unwrapping instantaneous phase to generate a relative geologic time volume. SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2003: pp. 1707-1710. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1190/1.1844072
Taner M.T., Koehler F. Velocity spectra-digital computer derivation and applications of velocity function. Geophysics, 1969, v. 34, p. 859-81. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1190/1.1440058
Vistelius A.B., Romanova M.A. Krasnotsvetnye otlozheniya poluostrova Cheleken (litostratigrafiya i geologicheskoe stroenie) [Reddish deposits of Cheleken Peninsula (lithostratigraphy and geological structure)]. Moscow; Leningrad: Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1962, 227 p.
Petroleum potential and development
Section editor – PhD in geology and mineralogy Podolsky Yu.V.
Article # 19_2010 | submitted on 02/10/2010 displayed on website on 05/17/2010 |
18 p. | Skachek K.G., Larichev A.I., Bostrikov O.I., Gritsenko S.A., Vidik S.V. |
Fluid-dynamic simulation in the sedimentary cover lower horizons of the Sredneob petroleum region, Western Siberia | |
The existence of fluid-dynamic systems in Jurassic and Cretaceous deposits of the Sredneob petroleum region central part,
Western Siberia, is substantiated. For this propose the scale of oil and gas formation is assessed in the sedimentary cover lower horizons, the kitchens of intensive hydrocarbon generation and also the lateral and vertical transit zones and the zones of hydrocarbon accumulation are determined. Regional, zonal and local fluid-dynamic systems are identified. Based on the data on oil inflows, the distribution of disjunctive dislocations and the zones of pinching out of regional seals the forecast of distributing the high-output
oil-saturated reservoir rocks in main productive horizons is performed.
Key words: Western Siberia, Sredneob oil-and-gas region, scale of oil-and-gas formation, fluid-dynamic systems, forecast of high-output reservoirs. |
article citation | Skachek K.G., Larichev A.I., Bostrikov O.I., Gritsenko S.A., Vidik S.V. Fluid-dynamic simulation in the sedimentary cover lower horizons of the Sredneob petroleum region, Western Siberia // Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika. – 2010. - V.5. - #2.- http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/6/19_2010.pdf |
Regional petroleum geology
Section editor – PhD in geology and mineralogy Makarevich V.N.
Article # 21_2008 | displayed on website on 05/21/2008 |
16 p. | Trushkova L.Ya., Larichev A.I., Skachek K.G., Bostrikov O.I., Gritsenko S.A., Ganin A.V., Mikhailov S.A., Sergeev D.A. |
Geological structure and conditions of forming the Neocomian reservoirs of the South-Western uplift of the Yuzno-Yagun field | |
The dissection and correlation (by layers) of the Neocomian БC10-11 productive stratum, South-Western uplift, Yuzhno-Yagun field, Western Siberia, are performed. The model of productive stratum structure and sedimentation is developed on the basis of conventional technique and technology of automatized correlating the well sequences. The ways of optimizing the geological-technological measurements in the productive stratum at the uplift arch are outlined; the forecast resource estimation is made, recommendations for exploration in the margin parts of the South-Western uplift are developed.
Key words: Western Siberia, Surgyt arch, Yuzhno-Yagun oil field, Neocomian, seismic survey, logging, correlation by beds, cycle character, productive stratum, model of structure, clinoforms. |
article citation | Trushkova L.Ya., Larichev A.I., Skachek K.G., Bostrikov O.I., Gritsenko S.A., Ganin A.V., Mikhailov S.A., Sergeev D.A. Geological structure and conditions of forming the Neocomian reservoirs of the South-Western uplift of the Yuzno-Yagun field // Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika. – 2008. - V.3. - #2.- http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/4/21_2008.pdf |