Volchenkova Т.B.
Graduated from Leningrad State University, geological faculty (1989).
Leading engineer-geologist of VNIGRI.
Area of scientific interest: geology, geophysics, petrology, petroleum geology.
Author of more than 20 publications.
Regional petroleum geology
Section editor – PhD in geology and mineralogy Makarevich V.N.
Article # 36_2017 | submitted on 09/08/2017 displayed on website on 09/29/2017 |
18 p. | Volchenkova Т.B. |
Stratification model of Pre-Jurassic section of the eastern part Uvatsky District | |
The seismic sections of the West Siberian Petroleum Province in the Pre-Jurassic age are distinguished by layered complexes interpreted as relics of the Paleozoic and Triassic sedimentary basins, with which the prospects for identifying new oil and gas bearing objects are associated, confirmed by a significant number of already discovered accumulations in the Pre-Jurassic formations of the petroleum province. One of the main directions in the study of subchemical complexes is the establishment of a stratigraphic sequence of their formation. A complex interpretation of biostratigraphic, petrologic and seismic data was carried out for the eastern part of the Uvatsky District. Consequently four basic structural-lithostratigraphical levels were identified in the studied interval.
Keywords: Paleozoic, Triassic, petroleum potential, structural-lithostratigraphical level, Western Siberian Province. |
article citation | Volchenkova Т.B. Model' stratifikatsii doyurskogo razreza vostochnoy chasti Uvatskogo rayona [Stratification model of Pre-Jurassic section of the eastern part Uvatsky District]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2017, vol. 12, no. 3, available at: http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/4/36_2017.pdf |
DOI | https://doi.org/10.17353/2070-5379/36_2017 |
Bochkarev V.S. Braduchan Yu.V., Kulakhmetov N.Kh. Osnovnye problemy stratigrafii mezozoya Zapadnoy Sibiri [The main problems of the Mesozoic stratigraphy in Western Siberia]. Gornye vedomosti, 2006, no.8, pp. 6–15.
Bochkarev V.S., Brekhuntsov A.M., Lukomskaya K.G., Sobolev N.N., Shokal'skiy S.P., Sergeev S.A., Presnyakov S.L. Novye dannye o vozraste fundamenta tsentral'nykh rayonov Zapadno-Sibirskoy geosineklizy po U-Pb metodu issledovaniya tsirkonov na SHRIMP II i nekotorye voprosy geodinamiki [New data on the age of the basement of the central regions of the West Siberian geosyneclise in the U-Pb zircon study method at SHRIMP II and some questions of geodynamics]. Gornye vedomosti, 2011, no. 3, pp.6–19.
Bogush O.I. Foraminifery i stratigrafiya nizhnego karbona Zapadno-Sibirskoy plity. Biostratigrafiya paleozoya Zapadnoy Sibiri [Foraminifers and stratigraphy of the Lower Carboniferous of the Western Siberian Plate]. Biostratigrafiya paleozoya Zapadnoy Sibiri. Trudy instituta geologii i geofiziki. Novosibirsk, Nauka, 1985, issue 619, pp.49-68.
Bogush O.I., Bochkarev V.S., Yuferev O.V. Paleozoy yuga Zapadno-Sibirskoy ravniny [Paleozoic belonging to the southern part of the Western Siberian Plain]. Trudy IGiG SO AN SSSR, Novosibirsk, Nauka, Sibirskoe otdelenie, 1975, no. 297, 44 p.
Dubatolov V.N., Krasnov V.I., Bogush O.I., Zadorozhnyy V.M., Stepanov S.A., Ratanov L.S., Bidzhakov V.I., Zapivalov N.P., Serdyuk Z.Ya., Mukhina I.P. Stratigrafiya paleozoya yugo-vostochnoy chasti Zapadno-Sibirskoy plity [Paleozoic stratigraphy of the south-eastern part of the Western Siberian plate]. Biostratigrafiya paleozoya Zapadnoy Sibiri. Novosibirsk, Nauka, 1985, issue 619, pp. 4-49.
Resheniya soveshchaniya po rassmotreniyu i prinyatiyu regional'noy stratigraficheskoy skhemy paleozoyskikh obrazovaniy Zapadno-Sibirskoy ravniny [Meeting decisions to review and adopt the regional stratigraphic scheme of the Paleozoic formations of the West Siberian Plain]. Ed. V.I. Krasnova. Novosibirsk, 1999, 80 p.
Sherikhora V.Ya., Zvyagina T.A., Knysheva G.I., Serdyuk Z.Ya. Stratigrafiya paleozoyskikh i triasovykh otlozheniy yuga Zapadno-Sibirskoy plity [Stratigraphy of Paleozoic and Triassic deposits of the south of the West Siberian plate]. Geologicheskoe stroenie i neftegazonosnost' yuga Zapadnoy Sibiri po novym dannym: Tr. ZapSibNIGNI, Tyumen', 1976, is. 116, pp. 23-38.
Shnip O.A., Gibshman N.B. Novye dannye o vozraste doyurskikh obrazovaniy yuzhnoy chasti Zapadno-Sibirskoy plity [New data on the age of the Pre-Jurassic formations of the southern part of the West Siberian Plate, DAN SSSR]. DAN SSSR, 1978, vol. 238, no. 1, pp. 199-202.
Sidorov D.A., Karikh T.M., Volchenkova T.B. Izuchenie doyurskikh obrazovaniy Urnensko-Tegusskoy zony yuga Tyumenskoy oblasti na osnove kompleksa geologo-geofizicheskikh dannykh [Study of the Pre-Jurassic formations of the Urnensko-Tegussa zone in the south of the Tyumen region on the basis correlated geological and geophysical data]. Aktual'nye napravleniya geologicheskogo izucheniya i osvoeniya nedr Zapadnoy Sibiri: materialy nauchno-tekhnicheskoy konferentsii, posvyashchennoy 40-letiyu deyatel'nosti FGUP «ZapSibNIIGG», Tyumen', 2016, pp.60-71.
Sidorov D.A., Volchenkova T.B., Vevel' Ya.A., Zhuravlev A.V. Stratifikatsiya doyurskikh obrazovaniy vostochnoy chasti Uvatskogo rayona Tyumenskoy oblastina osnove kompleksa biostratigraficheskikh, litologo-petrograficheskikh i seysmicheskikh dannykh [Stratification of the Pre-Jurassic formations of the eastern part of the Uvatsky district of the Tyumen region on the basis of correlated biostratigraphic, lithologic-petrographic and seismic data]. Geologiya i mineral'no-syr'evye resursy Sibiri, 2017, no. 2, pp. 58-69.
Stratigrafiya neftegazonosnykh basseynov Sibiri. Paleozoy Zapadnoy Sibiri [Stratigraphy of oil and gas bearing basins of Siberia. Paleozoic of Western Siberia]. E.A. Elkin, V.I. Krasnov, N.K. Bakharev, E.V. Belova, V.N. Dubatolov, N.G. Izokh, A.G. Klets, A.E. Kontorovich, L.G. Peregoedov, N.V. Sennikov, I.G. Timokhina, V.G. Khromykh. Novosibirsk, Izd-vo SO RAN, filial «GEO», 2001, 163 p.
Trudnoizvlekaemye zapasy nefti Rossiyskoy Federatsii. Struktura, sostoyanie, perspektivy osvoeniya [Hardly-recoverable oil reserves of the Russian Federation. Structure, state, prospects of development]. I.V. Shpurov, A.D. Pisarnitskiy, I.P. Purtova, A.I. Varichenko. Tyumen', FGUP «ZapSibNIIGG», 2012, 256 p.
Yatskanich E.A., Yatskanich I.M. Granitnye kataklazity v doyurskom osnovanii Urnenskogo mestorozhdeniya i ikh svyaz' s neftegazonosnost'yu [Granite cataclasites in the Pre-Jurassic basement of the Urnen field and their relationship with oil and gas content]. Puti realizatsii neftegazovogo i rudnogo potentsiala Khanty-Mansiyskogo avtonomnogo okruga – Yugry: materialy 16 nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii. Khanty-Mansiysk, IzdatNaukaServis, 2013, vol. 2, pp. 223-229.
Bochkarev V.S., Brekhuntsov A.M., Lukomskaya K.G., Sobolev N.N., Shokal'skiy S.P., Sergeev S.A., Presnyakov S.L. Novye dannye o vozraste fundamenta tsentral'nykh rayonov Zapadno-Sibirskoy geosineklizy po U-Pb metodu issledovaniya tsirkonov na SHRIMP II i nekotorye voprosy geodinamiki [New data on the age of the basement of the central regions of the West Siberian geosyneclise in the U-Pb zircon study method at SHRIMP II and some questions of geodynamics]. Gornye vedomosti, 2011, no. 3, pp.6–19.
Bogush O.I. Foraminifery i stratigrafiya nizhnego karbona Zapadno-Sibirskoy plity. Biostratigrafiya paleozoya Zapadnoy Sibiri [Foraminifers and stratigraphy of the Lower Carboniferous of the Western Siberian Plate]. Biostratigrafiya paleozoya Zapadnoy Sibiri. Trudy instituta geologii i geofiziki. Novosibirsk, Nauka, 1985, issue 619, pp.49-68.
Bogush O.I., Bochkarev V.S., Yuferev O.V. Paleozoy yuga Zapadno-Sibirskoy ravniny [Paleozoic belonging to the southern part of the Western Siberian Plain]. Trudy IGiG SO AN SSSR, Novosibirsk, Nauka, Sibirskoe otdelenie, 1975, no. 297, 44 p.
Dubatolov V.N., Krasnov V.I., Bogush O.I., Zadorozhnyy V.M., Stepanov S.A., Ratanov L.S., Bidzhakov V.I., Zapivalov N.P., Serdyuk Z.Ya., Mukhina I.P. Stratigrafiya paleozoya yugo-vostochnoy chasti Zapadno-Sibirskoy plity [Paleozoic stratigraphy of the south-eastern part of the Western Siberian plate]. Biostratigrafiya paleozoya Zapadnoy Sibiri. Novosibirsk, Nauka, 1985, issue 619, pp. 4-49.
Resheniya soveshchaniya po rassmotreniyu i prinyatiyu regional'noy stratigraficheskoy skhemy paleozoyskikh obrazovaniy Zapadno-Sibirskoy ravniny [Meeting decisions to review and adopt the regional stratigraphic scheme of the Paleozoic formations of the West Siberian Plain]. Ed. V.I. Krasnova. Novosibirsk, 1999, 80 p.
Sherikhora V.Ya., Zvyagina T.A., Knysheva G.I., Serdyuk Z.Ya. Stratigrafiya paleozoyskikh i triasovykh otlozheniy yuga Zapadno-Sibirskoy plity [Stratigraphy of Paleozoic and Triassic deposits of the south of the West Siberian plate]. Geologicheskoe stroenie i neftegazonosnost' yuga Zapadnoy Sibiri po novym dannym: Tr. ZapSibNIGNI, Tyumen', 1976, is. 116, pp. 23-38.
Shnip O.A., Gibshman N.B. Novye dannye o vozraste doyurskikh obrazovaniy yuzhnoy chasti Zapadno-Sibirskoy plity [New data on the age of the Pre-Jurassic formations of the southern part of the West Siberian Plate, DAN SSSR]. DAN SSSR, 1978, vol. 238, no. 1, pp. 199-202.
Sidorov D.A., Karikh T.M., Volchenkova T.B. Izuchenie doyurskikh obrazovaniy Urnensko-Tegusskoy zony yuga Tyumenskoy oblasti na osnove kompleksa geologo-geofizicheskikh dannykh [Study of the Pre-Jurassic formations of the Urnensko-Tegussa zone in the south of the Tyumen region on the basis correlated geological and geophysical data]. Aktual'nye napravleniya geologicheskogo izucheniya i osvoeniya nedr Zapadnoy Sibiri: materialy nauchno-tekhnicheskoy konferentsii, posvyashchennoy 40-letiyu deyatel'nosti FGUP «ZapSibNIIGG», Tyumen', 2016, pp.60-71.
Sidorov D.A., Volchenkova T.B., Vevel' Ya.A., Zhuravlev A.V. Stratifikatsiya doyurskikh obrazovaniy vostochnoy chasti Uvatskogo rayona Tyumenskoy oblastina osnove kompleksa biostratigraficheskikh, litologo-petrograficheskikh i seysmicheskikh dannykh [Stratification of the Pre-Jurassic formations of the eastern part of the Uvatsky district of the Tyumen region on the basis of correlated biostratigraphic, lithologic-petrographic and seismic data]. Geologiya i mineral'no-syr'evye resursy Sibiri, 2017, no. 2, pp. 58-69.
Stratigrafiya neftegazonosnykh basseynov Sibiri. Paleozoy Zapadnoy Sibiri [Stratigraphy of oil and gas bearing basins of Siberia. Paleozoic of Western Siberia]. E.A. Elkin, V.I. Krasnov, N.K. Bakharev, E.V. Belova, V.N. Dubatolov, N.G. Izokh, A.G. Klets, A.E. Kontorovich, L.G. Peregoedov, N.V. Sennikov, I.G. Timokhina, V.G. Khromykh. Novosibirsk, Izd-vo SO RAN, filial «GEO», 2001, 163 p.
Trudnoizvlekaemye zapasy nefti Rossiyskoy Federatsii. Struktura, sostoyanie, perspektivy osvoeniya [Hardly-recoverable oil reserves of the Russian Federation. Structure, state, prospects of development]. I.V. Shpurov, A.D. Pisarnitskiy, I.P. Purtova, A.I. Varichenko. Tyumen', FGUP «ZapSibNIIGG», 2012, 256 p.
Yatskanich E.A., Yatskanich I.M. Granitnye kataklazity v doyurskom osnovanii Urnenskogo mestorozhdeniya i ikh svyaz' s neftegazonosnost'yu [Granite cataclasites in the Pre-Jurassic basement of the Urnen field and their relationship with oil and gas content]. Puti realizatsii neftegazovogo i rudnogo potentsiala Khanty-Mansiyskogo avtonomnogo okruga – Yugry: materialy 16 nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii. Khanty-Mansiysk, IzdatNaukaServis, 2013, vol. 2, pp. 223-229.
Regional petroleum geology
Section editor – PhD in geology and mineralogy Makarevich V.N.
Article # 30_2013 | submitted on 07/19/2013 displayed on website on 08/14/2013 |
11 p. | Otmas A.A. (Senior), Volchenkova Т.B., Bogoslovskiy S.A. |
Silurian pelitic layers in Kaliningrad region - a possible target for hydrocarbon prospecting | |
The oil source layers of the Silurian deposits in the Kaliningrad region, allocated due to geochemical data based on the distribution of dispersed organic matter, were studied. The catagenesis grade of these layers was examined using different methods. It was supposed that oil will be the main type of fluid during their possible development. The scope of generation and the residual potential of shale layers of the region were determined; perspective areas for research were outlined.
Key words: hydrocarbons, oil source layers, Silurian, catagenesis of organic matter, Kaliningrad region. |
article citation | Otmas A.A. (Senior), Volchenkova T.B., Bogoslovskiy S.A. Glinistye tolshchi silura v Kaliningradskoy oblasti kak vozmozhnyy ob"ekt poiska uglevodorodnogo syr'ya [Silurian pelitic layers in Kaliningrad region - a possible target for hydrocarbon prospecting]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2013, vol. 8, no. 3, available at: http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/4/30_2013.pdf |
DOI | https://doi.org/10.17353/2070-5379/30_2013 |
Bazhenova T.K., Shapiro A.I., Vasil'eva V.F., Otmas A.A. (Senior) Geokhimiya organicheskogo veshchestva i generatsiya uglevodorodov v nizhnesiluriyskikh otlozheniyakh Kaliningradskoy oblasti [Geochemistry of organic matter and hydrocarbon generation in the Lower Silurian deposits of the Kaliningrad region ]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2012, vol. 7, no. 2, available at: http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/1/18_2012.pdf
Makarevich V.N., Vosilyus V.M, Desyatkov V.M. Zakonomernosti formirovaniya i razmeshcheniya zalezhey nefti v paleozoyskikh otlozheniyakh Baltiyskoy sineklizy [The regularities of formation and distribution of oil deposits in the Paleozoic sediments of the Baltic syncline]. Leningrad: VNIGRI, 1984, 177 p.
Makarova I.R., Otmas A.A., Sukhanov A.A. Novye dannye o sostave organicheskogo veshchestva domanikoidnykh otlozheniy silura kaliningradskoy oblasti [New data on the composition of organic matter of Domanikoid Silurian sediments of the Kaliningrad region]. Vestnik IG KNTs UrO RAN, 2012, no. 12, p. 14-16.
Slantsevyy i drugoy gaz. Zametki izdaleka [Shale and other gas. Notes from afar]. Retrieved 12th July 2012, available at: http://slanceviy-glas.livejournal.com/43441.html
Slantsevyy gaz, mify i perspektivy mirovoy dobychi [Shale gas, myths and prospects of world production]. Available at: http://pronedra.ru›gas/2011/12/23/slancevyj-gaz
Makarevich V.N., Vosilyus V.M, Desyatkov V.M. Zakonomernosti formirovaniya i razmeshcheniya zalezhey nefti v paleozoyskikh otlozheniyakh Baltiyskoy sineklizy [The regularities of formation and distribution of oil deposits in the Paleozoic sediments of the Baltic syncline]. Leningrad: VNIGRI, 1984, 177 p.
Makarova I.R., Otmas A.A., Sukhanov A.A. Novye dannye o sostave organicheskogo veshchestva domanikoidnykh otlozheniy silura kaliningradskoy oblasti [New data on the composition of organic matter of Domanikoid Silurian sediments of the Kaliningrad region]. Vestnik IG KNTs UrO RAN, 2012, no. 12, p. 14-16.
Slantsevyy i drugoy gaz. Zametki izdaleka [Shale and other gas. Notes from afar]. Retrieved 12th July 2012, available at: http://slanceviy-glas.livejournal.com/43441.html
Slantsevyy gaz, mify i perspektivy mirovoy dobychi [Shale gas, myths and prospects of world production]. Available at: http://pronedra.ru›gas/2011/12/23/slancevyj-gaz
Regional petroleum geology
Section editor – PhD in geology and mineralogy Makarevich V.N.
Article # 42_2009 | submitted on 12/07/2009 displayed on website on 12/14/2009 |
15 p. | Volchenkova Т.B. |
Studying the low-quality reservoir rocks of the West Siberian oil-gas basin – a topical problem of oil-gas geology | |
Current exploration works are mainly directed to the searches and exploration for fields with reservoir rocks characterizing by enhanced filtration-capacity properties. But conventional hydrocarbon resources are restricted; they are not renewable, and in the modern high level of their consumption, the depletion of them occurs very rapidly. Therefore setting up a qualitatively new problem – the study, definition and estimation of low-quality rocks (permeability of no more than 0.05 mkm2, open porosity of less than 10% in terrigene deposits and less than 5% - in carbonate rocks) – is topical at the present time. A broad lithologic series, a large stratigraphic range and the wide occurrence of low-quality reservoir rocks with already established petroleum potential in the geological sequences of the West Siberian oil-gas basin is indicative of the considerable perspectives of their development. Key words: low-porosity, low-permeability, low-quality reservoir rocks, West Siberian oil-gas basin, sedimentary cover, basement. |
article citation | Volchenkova T.B. Studying the low-quality reservoir rocks of the West Siberian oil-gas basin – a topical problem of oil-gas geology // Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika. – 2009. - V.4. - #4.- http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/4/42_2009.pdf |