Archegov V.B.
Graduated from Leningrad Mining Institute (St. Petersburg State Mining Institute (Technical University), specialization «geological surveying, prospecting and mineral exploration» in 1974.
Engineer-geologist. PhD in geology and mineralogy (1988). Senior researcher (1998).
Assistant professor of geology and mineral exploration of St. Petersburg State Mining Institute (Technical University) since September 2003.
Key fields of scientific research: development of the forecast indexes of oil and gas accumulation zones, concepts of block structure of oil and gas basins and comparative analysis of platforms. Major regions of the study are the Siberian platform and Verkhoyansk-Chukotka fold region.
Author and coauthor of 210 scientific papers, 118 of which have been published.
Article # 42_2017 | submitted on 11/24/2017 displayed on website on 12/11/2017 |
9 p. | Archegov V.B., Nefedov Yu.V. |
Regional control factors of formation and deposition of petroleum accumulation in ancient sequences of the Siberian Platform | |
The general picture of Siberian Platform petroleum accumulation distribution is their spatial connection with the basement faults, namely: the confinement to the ancient basement anteclise slopes, facing the conjugate one-age bends; number of accumulations confinement with interblock systems and zones that separate geological structures of different ages; the adjoining of sequences to the zones of large transverse grabens, which complicate the structures of these sections. A geological structure characteristic feature of all the accumulations is that the distribution of productive oil and gas potential over the area of the accumulation is determined by the lithological variability of the enclosing sediments regardless of what structural type they would not be confined, and fault tectonics significantly affects the conditions of collectors distribution of and the occurrence of additional fracture permeability. Analysis of hydrodynamic and thermobaric processes occurring in the accumulations sections makes it possible to draw conclusions about the great role of vertical redistribution of hydrocarbons in the process of reservoir formation in their state of the art and the youth of the accumulations reformation process in the Post-Pliocene period.
Keywords: geological structure, basement faults, formation of accumulation, petroleum accumulation, vertical distribution of hydrocarbons, Siberian Platform. |
article citation | Archegov V.B., Nefedov Yu.V. Faktory regional'nogo kontrolya formirovaniya i razmeshcheniya zalezhey nefti i gaza v drevnikh kompleksakh Sibirskoy platformy [Regional control factors of formation and deposition of petroleum accumulation in ancient sequences of the Siberian Platform]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2017, vol. 12, no. 4, available at: http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/4/42_2017.pdf |
DOI | https://doi.org/10.17353/2070-5379/42_2017 |
Album of oil and gas accumulation in the Riphean and Vendian-Cambrian sequences of Eastern Siberia. Krasnoyarsk Territory, Evenki Autonomous Area, Irkutsk Region, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) / Pod red. M.D. Belonina, V.B. Archegova. St. Petersburg, VNIGRI, 2000, 32 p. |
Article # 22_2012 | submitted on 01/31/2012 displayed on website on 04/19/2012 |
31 p. | Archegov V.B. |
Block divisibility of the Earth crust and petroleum potential: theory and research application | |
Various aspects of study of the crust’s block structure are discussed on the basis of the analysis of Russian and foreign literature. These aspects are of theoretical, methodological and practical interest in view of the forecast and prospecting of mineral resources. The study of ancient platforms of Russia has allowed us to formulate the key provisions of the crust’s block structure concept and its petroleum potential. The role of block movements in the hydrocarbon ontogeny is highlighted.
Key words: Earth crust, ancient platform, block structure, block divisibility, petroleum potential. |
article citation | Archegov V.B. Blokovaya delimost' zemnoy kory i neftegazonosnost': teoriya i metodika issledovaniy [Block divisibility of the Earth crust and petroleum potential: theory and research application ]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2012, vol. 7, no. 2, available: http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/8/22_2012.pdf |
Archegov V.B. Blokovye strukturnye formy zemnoy kory i neftegazonosnost' [Block structures of forms of the Earth's crust and petroleum potential]. Obshch. i region. geologiya, geologiya morey i okeanov; geol. kartirovanie: Obzor. Moscow: AO «Geoinformmark», 1995, 52 p. |
Article # 41_2010 | submitted on 08/24/2010 displayed on website on 09/14/2010 |
13 p. | Archegov V.B. |
Structure, petroleum potential and control factors of hydrocarbon accumulation zones in ancient complex of Siberian platform | |
The high mobility of Siberian platform during all stages and phases of its development provided duration, multiplicity of forms and ways of naphtides migration, specificity of structures hostng the oil-and-gas fields. The uniqueness of numerous hydrocarbon accumulations in Siberian platform with approach to their reasons have been shown on the base of systematized complex of diversified parameters (that reflects the oil-and-gas fields’ structures) and peculiarities of their potential. The reasons for the uniqueness have been described. Hydrocarbons productive is connected with the alongated reservoir rocks zones with higher permeability. Their formation was connected with large inter-block faults in the platform basement. Three types of structural links between HC fields and such fault zones may be distinguished. Associated fractures developed under Cambrian salt beds provide the block structures of oil-and-gas fields. Accumulations of oil-and-gas are distributed heterogeneously over areas due to variations in reservoir rocks permeability (terrigenous and carbonate). Their “mosaic” character is not chaotic – it is connected with the “supplementary” fractioning development in the latest phase of orogeny. Key words: Siberian platform, tectonic activity, block structure, petroleum potential, reservoirs, petroleum prospects. |
article citation | Archegov V.B. Structure, petroleum potential and control factors of hydrocarbon accumulation zones in ancient complex of Siberian platform // Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika. – 2010. - V.5. - #3.- http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/4/41_2010.pdf |
Article # 2_2009 | submitted on 02/02/2009 displayed on website on 12/24/2009 |
6 p. | Stepanov V.A., Archegov V.B. |
History of development of whe oil-and-gas industry in Russia | |
The principal target of the study – to trace the history of development of the oil-and-gas resources base of Russia, one of the most actively exploited in the world, since XIX century up to its contemporary state. Article opens a cycle of the publications devoted stories development of the oil-and-gas of works in oil-and-gas-bearing provinces. Key words: Geological Committee; Oil section; VNIGRI – All Russia Petroleum Research Exploration Institute; oil, gas; Saint-Petersburg Mining institute; mineral resources. |
article citation | Stepanov V.A., Archegov V.B. History of development of whe oil-and-gas industry in Russia // Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika. – 2009. - V.4. - #1.- http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/4/2_2009.pdf |
Article # 4_2009 | submitted on 02/02/2009 displayed on website on 02/27/2009 |
34 p. | Archegov V.B., Stepanov V.A. |
History of geological prospecting and exploration for oil-and-gas at the area of Siberian platform and surrounding regions | |
The paper traces history of geological investigations of the oil and gas potential of the region in Khatanga-Vilyuy and Lena-Tungusskaya oil-and-gas-bearing provinces. In the whole, there are summarized results of VNIGRI works at Siberian platform and joining Verkhoyansk-Chukotka folded area.
Development of the oil-and-gas resources of the East Siberia (Siberian platform) is actually sharply needed for large-scale entrance of Russia in the growing energy market of the Asia-Pacific region.
Key words: History, Siberian platform, Khatanga-Vilyuy and Lena-Tungusskaya oil-and-gas-bearing provinces, natural oil sources, oil-and-gas potential, Verkhoyansk-Chukotka folded area; lithological-stratigraphic, tectonics and neotectonics, hydrogeological, oil-and gas geological investigations of VNIGRI. |
article citation | Archegov V.B., Stepanov V.A. History of geological prospecting and exploration for oil-and-gas at the area of Siberian platform and surrounding regions // Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika. – 2009. - V.4. - #1.- http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/4/4_2009.pdf |
Article # 53_2008 | submitted on 11/28/2008 displayed on website on 12/17/2008 |
33 p. | Archegov V.B. |
Blocking divisibility and natural oil sources at the south of Anabar anteclise as related to development of the oil-and-gas complex of Siberian platform | |
Construction of the pipeline East Siberia - Pacific assumes the combine development of the whole oil-and-gas resources complex of Siberian platform. The paper analyzes geological structure of promising for hydrocarbons areas at Anabar anteclise. Attention is focused upon presence of natural oil sources on the surface there, some recommendations are given for development of Kyuenelikyanskaya area Key words: Siberian platform, Anabar anteclise, geological structure, faults, blocks, oil, gas, natural oil sources, bitumens, oil-and-gas potential, project cross-section, wells. |
article citation | Archegov V.B. Blocking divisibility and natural oil sources at the south of Anabar anteclise as related to development of the oil-and-gas complex of Siberian platform // Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika. – 2008. - V.3. - #4.- http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/4/53_2008.pdf |