Vidik S.V.
Graduated from Novosibirsk State University in 2000, specialization «geology».
Head of Laboratory in VSEGEI.
Research interests: geology of oil and gas geochemistry and catagenesis of organic matter.
Has 16 publications.
Petroleum potential and development
Section editor – PhD in geology and mineralogy Podolsky Yu.V.
Article # 19_2010 | submitted on 02/10/2010 displayed on website on 05/17/2010 |
18 p. | Skachek K.G., Larichev A.I., Bostrikov O.I., Gritsenko S.A., Vidik S.V. |
Fluid-dynamic simulation in the sedimentary cover lower horizons of the Sredneob petroleum region, Western Siberia | |
The existence of fluid-dynamic systems in Jurassic and Cretaceous deposits of the Sredneob petroleum region central part,
Western Siberia, is substantiated. For this propose the scale of oil and gas formation is assessed in the sedimentary cover lower horizons, the kitchens of intensive hydrocarbon generation and also the lateral and vertical transit zones and the zones of hydrocarbon accumulation are determined. Regional, zonal and local fluid-dynamic systems are identified. Based on the data on oil inflows, the distribution of disjunctive dislocations and the zones of pinching out of regional seals the forecast of distributing the high-output
oil-saturated reservoir rocks in main productive horizons is performed.
Key words: Western Siberia, Sredneob oil-and-gas region, scale of oil-and-gas formation, fluid-dynamic systems, forecast of high-output reservoirs. |
article citation | Skachek K.G., Larichev A.I., Bostrikov O.I., Gritsenko S.A., Vidik S.V. Fluid-dynamic simulation in the sedimentary cover lower horizons of the Sredneob petroleum region, Western Siberia // Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika. – 2010. - V.5. - #2.- http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/6/19_2010.pdf |