Motruk V.D.
Deputy General Director of LLC «Naryanmarneftegaz» (JSC «Lukoil»).
Author of 10 publications.
Regional petroleum geology
Section editor – PhD in geology and mineralogy Makarevich V.N.
Article # 031 | displayed on website on 07/27/2007 |
19 p. | Motruk V.D. |
Local structures of Medynsko-Saremboyskaya anticlinal zone. Geological structure, methods for drilling preparation, petroleum potential | |
Characteristics of local structures of Medinsko-Saremboyskaya anticlinal zone through seismic data results from different years, deep drilling and integrated interpretation of geological and geophysical data are presented together with petroleum potential estimation. The method of 3D seismic interpretation processing using the program of spatial modeling is described. New structural models based on 3D seismic data, reprocessing and reinterpretation of geological and geophysical data of license block “Varandei-Adzvinskaya zone” provided not only the creation of a new geological model of the site structure, but also the identification of prospective traps and exclusion of "false"objects from the structures set.
Key words: Devonian, local structures, key horizons, oil and gas reserves and resources, velocity characteristic. |
article citation | Motruk V.D. Local structures of Medynsko-Saremboyskaya anticlinal zone. Geological structure, methods for drilling preparation, petroleum potential // Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika. - 2007. - V.2. - http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/4/031.pdf |