Bazhenova T.K.
Graduated from Moscow State University, specialization «geology exploration and oil and gas fields» (1957).
PhD in geology and mineralogy(1992).
Works with VNIGRI since 1973 as senior researcher, leading researcher, Chief Scientist.
Key fields of scientific research: organic geochemistry of the Paleozoic and Pre-Paleozoic Siberian platform and some basins of the East European platform, separate forecast of oil and gas generation and hydrocarbon migration, ontological aspects of petroleum geology.
Author and coauthor of more than 200 publications and 10 monographs.
Article # 8_2022 | submitted on 03/16/2022 displayed on website on 03/31/2022 |
6 p. | Bazhenova T.K. |
Formation history of the structure of the northwestern frame of the Siberian Platform and the problem of oil and gas potential. Sources of hydrocarbons | |
An analysis of the history of the formation of the structure of the Lower Yenisei Placanticlinorium (Turukhansk region) in the northwestern framing of the Siberian Platform is presented. Four paleoprofiles were built - from the end of the Riphean sedimentation to the end of the formation of the modern structure of the region at the end of the Triassic. In the post-Triassic time, a complete inversion of the structures of the Turukhansk region occurred, after which the destruction and re-formation of previously formed hydrocarbon deposits began. Thus, the oil and gas potential of the Turukhansk region is a problem of the preservation of accumulations. Keywords: oil and gas potential, hydrocarbon accumulation, sources of hydrocarbons, Lower Yenisei Placanticlinorium, Siberian Platform. |
article citation | Bazhenova T.K. Istoriya formirovaniya struktury severo-zapadnogo obramleniya Sibirskoy platformy i problema neftegazonosnosti. Istochniki uglevodorodov [Formation history of the structure of the northwestern frame of the Siberian Platform and the problem of oil and gas potential. Sources of hydrocarbons]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2022, vol. 17, no. 1, available at: http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/2022/8_2022.html |
DOI | https://doi.org/10.17353/2070-5379/8_2022 |
Bazhenova T.K., Vysotskiy V.I. Geotektonicheskaya priroda Prieniseyskoy chasti Sibirskoy platformy [Geotectonic characteristics of the Yenisei part of the Siberian platform]. Vestnik MGU. Seriya geologiya, 1965, IV, pp.36-44.
Starosel'tsev V.S., Divina T.A., Muratov M.I., Starosel'tsev K.V. Perspektivy obnaruzheniya nefti na Pashkinskom paleopodnyatii [Prospects for discovering oil in the Pashkin paleouplift]. Perspektivnye na neft' zony i ob"ekty Sibirskoy platformy. Novosibirsk: SNIIGGiMS, 2009, pp.79-86.
Article # 42_2019 | submitted on 07/29/2019 displayed on website on 11/29/2019 |
14 p. | Bazhenova T.K. |
Main time petroleum genesis - Lower-Middle Cambrian interval in the northern part of the Tunguska syneclise (Krasnoyarsk Territory) | |
The Lower-Middle Cambrian interval - main time petroleum genesis in the northern part of the Tunguska syneclise is considered. Using mapping on the basis of seismic profiling and interpolation of geochemical data of the western and eastern syneclise frames. A quantitative assessment of the extent of oil and gas production is given. The duration of the outbreak and its condition in the up to day time is determined. Keywords: Lower-Middle Cambrian interval, main time petroleum genesis, quantitative assessment of the scale of petroleum genesis, Tunguska syneclise, Krasnoyarsk Territory. |
article citation | Bazhenova T.K. Nizhnesrednekembriyskiy ochag neftegazoobrazovaniya na severe Tungusskoy sineklizy (Krasnoyarskiy kray) [Main time petroleum genesis - Lower-Middle Cambrian interval in the northern part of the Tunguska syneclise (Krasnoyarsk Territory)]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2019, vol. 14, no. 4, available at: http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/2019/42_2019.html |
DOI | https://doi.org/10.17353/2070-5379/42_2019 |
Mel'nikov N.V., Kilina L.I., Krinin V.A., Khomenko A.V. Neftegazonosnost' kembriyskikh rifov Suringdakonskogo svoda [Petrolum potential of the Cambrian reefs of the Suringdakon Arch]. Teoreticheskie i regional'nye problemy geologii nefti i gaza. Novosibirsk: Nauka, 1991, pp. 180-189.
Shiganova O.V., Dykhan S.V., Sobolev P.N., Surnin A.I. Geokhimicheskaya i gidrogeologicheskaya kharakteristika vend-nizhnekembriyskikh otlozheniy Lenno-Tungusskoy NGP v parametricheskikh skvazhinakh 2008-2010 gg. [Geochemical and hydrogeological characteristics of the Vendian-Lower Cambrian section of the Lena-Tunguska oil and gas field in parametric wells 2008-2010 period]. Neftegeologicheskiy prognoz i perspektivy razvitiya neftegazovogo kompleksa Rossii. St. Petersburg: VNIGRI, 2010, pp. 199-204.
Article # 35_2019 | submitted on 06/20/2019 displayed on website on 10/04/2019 |
12 p. | Bazhenova T.K., Golyshev S.I., Padalko N.L. |
The relationship of the isotopic composition of organic matter carbon with its historical and genetic features (Siberian Platform) | |
The carbon isotopic composition of insoluble organic matter and synbitumoids (the sample of the latter is half the quantity of insoluble organic matter) of various biocenotic and facies-genetic types of organic matter is considered. The relationship between the carbon isotopic composition and the starting organic matter and the conditions of diagenesis was shown: the most isotopically “light” are the algoplanktonic sapropelites, the most “heavy” are the oxisorbosapropelites with a similar base. In algoplanktonbenthos sapropelites, the weighting of carbon occurs with an increase in the organic matter fraction of benthos - bottom brown algae Phaeophita. In algoplanktonic sapropelites and oxisorbosapropelites, a relationship is observed between the carbon isotopic composition and catagenesis, with the increase of it the carbon becomes heavier. Keywords: carbon isotopic composition, organic insoluble matter, catagenesis of organic matter, Siberian platform. |
article citation | Bazhenova T.K., Golyshev S.I., Padalko N.L. Svyaz' izotopnogo sostava ugleroda organicheskogo veshchestva s ego istoriko-geneticheskimi osobennostyami (Sibirskaya platforma) [The relationship of the isotopic composition of organic matter carbon with its historical and genetic features (Siberian Platform)]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2019, vol. 14, no. 4, available at: http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/2019/35_2019.html |
DOI | https://doi.org/10.17353/2070-5379/35_2019 |
Organicheskaya geokhimiya paleozoya i dopaleozoya Sibirskoy platformy i prognoz neftegazonosnosti [Organic geochemistry of the Paleozoic and Pre-Paleozoic of the Siberian Platform and the forecast of their petroleum potential]. Editors K.K. Makarov, T.K. Bazhenova, Leningrad: Nedra, 1981, 211 p.
Article # 21_2018 | submitted on 05/15/2018 displayed on website on 06/25/2018 |
34 p. | Bazhenova T.K., Shapiro A.I., Vasilyeva V.F. |
Alifatic hydrocarbons of oil and gas source rocks and of oil shows in the Western Siberian Platform | |
Aliphatic hydrocarbons studied - normal alkanes and isoprenanes – from source rocks and oil shows of Riphean, Vendian and Cambrian sections (wells and outcrops) of the western part of the Siberian Platform. Catagenetic changes in the fraction of normal alkanes are described; hydrocarbons of syn- and epibitumoids are compared. The source of epibutumoids hydrocarbons was supposed.
Keywords: aliphatic hydrocarbons, sours rocks, oil show, Riphean, Vendian, Cambrian, organic matter catagenesis, Siberian Platform. |
article citation | Bazhenova T.K., Shapiro A.I., Vasilyeva V.F. Alifaticheskie uglevodorody neftegazomaterinskikh otlozheniy i naftidoproyavleniy zapada Sibirskoy platformy [Alifatic hydrocarbons of oil and gas source rocks and of oil shows in the Western Siberian Platform]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2018, vol. 13, no. 2, available at: http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/1/21_2018.pdf |
DOI | https://doi.org/10.17353/2070-5379/21_2018 |
Rukovodstvo po analizu bitumov i rasseyannogo organicheskogo veshchestva gornykh porod [Analysis guide of bitumen and dispersed organic matter of rocks]. Editor V.A. Uspenskiy, K.F. Rodionova, A.I. Gorskaya, A.K. Shishkova. Leningrad, Nedra, 1966, 316 p.
Article # 21_2017 | submitted on 04/26/2017 displayed on website on 05/25/2017 |
9 p. | Bazhenova T.K. |
The role of organic geochemistry in assessment of geological phenomena | |
The role and opportunities of organic geochemistry methods in the assessment of geological phenomena in stratigraphy, facial analysis, geothermy, and especially in historical geotectonics is analyzed. The scope of distribution of definite aged layers enriched by organic matter allows us to use them as a stratigraphic correlative. The properties of fossil organic matter as a "maximum thermometer" can be used to determine paleogeothermal regimes. A comparative assessment of organic matter catagenesis allows, in turn, to estimate the amplitude of plunging, uplift and erosion of deposits, as well as to solve some other issues of historical geotectonics.
Keywords:organic geochemistry, organic matter catagenesis, historical geotectonics, paleogeothermal regime. |
article citation | Bazhenova T.K. Rol' organicheskoy geokhimii v otsenke geologicheskikh yavleniy [The role of organic geochemistry in assessment of geological phenomena]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2017, vol. 12, no. 2, available at: http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/1/21_2017.pdf |
DOI | https://doi.org/10.17353/2070-5379/21_2017 |
Article # 10_2017 | submitted on 03/01/2017 displayed on website on 03/21/2017 |
20 p. | Bazhenova T.K. |
Study of petroleum source formations as a basis of oil and gas formation concept: ontological, philogenetical and ontogenetical aspects | |
Ontological, phylogenetical and ontogenetical aspects of petroleum source formations’ are analyzed. Petroleum source formation represents a space where petroleum formation processes take place. From a hierarchical point of view, petroleum source formation is an object of the matter organization of formational level. Petroleum source rock and organic matter are objects of lower hierarchical levels, which are included in petroleum formations as elements. Petroleum potential of the basin is determined by the quantity of petroleum formations of organic matter. Petroleum formations in the Late Proterozoic-Phanerozoic history of the Earth have undergone a certain evolution, connected primarily with the evolution of biocenoses. Nevertheless, the algal-plankton of various systematic groups remained the dominant of organic matter petroleum source formations. The ontogeny of petroleum source formations passed through all stages of lithogenesis. The generation and primary migration of hydrocarbons occurs in the catagenesis stage. The productivity of formations and the ratio of liquid and gases hydrocarbons are determined by the facial-genetic type of organic matter, which in turn determines the quantitative characteristics of petroleum potential of the regions.
Keywords: petroleum source formation, petroleum formation concept, organic matter, generation and migration of hydrocarbons, productivity of source formations. |
article citation | Bazhenova T.K. Uchenie o neftegazomaterinskikh svitakh kak osnova teorii neftegazoobrazovaniya (ontologicheskiy, filogeneticheskiy i ontogeneticheskiy aspekty) [Study of petroleum source formations as a basis of oil and gas formation concept: ontological, philogenetical and ontogenetical aspects]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2017, vol. 12, no. 1, available at: http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/1/10_2017.pdf |
DOI | https://doi.org/10.17353/2070-5379/10_2017 |
Bazhenova T.K. Evolyutsiya neftegazoobrazovaniya v istorii Zemli i prognoz neftegazonosnosti osadochnykh basseynov [Evolution of oil and gas formation in the history of the Earth and forecast of oil and gas potential of sedimentary basins]. Geologiya i geofizika, 2009, vol. 50, p. 412-424.
Bazhenova T.K. Geneticheskie aspekty razdel'nogo prognoza nefte- i gazonosnosti basseynov drevnikh platform [Genetical aspects of the separate forecast of oil and gas potential of ancient platforms basins]. Teoriya i praktika neftegeologicheskogo prognoza. St. Petersburg: VNIGRI, 2008, p. 123-151.
Bazhenova T.K., Shimanskiy V.K. Osnovnye zakonomernosti organicheskoy geokhimii i razmeshchenie resursov nefti i gaza [Basic regularities of organic geochemistry and distribution of oil and gas resources]. Neftegazogeologicheskie issledovaniya i voprosy ratsional'nogo osvoeniya uglevodorodnogo potentsiala Rossii. St. Petersburg: VNIGRI, 2009, p. 351-363.
Bubnov S.N. Osnovnye problemy geologii [The main problems of geology]. Moscow: MGU, 1960, 233 p.
Dragunov V.I. Ontologicheskie aspekty geologii [Ontological aspects of geology]. Problemy razvitiya sovetskoy geologii. Leningrad: VSEGEI, 1971, p. 85-101.
Filiptsov Yu.A., Mel'nikov N.V., Efimov A.S., Vil'chak V.I., Goryunov N.A., Evgrafov A.A., Smirnov E.V., Shcherbakov V.A., Kultyshev V.Yu. Nizhnee-kembriyskiy rifogennyy bar'er na severe Sibirskoy platformy prognoziruemaya krupnaya zona neftegazonakopleniya i ob"ekt pervoocherednykh neftegazopoiskovykh rabot [The Lower Cambrian reef barrier in the North of the Siberian Platform as projected large oil and gas accumulation zone and the object of priority oil and gas exploration]. Geologiya i mineral'no-syr'evye resursy Sibiri, 2014, no. 2, p. 25-35
Pogrebitskiy Yu.E. Paleotektonicheskiy analiz Taymyrskoy skladchatoy sistemy [Paleotectonic analysis of the Taimyr folded system]. Leningrad: Nedra, 1971, 248 p.
Shimanskiy V.K., Bazhenova T.K., Vasil'eva V.F., Greben' A.E., Neruchev S.G., Shapiro A.I., Klimova L.I., Kunaeva N.T. Voprosy evolyutsii iskhodnogo organicheskogo veshchestva neftegazomaterinskikh formatsiy i ego proizvodnykh v istorii Zemli [Evolutional questions of the initial organic matter of oil and gas source formations and its derivatives in the history of the Earth]. St. Petersburg: Nedra, 2004, p. 59-75.
Article # 45_2016 | submitted on 10/24/2016 displayed on website on 11/25/2016 |
29 p. | Bazhenova T.K. |
Petroleum source formations of the Russian ancient platforms and their petroleum potential | |
The comparative analyses of petroleum source formations of the Russian ancient platform (Siberian and Eastern European) and their oil and gas potential is presented. The comparative characteristics of oil and gas potential of three major oil and gas bearing basins of ancient platforms (Lena-Tunguska, Volga-Urals and Timan-Pechora) are given. The relationship between oil and gas potential, the nature of hydrocarbon sources and geohistorical development is evidently in the exploration extent of these basins.
Keywords: petroleum source formation, petroleum basin, ancient platforms, petroleum potential of Siberian and East European platforms. |
article citation | Bazhenova T.K. Neftegazomaterinskie formatsii drevnikh platform Rossii i neftegazonosnost' [Petroleum source formations of the Russian ancient platforms and their petroleum potential]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2016, vol. 11, no. 4, available at: http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/1/45_2016.pdf |
DOI | https://doi.org/10.17353/2070-5379/45_2016 |
Bazhenova T.K., Bogoslovskiy S.A., Shapiro A.I. Otsenka masshtabov neftegazoobrazovaniya v Korotaikhinskoy vpadine Timano-Pechorskogo basseyna (v svyazi s razdel'nym zonal'nym prognozom nefte - i gazonosnosti) [Assessment of petroleum resources in the Korotaikha basin Timan-Pechora (associated with a separate area forecast for petroleum potential)]. Zony kontsentratsii uglevodorodov v neftegazonosnykh basseynakh sushi i akvatoriy. St. Petersburg: VNIGRI, 2010, p. 26-31.
Bazhenova T.K., Bogoslovskiy S.A., Shapiro A.I., Vasil'eva V.F., Rogozina N.A. Organicheskaya geokhimiya osadochnogo vypolneniya Vychegodskogo progiba (Russkaya plita) i ego geotermicheskaya istoriya [Vychegda trough (Russian plate) - organic geochemistry and geothermal history of sedimentary fill]. Neftegazovaya geologiya Teoriya i praktika, 2013, vol. 8, no. 3, http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/1/37_2013.pdf. DOI: https://doi.org/10.17353/2070-5379/37_2013
Bazhenova T.K., Gembitskaya L.A. Masshtaby emigratsii uglevodorodov iz neftegazomaterinskikh gorizontov dokembriya Sredne-Russkogo basseyna (v svyazi s prognozom neftegazonosnosti) [The migration scale of hydrocarbons from the Precambrian source rocks in the Midle-Russian basin and their petroleum potential forecast)]. Litologiya i poleznye iskopaemye tsentral'noy Rossii. Voronezh, 2000, p. 9-10.
Bazhenova T.K., Shapiro A.I., Vasil'eva V.F., Otmas A.A. Geokhimiya organicheskogo veshchestva i generatsiya uglevodorodov v nizhnesiluriyskikh otlozheniyakh Kaliningradskoy oblasti [Geochemistry of organic matter and generation of hydrocarbons in the Lower Silurian deposits of the Kaliningrad region]. Neftegazovaya geologiya. Teoriya i praktika, 2012, vol. 7, no. 2, http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/1/18_2012.pdf
Evolyutsiya neftegazoobrazovaniya i neftegazonakopleniya na yugo-zapade Sibirskoy platformy [Petroleum formation and accumulation in the southwest part of the Siberian Platform]. T.K. Bazhenova, A.I. Shapiro, V.F. Vasil'eva, N.B. Vishnevskaya, A.I. Klimova, N.T.Kunaeva, N.A. Rogozina, G.V. Turenkova. St. Petersburg: VNIGRI, 2015, 147 p.
Filiptsov Yu.A., Mel'nikov N.V., Efimov A.S., Vil'chak V.I, Goryunov N.A., Evgrafov A.S., Smirnov E.V., Shcherbakov V.A., Kultyshev V.E. Nizhne-srednekembriyskiy rifogennyy bar'er na severe Sibirskoy platformy – ob"ekt pervoocherednykh neftegazopoiskovykh rabot [Lower – Middle Cambrian barrier reef in the north of the Siberian platform - the object of primary oil and gas exploration]. Geologiya i mineral'no- syr'evye resursy Sibiri, 2014, no. 2 (18), p. 25-35.
Kiryukhina T.A., Fadeeva N.P., Stupakova A.V., Poludetkina E.N., Sautkin R.S. Domanikovye otlozheniya Timano-Pechorskogo i Volgo-Ural'skogo basseynov [Domanik deposits of Timan-Pechora and Volga-Urals basin]. Geologiya nefti i gaza, 2013, no. 3, p. 76-87.
Larskaya E.S. Diagnostika i metody izucheniya neftegazomaterinskikh tolshch [Diagnosis and methods of studying petroleum source rocks]. Moscow, Nedra, 1983. - 196 s.
Larskaya E.S. Printsipy i metody vydeleniya neftegazomaterinskikh tolshch i otsenka masshtabov neftegazoobrazovaniya (na primere paleozoyskikh otlozheniy Russkoy plity) [Principles and methods for source rocks sequences separating - for example, the Paleozoic sediments of the Russian Platform)]. Dissertation for the degree of Doctor in geological and mineralogical sciences. Moscow, 1979, 426 p.
Mel'nikov N.V., Kilina L.I., Krinin, V.A., Khomenko A.V. Neftegazonosnost' kembriyskikh rifov Suringdakonskogo svoda [Petroleum potential of the Cambrian reefs Suringdak arch]. Teoriya i regional'nye problemy geologii nefti i gaza. Novosibirsk: Nauka, 1991, p. 180-189.
Nerastvorimoe organicheskoe veshchestvo osadochnykh porod – ob"ekt organicheskoy geokhimii [Insoluble organic matter of sedimentary rocks - the object of organic geochemistry]. T.K. Bazhenova, G.M. Borovaya, L.A. Gembitskaya, N.P. Fadeeva. Moscow, «Geoinformmark», 1993, 56 p.
Organicheskaya geokhimiya Timano-Pechorskogo basseyna [Organic geochemistry of the Timan-Pechora Basin]. T.K. Bazhenova, V.K. Shimanskiy, V.F. Vasil'eva, A.I. Shapiro, L.A. Gembitskaya, A.I. Klimova. St. Petersburg: VNIGRI, 2008, 162 p.
Osobennosti nakopleniya i preobrazovaniya organicheskogo veshchestva v dokamennougol'nykh otlozheniyakh Russkoy platformy [Features of accumulation and transformation of organic matter in the Pre-Carboniferous section of the Russian Platform]. E.S. Larskaya, K.F. Rodionova, O.P. Chetverikova, O.P. Zagulova, M.V. Miloradova, A.M. Teshin, V.R. Poznukhova. Moscow, Nedra, 1974, 203 p.
Shiganova O.V., Dykhan S.V., Sobolev P.N., Surnin A.I. Geokhimicheskaya i gidrogeologicheskaya kharakteristika vend-nizhnekembriyskikh otlozheniy Lenno-Tungusskoy NGP v parametricheskikh skvazhinakh 2008-2010 gg. [The geochemical and hydrogeological study of Vendian - Lower Cambrian section using the exploratory type stratigraphic test wells drilled in the period 2008-2010 (Lena-Tunguska Basin)]. Neftegeologicheskiy prognoz i perspektivy razvitiya neftegazovogo kompleksa vostoka Rossii. St. Petersburg: VNIGRI, 2010, p. 199-204.
Article # 44_2014 | submitted on 10/04/2014 displayed on website on 10/17/2014 |
18 p. | Bazhenova T.K., Margulis L.S. |
Oil and gas formation in the Aldan-Maya basin (Eastern Siberia) | |
The basic features of the structure of the Aldan-Maya basin represented by the Riphean, Vendian and Cambrian deposits are analized. The upper subformation of Malka Formation of R2, Ignikan Formation (upper part of a Lokhandin series) of R3, and Inikan Formation of C1-2 are considered as petroleum source rocks. The scale of primary hydrocarbons migration and their possibly large losses due to complex geological structure of the region and repeated erosional events were counted on the basis of mapping of petroleum source deposits and calculated genetic evolution models of VNIGRI.
Keywords: petroleum source formation, primary migration, migration hydrocarbons, Aldan- Maya basin. |
article citation | Bazhenova T.K., Margulis L.S. Neftegazoobrazovanie v Aldano-Mayskom basseyne Sibirskoy platformy [Oil and gas formation in the Aldan-Maya basin (Eastern Siberia)]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2014, vol. 9, no. 4, available at: http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/1/44_2014.pdf |
DOI | https://doi.org/10.17353/2070-5379/44_2014 |
Korostelev V.I. Geologiya i tektonika Yuzhnogo Verkhoyan'ya [Geology and tectonics of the South Verkhoyan]. Novosibirsk: Nauka, 1982, 217 p.
Otsenka potentsial'nykh resursov uglevodorodov na osnove modelirovaniya protsessov ikh generatsii, migratsii i akkumulyatsii [Evaluation of hydrocarbon resources potential on the basis of its generation, migration and accumulation processes modeling]. S.G. Neruchev, T.K. Bazhenova, S.V. Smirnov, O.A. Andreeva, L.I. Klimova. - Saint Petersburg: Nedra, 2006. - 363 p.
Semikhatov M.A., Serebryakov S.N. Sibirskiy gipostratotip rifeya [Siberian hipostratotype of the Riphean]. Moscow: Nauka, 1983. - 223 p.
Article # 37_2013 | submitted on 09/09/2013 displayed on website on 09/27/2013 |
31 p. | Bazhenova T.K., Bogoslovskiy S.A., Shapiro A.I., Vasil'eva V.F., Rogozina E.A. |
Vychegda trough (Russian plate) - organic geochemistry and geothermal history of sedimentary fill | |
The geochemical features and catagenetic / geothermal history of sedimentary fill of the Vychegda trough are analyzed. The Vendian deposits were not oil-and-gas-generating. The source rock was identified in the Upper Riphean carbonate section in the east of trough; hydrocarbon generation processes had been performed during all phases of plunge.
Key words: catagenesis, geothermal gradient, bitumens, hydrocarbons, Vendian, Upper Riphean, Vychegda trough, Russian plate. |
article citation | Bazhenova T.K., Bogoslovskiy S.A., Shapiro A.I., Vasil'eva V.F., Rogozina N.A. Organicheskaya geokhimiya osadochnogo vypolneniya Vychegodskogo progiba (Russkaya plita) i ego geotermicheskaya istoriya [Vychegda trough (Russian plate) - organic geochemistry and geothermal history of sedimentary fill]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2013, vol. 8, no. 3, available at: http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/1/37_2013.pdf |
DOI | https://doi.org/10.17353/2070-5379/37_2013 |
Bazhenova T.K., Gembitskaya L.A. Masshtaby emigratsii uglevodorodov iz neftematerinskikh gorizontov dokembriya Sredne-Russkogo basseyna [Migration of hydrocarbons from Precambrian source layers of Mid-Russian Basin]. In: Litologiya i poleznye iskopaemye Tsentral'noy Rossii. Voronezh, 2000, S. 9-10.
Bazhenova t.K. Bazhenova O.K., Gembitskaya L.A. Katageneticheskie nesoglasiya i problema neftegazonosnosti dokembriya Mezenskoy sineklizy [Catagenetic unconformity and issues of oil and gas potential of the Precambrian Mezensk syncline]. In: Yuzhnye rayony respubliki Komi: geologiya, mineral'nye resursy, problemy osvoeniya. Syktyvkar, 2002, p. 117-119.
Bazhenova T.K., Dakhnova M.V., Mozhegova S.V. Nefteobrazovanie v verkhnem proterozoe Sibirskoy platformy (istochniki, masshtaby, vremya, svidetel'stva) [Oil formation in the Upper Proterozoic of the Siberian platform (sources, scope, time, evidence)]. In: Neftegeologicheskiy prognoz i perspektivy razvitiya neftegazovogo kompleksa vostoka Rossii. Saint Petersburg: VNIGRI, 2010, p. 81-85.
Dakhnova M.V., Zheglova T.P., Mozhegova S.V., Myalkina Yu.A., Nazarova E.S., Nechitaylo G.E. Rol' rifeyskikh i vendskikh neftematerinskikh tolshch kak postavshchikov uglevodorodov v zony neftenakopleniya na yuge Sibirskoy platformy [The role of the Riphean and Vendian strata as hydrocarbon suppliers into the area of oil accumulation in the south of the Siberian Platform]. In: Uspekhi organicheskoy geokhimii. Proceedings of conference, 11-15 October 2010. Novosibirsk, 2010, p. 129-132.
Article # 18_2012 | submitted on 02/14/2012 displayed on website on 04/20/2012 |
9 p. | Bazhenova T.K., Shapiro A.I., Vasil'eva V.F., Otmas A.A. (Senior) |
Geochemistry of organic matter and hydrocarbon generation in the Lower Silurian deposits of the Kaliningrad region | |
For the first time the using of confocal fluorescent microscopy was undertaken for the study of sedimentary rocks from oil-and-gas bearing sequences. The first experience has shown that this device can be successfully used for the identification of bituminous components’ distribution in rocks, and for making their quality and quantitative estimation. The results showed wide opportunities for this method to be used in lithological research and petroleum exploration.
Key words: confocal fluorescent microscopy, sedimentary rocks, petroleum bearing rocks, bituminous components. |
article citation | Bazhenova T.K., Shapiro A.I., Vasil'eva V.F., Otmas A.A. (Senior) Geokhimiya organicheskogo veshchestva i generatsiya uglevodorodov v nizhnesiluriyskikh otlozheniyakh Kaliningradskoy oblasti [Geochemistry of organic matter and hydrocarbon generation in the Lower Silurian deposits of the Kaliningrad region ]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2012, vol. 7, no. 2, available at: http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/1/18_2012.pdf |
Bazhenova T.K., Borovaya G.M., Gembitskaya L.A., Fadeeva N.P. Nerastvorimoe organicheskoe veshchestvo osadochnykh porod – ob"ekt organicheskoy geokhimii [Insoluble organic matter in sedimentary rocks as an object of organic geochemistry]. Moscow: Geoinformmark, 1993, 55 p. |
Article # 17_2011 | submitted on 04/29/2011 displayed on website on 05/23/2011 |
21 p. | Bazhenova T.K., Dakhnova M.V., Mozhegova S.V. |
Upper Proterozoic formations of Siberian platform – main source of oil and gas of Pre-Mesozoic megabasin | |
The history of the oil and gas genesis in the Riphean and Vendian complexes of Siberian platform was studied. Biomarkers were used to make the oils and syn-bitumens correlation with source rocks. Generally the oils of Nepa-Botuoba anteclise are genetically related to the Vendian source rocks, while the oils of Baikit anteclise and Katanga saddle are genetically related to the Riphean source rocks. The main source of oil and gas of the Pre-Mesozoic megabasin of Siberian platform are the Upper Proterozoic (Rifean and Vendian) source rocks.
Key words: oil and gas genesis, Riphean, Vendian, catagenetical «unconformity», hydrocarbons, biomarkers. |
article citation | Bazhenova T.K., Dakhnova M.V., Mozhegova S.V. Verkhniy proterozoy Sibirskoy platformy – osnovnoy istochnik neftegazonosnosti ee domezozoyskogo megabasseyna [Upper Proterozoic formations of Siberian platform – main source of oil and gas of Pre-Mesozoic megabasin]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2011, vol. 6, no. 2, available at: http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/1/17_2011.pdf |
Article # 15_2011 | submitted on 03/23/2011 displayed on website on 04/04/2011 |
26 p. | Bazhenova T.K., Kazais V.I. |
History of oil and gas formation and accumulation in northwest Siberian platform (historical, geochemical and structural analysis) | |
The history of oil and gas formation and accumulation in the northwest Siberian platform during formation of the region’s structure is considered; the comparative analysis of the Turukhansk and Igaro-Norilsk areas is conducted; the structure along with oil and gas potential prospects of the northwestern part of the Tunguskaya syncline are briefly described through the results of seismic-gravity-magnetic modeling.
Key words: northwest Siberian platform, the Tunguskaya syneclise, oil and gas formation, scope of hydrocarbon emigration, naphthyde manifestations, oil and gas formation centers, plac-anticlinorium. |
article citation | Bazhenova T.K., Kazais V.I. Istoriya neftegazoobrazovaniya i neftegazonakopleniya na severo-zapade Sibirskoy platformy (istoriko-geokhimicheskiy i strukturno-istoricheskiy analiz) [History of oil and gas formation and accumulation in northwest Siberian platform (historical, geochemical and structural analysis)]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2011, vol. 6, no. 2. available at: http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/4/15_2011.pdf |
Article # 40_2009 | submitted on 10/09/2009 displayed on website on 12/07/2009 |
19 p. | Sukhanov A.A., Bazhenova T.K., Kotel'nikova E.N. |
Structural characteristics of a carbonic component of sapropelite kerogen: dependence on the boicoenosis type of original organic matter and the degree of its catagenesis | |
In using the methods of IR-spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction, the dependence of structural characteristics of a carbonic component of sapropelite kerogen on the composition of original organic matter and the degree of its catagenesis is established. The obtained experimental data are indicative of the presence of non-graphitic carbon in the studied samples of kerogen. On this basis, the relative content of graphitic and non-graphitic carbon may be a key parameter of the structure of kerogen carbonic matter. Its dependence on the composition of original organic matter and the degree of its catagenesis makes this parameter useful in estimating the petroleum potential of sedimentary rocks. Key words: organic matter of rocks, kerogen, catagenesis, structure of carbonic matter, non-graphitic carbon, IR-spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction. |
article citation | Sukhanov A.A., Bazhenova T.K., Kotelnikova E.N. Structural characteristics of a carbonic component of sapropelite kerogen: dependence on the boicoenosis type of original organic matter and the degree of its catagenesis // Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika. – 2009. - V.4. - #4.- http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/1/40_2009.pdf |
Article # 008 | displayed on website on 03/19/2007 |
17 p. | Bazhenova T.K., Shimansky V.K. |
Research on hydrocarbon systems ontogenesisas the basis for realistic prospectof sedimentary basins petroleum potential | |
The geochemical history of hydrocarbon systems resulted from different types of organic matter in sedimentary basins has been considered on the basis of current geological and geochemical modeling. Serial analysis of the hydrocarbon systems evolution has been carried out - from the hydrocarbons generation-migration to the state and behavior of the systems in the process of formation and further existence of hydrocarbon accumulations. This allows carrying out the separate forecast estimation of petroleum potential of the different level objects. Key words: hydrocarbon system, current modeling, oil and gas formation, sapropelites, gumity, catagenesis, domanikity, domanikoidy, Siberian platform, migration, genetic deficiency of gas, accumulation. |
article citation | Bazhenova T.K., Shimansky V.K. Research on hydrocarbon systems ontogenesis as the basis for realistic prospect of sedimentary basins petroleum potential // Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika. – 2007. - V.2. - http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/1/008.pdf |
Article # 28_2008 | submitted on 06/19/2008 |
11 p. | Bazhenova T.K., Shapiro A.I. |
Аliphatic hydrocarbons of synbitumoids as an index of a facial-genetic type of organic matter | |
The aliphatic hydrocarbons of synbitumoids (normal alkanes and isoprenoid hydrocarbons) are considered. The character of their distribution, genetic bond with facial (biocenotic) types of organic matter are shown. The Upper Proterozoic, Paleozoic, and Cenozoic synbitumoids of the Siberian platform, Timan-Pechora basin and also the basins of the Pacific belt (Anadyr and West Sakhalin) are the objects of our research Key words: Аliphatic hydrocarbons, synbitumoids, lipids, plankton, normal alkanes, isoprenoid hydrocarbons, pristine, phytane |
article citation | Bazhenova T.K., Shapiro A.I. Аliphatic hydrocarbons of synbitumoids as an index of a facial-genetic type of organic matter // Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika. – 2008. - V.3. - #3.- http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/1/28_2008.pdf |
Article # 30_2008 | submitted on 08/11/2008 |
21 p. | Bazhenova T.K. |
Рroblem of petroleum potential of basal horizons in the basins of ancient platforms in aspect of their katagenetic evolution | |
The problem of petroleum potential of the Vendian and Riphean basal horizons in a cover of the Russia's ancient platforms is considered in the light of katagenetic evolution of sedimentary basins. The types of katagenetic zoning and katagenetic unconformities, the ways and causes of their origin in the process of region geothermic history and also the influence of katagenetic interrelationships of complexes on the estimation of their petroleum potential are considered
Key words: basin, katagenesis, platform, Riphean, Vendian, katagenetic unconformity, katagenetic zoning. |
article citation | Bazhenova T.K. Рroblem of petroleum potential of basal horizons in the basins of ancient platforms in aspect of their katagenetic evolution // Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika. – 2008. - V.3. - #3.- http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/4/30_2008.pdf |