Nazarov V.I.
Graduated from Leningrad Mining Institute, specialization «economics and organizing in mining industry».
PhD in economics (1992), Professor (1997).
Geologorazvedka JSC.
Area of scientific interests: economic evaluation of reserves and resources of oil and gas; forecast of oil and gas reserves and resources development; methods of geological and economic feasibility of exploration.
Author of more than 200 publications, including monographs.
Article # 9_2021 | submitted on 03/03/2021 displayed on website on 03/30/2021 |
22 p. | Nazarov V.I., Grigor'ev G.A., Krasnov O.S., Medvedeva (Kalist) L.V. |
Economic assessment of the petroleum resources bearing Russian Arctic shelf | |
The article is devoted to the results of the economic assessment of the explored and predicted petroleum resources of the Russian Arctic shelf. The volumes of technically available petroleum reserves and resources of the Pechora, Barents and Kara Seas areas, net discounted income and profitability of their development are given. The main factors influencing the economic significance of the petroleum resources of the Russian Arctic shelf are identified. Keywords: economic assessment, petroleum reserves and resources, net present value, internal rate of return, Russian Arctic shelf. |
article citation | Nazarov V.I., Grigor'ev G.A., Krasnov O.S., Medvedeva L.V. Ekonomicheskaya otsenka uglevodorodnoy syr'evoy bazy arkticheskogo shel'fa Rossii [Economic assessment of the petroleum resources bearing Russian Arctic shelf]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2021, vol. 16, no. 1, available at: http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/2021/9_2021.html |
DOI | https://doi.org/10.17353/2070-5379/9_2021 |
Grigor'ev G.A. Perspektivy osvoeniya uglevodorodnykh resursov rossiyskogo arkticheskogo shel'fa - strategicheskaya pauza neizbezhna [Prospects for the development of petroleum resources of the Russian Arctic shelf - a strategic pause is inevitable]. Mineral'nye resursy Rossii. Ekonomika i upravlenie, 2019, no. 2 (165), pp. 37-45.
Grigor'ev G.A., Arutyunyan S.S., Nazarov V.I., Krasnov O.S., Medvedeva L.V. Geologo-ekonomicheskaya otsenka prognoznykh resursov nefti i gaza kontinental'nogo shel'fa Rossii [Geological and economic assessment of forecast petroleum resources of the Russian continental shelf]. RAO / CIS Offshore 2015: trudy 12-y Mezhdunarodnoy konferentsii i vystavki po osvoeniyu resursov nefti i gaza Rossiyskoy Arktiki i kontinental'nogo shel'fa stran SNG (St. Petersburg, 15-18 Sept 2015). St. Petersburg: Khimizdat, 2015, pp. 9-15.
Strategicheskoe upravlenie neftegazovym kompleksom v Arktike [Strategic management of the petroleum complex in the Arctic]. A.M. Fadeev, A.E. Cherepovitsyn, F.D. Larichkin. Apatity: KNTs RAN, 2019, 289 p.
Article # 26_2018 | submitted on 06/08/2018 displayed on website on 07/16/2018 |
24 p. | Nazarov V.I., Medvedeva (Kalist) L.V. |
Quantitative evaluation of factors defining effectiveness geological exploration for oil and gas | |
Examples of factor analysis of the efficiency of exploration for oil and gas in a separate license area at the stages of prospecting and exploration of deposits are considered; the modeling of indicators of geological and economic efficiency of prospecting and exploration drilling in the license area using the chain substitution method was performed. Keywords: factor analysis, geological exploration, oil and gas, geological and economic efficiency of geological exploration. |
article citation | Nazarov V.I., Medvedeva L.V. Opyt kolichestvennoy otsenki faktorov, opredelyayushchikh effektivnost' geologorazvedochnykh rabot na neft' i gaz [Quantitative evaluation of factors defining effectiveness geological exploration for oil and gas]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2018, vol. 13, no. 3, available at: http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/3/26_2018.pdf |
DOI | https://doi.org/10.17353/2070-5379/26_2018 |
Medvedeva L.V., Nazarov V.I. Analiz i otsenka faktorov, vliyayushchikh na effektivnost' geologorazvedochnykh rabot na neft' i gaz [Analysis and assessment of factors affecting the efficiency of geological exploration for oil and gas]. Energoeffektivnost' i ekologiya – 2016: materialy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii s mezhdunarodnym uchastiem (19-22 May 2016). St. Petersburg: Izd-vo Politekhnicheskogo universiteta, 2017, p. 108-115.
Nazarov V.I., Medvedeva L.V. Klassifikatsiya i kolichestvennaya otsenka faktorov, vliyayushchikh na effektivnost' geologorazvedochnykh rabot na neft' i gaz [Classification and quantitative assessment of factors affecting the efficiency of geological exploration for oil and gas]. Interekspo Geo-Sibir', 2016, vol. 4, p. 265-269.
Nazarov V.I., Medvedeva L.V. Kolichestvennaya otsenka faktorov, opredelyayushchikh effektivnost' geologorazvedochnykh rabot na neft' i gaz [Quantitative assessment of the factors determining the efficiency of geological exploration for oil and gas]. Mineral'nye resursy Rossii. Ekonomika i upravlenie, 2016, no. 1-2, p. 47-54.
Nazarov V.I., Medvedeva L.V. Metody kolichestvennoy otsenki faktorov, vliyayushchikh na effektivnost' geologorazvedochnykh rabot [Methods for quantitative evaluation of the factors influencing the effectiveness of exploration]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2016, vol. 11, no. 2, available at: http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/3/16_2016.pdf. DOI: https://doi.org/10.17353/2070-5379/16_2016
Article # 12_2017 | submitted on 03/17/2017 displayed on website on 03/30/2017 |
14 p. | Nazarov V.I. |
The concept of geological and economic evaluation, methodology of oil and gas resources | |
The concept of geological and economic evaluation methodology of oil and gas resources are analyzed. The detailed assessment is substantiated on the basis of the application needs. Promising for oil and gas licensed plots are considered as the base objects of geological and economic evaluation. Moving from deterministic methods of hydrocarbon resources evaluation to probabilistic ones is proposed. An extra charge for risk is recommended to be used apart from the base discount rate in order to consider the investment risks when calculating the income from resources development.
Keywords: geological and economic assessment, hydrocarbon resources, methodology of geological and economic evaluation. |
article citation | Nazarov V.I. Kontseptsiya metodiki geologo-ekonomicheskoy otsenki resursov nefti i gaza [The concept of geological and economic evaluation, methodology of oil and gas resources]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2017, vol. 12, no. 1, available at: http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/3/12_2017.pdf |
DOI | https://doi.org/10.17353/2070-5379/12_2017 |
Metodicheskie rekomendatsii po geologo-ekonomicheskoy otsenki resursov nefti, gaza i kondensata [Methodical recommendations for geological and economic evaluation of oil, gas and condensate resources]. Ed. by A.I. Varlamov, A.A. Gert, Novosibirsk, Moscow, 2015, 58 p.
Metodicheskie rekomendatsii po primeneniyu «Vremennoy metodiki ekonomicheskoy otsenki prognoznykh i perspektivnykh resursov nefti» [Methodical recommendations for the application of the "Temporary Methodology for the Economic Assessment of Inferred and Prospective Oil Resources"]. Leningrad: VNIGRI, 1998, 142 p.
Nazarov V.I. Ekonomicheskie problemy osvoeniya resursov nefti i gaza [Economic problems of oil and gas resources development]. Leningrad: VNIGRI, 1989, 166 p.
Nazarov V.I. O sovershenstvovanii metodologii geologo-ekonomicheskoy otsenki resursov nefti i gaza [On the improvement of geological and economic assessment methodology of oil and gas resources]. Neftegazovaya geologiya. Teoriya i praktika, 2013, vol. 8, no. 3, http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/8/28_2013.pdf. DOI: https://doi.org/10.17353/2070-5379/28_2013
Nazarov V.I., Afanas'eva T.A. Metody i praktika geologo-ekonomicheskoy otsenki prognoznykh resursov nefti i gaza za rubezhom (na primere SShA) [Methods and practice of geological and economic estimation of inferred oil and gas resources abroad (USA example)]. Teoriya i praktika otsenki promyshlennoy znachimosti zapasov i resursov nefti i gaza v sovremennykh usloviyakh: sb. materialov nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii (St. Petersburg, 4-8 July, 2011), St. Petersburg: VNIGRI, 2011, S. 126-131.
Article # 31_2016 | submitted on 07/31/2016 displayed on website on 09/20/2016 |
13 p. | Krasnov O.S., Nazarov V.I. |
Issues of geological and economic audit of unclaimed oil and gas reserves and resources | |
The purpose, objectives, concept, content and structure of the geological and economic audit of unclaimed hydrocarbon resources are analyzed. The methodology of geological and economic audit of multiscale hydrocarbon objects is proposed (hydrocarbon deposits, fields, license areas, hydrocarbon base of the country). The difference between internal and external geological and economic audit is determined.
Based on the term of the ultimate commercial value of oil, determined by the price of the resulting oil refining products, a model of economic evaluation of reserves of unprofitable unclaimed deposits is recommended.
Keywords: geological and economic audit, unclaimed hydrocarbon reserves, unclaimed hydrocarbon resources, estimation of unprofitable unclaimed deposits reserves. |
article citation | Krasnov O.S., Nazarov V.I. Problemy organizatsii i provedeniya geologo-ekonomicheskogo audita nevostrebovannykh zapasov i resursov nefti i gaza [Issues of geological and economic audit of unclaimed oil and gas reserves and resources]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2016, vol. 11, no. 3, available at: http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/3/31_2016.pdf |
DOI | https://doi.org/10.17353/2070-5379/31_2016 |
Metodicheskie rekomendatsii po geologo-ekonomicheskoy otsenke resursov nefti, gaza i kondensata [Guidelines on the geological and economic evaluation of oil resources, gas and condensate]. Editors A.I. Varlamov, A.A. Gert. Novosibirsk, Moscow, 2015, 58 p.
Metodologiya i praktika geologo-ekonomicheskoy otsenki kraevykh sistem drevnikh platform (na primere Timano-Pechorskoy provintsii) [Methodology and practice of geological and economic evaluation of boundary systems of ancient platforms (for example, the Timan-Pechora province)]. L.Z. Aminov, M.D. Belonin, V.I. Bogatskiy, A.P. Borovinskikh, V.I. Gaydeek, G.A. Grigor'ev, B.A. Lebedev, V.N. Makarevich, V.I. Nazarov, O.M. Prishchepa, N.N. Timonina. St. Petersburg: VNIGRI, 2000, 311 p.
Nazarov V.I. Geologo-ekonomicheskiy audit syr'evoy bazy uglevodorodov (metodologiya, prakticheskie zadachi) [Geological and economic audit of the raw material base of hydrocarbons (methodology, practical problems)]. Mineral'nye resursy Rossii. Ekonomika i upravlenie, 2014, no. 2, p. 44-49.
Nazarov V.I., Krasnov O.P. Geologo-ekonomicheskiy audit nevostrebovannoy syr'evoy bazy neftyanoy promyshlennosti [Geological and economic audit of unclaimed resource base of oil industry]. Interekspo GEO-Sibir'-2016: Proceedings of International Scientific Conference «Subsoil. Mining. Directions and search technology, exploration and development of mineral deposits. Geoecology "(Novosibirsk, 18-22 April 2016). Novosibirsk: SGUGiT, 2016, vol. 4, p. 194-197.
Uvazhaev A.N. Ekonomicheskiy mekhanizm podderzhki razvitiya segmenta «pererabotka» v neftyanoy promyshlennosti Rossii [Economic development mechanism to support the segment "processing" in the oil industry in Russia]. Abstract of dissertation for the degree of candidate of economic sciences. St. Petersburg, 2013, 11 p.
Article # 16_2016 | submitted on 04/08/2016 displayed on website on 03/22/2016 |
14 p. | Nazarov V.I., Medvedeva (Kalist) L.V. |
Methods for quantitative evaluation of the factors influencing the effectiveness of exploration | |
The article describes the methods of deterministic and stochastic factor analysis applied to the evaluation of oil and gas exploration effectiveness. The factors affecting the indicators of exploration effectiveness are distinguished, deterministic models evaluating the geological and economic exploration efficiency are provided.
Keywords: factor analysis methods, controlled and uncontrolled factors, efficiency of oil and gas exploration, indicators of geological and economic exploration efficiency. |
article citation | Nazarov V.I., Medvedeva L.V. Metody kolichestvennoy otsenki faktorov, vliyayushchikh na effektivnost' geologorazvedochnykh rabot [Methods for quantitative evaluation of the factors influencing the effectiveness of exploration]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2016, vol. 11, no. 2, available at: http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/3/16_2016.pdf |
DOI | https://doi.org/10.17353/2070-5379/16_2016 |
Baranovskiy M.I., Volkov Yu.S., Ovseenko G.I. Ekonomiko-matematicheskoe modelirovanie v neftyanoy promyshlennosti [Economic-mathematical modeling in the oil industry]. Moscow: Nedra, 1979.
Baymukhametov K.S., Sattarov M.M. Ob odnoy veroyatnostno-statisticheskoy modeli prognozirovaniya prirosta zapasov [On a probabilistic and statistical model of forecast of reserves growth]. Geologiya nefti i gaza, 1975, no. 3, p. 27-32.
Il'inskiy A.A. Ekonomicheskaya otsenka resursov nefti i gaza [Economic evaluation of oil and gas resources]. St. Petersburg: Izdatel'stvo S.-Peterburgskogo universiteta, 1992, 164 p.
Il'inskiy A.A., Nazarov V.I. Faktory ekonomicheskoy otsenki resursov nefti i gaza. Obzor. VNII Ekonomika mineral'nogo syr'ya i geologorazvedochnykh rabot [Factors of economic evaluation of oil and gas resources: overview. Institute of Economics of mineral resources and geological exploration]. Moscow: VIEMS, 1989, 54 p.
Larichkin F.D. Metodicheskie podkhody k faktornomu analizu izmeneniy parametrov gorno-promyshlennogo proizvodstva [Methodological approaches to factor analysis changes in the mining and industrial output parameters]. Organizatsionno-ekonomicheskie mekhanizmy i informatsionnye sistemy v mineral'no-syr'evom komplekse. Natsional'nyy mineral'no-syr'evoy universitet «Gornyy». St. Petersburg, 2014, p. 132-139 (Zapiski gornogo instituta. Tom 208).
Litvinyuk A.S. Ekonomicheskiy analiz [Economic analysis]. Moscow: Eksmo, 2009, 242 p.
Nazarov V.I. Ekonomicheskie problemy osvoeniya resursov nefti i gaza [Economic problems of development of oil and gas resources]. Moscow: Nedra, 1989, 166 p.
Article # 19_2015 | submitted on 05/18/2015 displayed on website on 05/21/2015 |
11 p. | Grigorenko Yu.N., Podol'skiy Yu.V., Nazarov V.I. |
Scientific heritage of Nalivkin Vasiliy Dmitrivich | |
The article is devoted to the 100th anniversary of Nalivkin Vasiliy Dmitrievich - the outstanding petroleum geologist, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Lenin Prize laureate, honorary academician of the Academy of Sciences of Belarus. The results of geological and economic research activity of Nalivkin V.D. as the fundamental basis of quantitative and economic assessment of Russian hydrocarbon resources and forecast of its development has been analyzed.
Keywords: scientific heritage, oil geological science, geological and economic studies, VNIGRI, Nalivkin V.D. |
article citation | Grigorenko Yu.N., Podol'skiy Yu.V., Nazarov V.I. Nauchnoe nasledie Vasiliya Dmitrievicha Nalivkina [Scientific heritage of Nalivkin Vasiliy Dmitrivich]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2015, vol. 10, no. 2, available at: http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/10/19_2015.pdf |
DOI | https://doi.org/10.17353/2070-5379/19_2015 |
Analiz skhem formirovaniya mestorozhdeniy i prognoz neftegazonosnosti struktur (s primeneniem matematicheskikh metodov i EVM [Analysis of formational schemes of deposits and forecast of oil and gas potential of structures (with the application of mathematical methods and computers]. Aminov L.Z., Amosov G.A., M.D. Belonin, N.S. Beskrovnyy, E.D. Voytovich, A.Yu. Zhukov, K.P. Ivanova, Z.Ya Kats, N.M. Kruglikov, Yu.I. Kuznetsov, V.S. Lazarev, A.D. Nadezhdin, V.D. Nalivkin, A.V. Nikulin, V.G. Petrova, A.V. Rybakov, R.S. Sakhibgareev, G.P. Sverchkov, A.G. Sorokin, E.M. Khalimov, K.A. Chernikov, S.I. Shvetsov. Trudy VNIGRI, vol. 389. Leningrad: Nedra, 1977, 186 p.
Atlas litologo-paleogeograficheskikh kart Russkoy platformy i ee geosinklinal'nogo obramleniya. Ch. 1: Pozdniy dokembriy i paleozoy [Atlas of lithologic-paleogeographic maps of the Russian platform and its geosynclinal frame. Part 1: The Late Precambrian and Paleozoic]. Editors A.P. Vinogradov, V.D. Nalivkin; Editorial board: V.G. Bondarchuk, E. Bonchev, I.O. Brod, E. Vadas, A.P. Vinogradov, A. Delchev, V.Ya. Didkovskiy, S.M. Domrachev, E.M. Lyutkevich, A. Mateyka, M.V. Muratov, V.D. Nalivkin, M. Paykhel', K. Petkovich, V.M. Pozner, V.P. Rengarten, A.B. Ronov, N.T. Sazonov, E. Saulya, F. Sentesh, B.S. Sokolov, V.N. Tikhiy, M.M. Tolstikhina, N.N. Forsh, A.V. Khabakov, V.E. Khain, A.L. Tsagareli, A.L. Yanshin. Moscow-Leningrad: Gosgeoltekhizdat, 1960.
Atlas litologo-paleogeograficheskikh kart Russkoy platformy i ee geosinklinal'nogo obramleniya. Ch. 2: Mezozoy i kaynozoy [Atlas of lithologic-paleogeographic maps of the Russian platform and its geosynclinal frame. Part 2: Mesozoic and Cenozoic]. Editors A.P. Vinogradov, A.B. Ronov and V.E. Khain; Editorial board: V.G. Bondarchuk, E. Bonchev, I.O. Brod, E. Vadas, A.P. Vinogradov, A. Delchev, V.Ya. Didkovskiy, S.M. Domrachev, E.M. Lyutkevich, A. Mateyka, M.V. Muratov, V.D. Nalivkin, M. Paykhel', K. Petkovich, V.M. Pozner, V.P. Rengarten, A.B. Ronov, N.T. Sazonov, E. Saulya, F. Sentesh, B.S. Sokolov, V.N. Tikhiy, M.M. Tolstikhina, N.N. Forsh, A.V. Khabakov, V.E. Khain, A.L. Tsagareli, A.L. Yanshin. – Moscow-Leningrad: Gosgeoltekhizdat, 1961.
Geologiya i neftegazonosnost' Zapadno-Sibirskoy nizmennosti – novoy neftyanoy bazy SSSR [Geology and petroleum potential of the West Siberian Plain - the new oil recourses area of USSR]. F.G. Gurari, V.P. Kazarinov, Yu.K. Mironov, V.D. Nalivkin, I.I. Nesterov, T.I. Osyko, L.I. Rovnin, N.N. Rostovtsev, M.Ya. Rudkevich, T.N. Simonenko, V.N. Sokolov, A.A. Trofimuk, N.G. Chochia, Yu.G. Erv'e. Novosibirsk: SB AS SSSR, 1963, 201p.
Geologo-matematicheskie metody prognoza neftegazonosnosti lokal'nykh struktur molodykh platform [Geological and mathematical methods of forecasting of oil and gas potential of local structures of young platforms]. Editors I.P. Zhabrev and V.D. Nalivkin. Moscow: Nedra, 1980, 261 p.
Kriterii razdel'noy otsenki neftenosnosti i gazonosnosti (na primere Timano-Pechorskoy provintsii) [The criteria for separate evaluation of the oil-bearing and gas-bearing potential (for example of the Timan-Pechora province)]. G.A. Amosov, M.D. Belonin, I.S. Gol'dberg, G.P. Evseev, Yu.A. Zhukov, K.P. Ivanova, V.V. Ivantsova, Z.G. Kaplan, G.S. Kalmykov, E.A. Kareva, Z.Ya. Kats, N.M. Kruglikov, V.S. Lazarev, G.V. Lebedeva, K.D. Melekhova, P.I. Motovilov, V.D. Nalivkin, V.V. Nevskiy, N.M. Nevskaya, V.G. Petrova, K.F. Rakhmanov, G.P. Sverchkov, K.A. Chernikov. Trudy VNIGRI, vol. 334. Leningrad: Nedra, 1974, 183 p.
Metodicheskie ukazaniya po kolichestvennoy otsenke prognoznykh resursov nefti, gaza i kondensata [Guidelines for quantitative evaluation of inferred resources of oil, gas and condensate]. Moscow: VNIGNI, 1983, p. 214.
Metody otsenki perspektiv neftegazonosnosti [Methods for evaluating the petroleum potential]. Editors: N.I. Buyalov, V.D. Nalivkin. Authors: M.D. Belonin, N.I. Buyalov, E.V. Zakharov, A.E. Kontorovich, M.S. L'vov, S.P. Maksimov, M.S. Modelevskiy, V.D. Nalivkin, I.I. Nesterov, G.P. Sverchkov, V.I. Shpil'man. Moscow: Nedra, 1979, 332 p.
Nalivkin V.D., Dmitriev G.A. Verkhniy paleozoy Simskogo zavoda [Upper Paleozoic of Simsk plant]. Problemy sovetskoy geologii, 1937, no. 7, vol. 607-616.
Nalivkin V.D., Rozanov L.N., Fotiadi E.E., Egorov S.P., Engurazov I.I., Kovalevskiy Yu.S., Kozachenko M.G., Kondrat'eva M.G., Kuznetsov G.A., Kulikov F.S., Lobov V.A., Sofronitskiy P.A., Tatarinov A.G. Volgo-Ural'skaya neftenosnaya oblast'. Tektonika [Volga-Ural petroleum province. Tectonics]. Trudy VNIGRI, 1956, vol. 10, 312 p.
Nalivkin V.D., Smirnov G.A. Etapy geologicheskoy istorii Urala [Stages of the geological history of the Urals]. Geologiya i paleontologiya. Leningrad: Nauka, 1989, p. 154-168.
Vremennaya metodika ekonomicheskoy otsenki prognoznykh i perspektivnykh resursov nefti [Contemporary methodology for economic assessment of perspective and inferred resources of oil]. V.D. Nalivkin and authors. Leningard: VNIGRI, 1986.
Vremennye metodicheskie ukazaniya po ekonomicheskoy otsenke resursov nefti i gaza [Contemporary methodology for economic assessment of oil and gas resources]. V.D. Nalivkin and authors. Leningard: VNIGRI, 1993.
Article # 28_2013 | submitted on 07/11/2013 displayed on website on 07/19/2013 |
13 p. | Nazarov V.I. |
Improving of geological and economical methodology of oil and gas resources evaluation | |
Author propose to move from deterministic to probabilistic assessment of resources, and to improve methods for their differentiation by local objects in order to improve the methodology of geological and economical evaluation of oil and gas resources. It is necessary to clarify the methodology for forecasting geological characteristics of local hydrocarbon objects, to develop methods for the formation of initial information base for the calculation of the cost of their prospecting, exploration and development. The hydrocarbon deposits or groups of deposits, combined in self-exploration sites, are proposed to be considered as local objects for assessment.
Key words: hydrocarbons, geological and economic assessment, inferred resources, local object of evaluation, differentiation of resources. |
article citation | Nazarov V.I. O sovershenstvovanii metodologii geologo-ekonomicheskoy otsenki resursov nefti i gaza [Improving of geological and economical methodology of oil and gas resources evaluation]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2013, vol. 8, no. 3, available: http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/8/28_2013.pdf |
DOI | https://doi.org/10.17353/2070-5379/28_2013 |
Nazarov V.I., Kalist L.V. Geologo-ekonomicheskaya otsenka resursov nefti i gaza akvatoriy morey Rossii [Geological and economic evaluation of oil and gas resources seas of Russia] // Mineral'nye resursy Rossii. Ekonomika i upravlenie, 2008. - № 3. - S. 26-31.
Nazarov V.I., Krasnov O.S. Metodicheskie osnovy geologo-ekonomicheskoy otsenki resursov nefti i gaza [Methodological basis for geological and economic evaluation of oil and gas resources] // Neftegazogeologicheskiy prognoz i perspektivy razvitiya neftegazovogo kompleksa vostoka Rossii: sb. materialov nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii. - SPb: FGUP «VNIGRI», 2013. - S. 445-454.
Nazarov V.I., Medvedeva L.V., Baturin Yu.N., Regentova N.V., Shreyder A.A. Metodicheskie podkhody k otsenke sopostavimosti raznovremennykh zatrat na geologorazvedochnye raboty [Methodological approaches to evaluating the comparability of exploration costs of different times] //Kompleksnoe izuchenie i osvoenie syr'evoy bazy nefti i gaza severa evropeyskoy chasti Rossii: sb. materialov nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii. - SPb: FGUP «VNIGRI», 2012. - S. 355-364.
Article # 9_2011 | submitted on 02/09/2011 displayed on website on 03/03/2011 |
14 p. | Krasnov O.S., Nazarov V.I., Medvedeva (Kalist) L.V., Metkin D.M. |
Geological and economical problems of renewalof oil and gas mineral resources | |
The main geological and economical problems of renewal of oil and gas mineral resources of Russia are considered. Additional possibilities of explored hydrocarbon resources are identified, the necessity of regular geological and economical reevaluation of probable resources is confirmed, various approaches to investment risks evaluation in various stages of exploration and development of hydrocarbon resources are considered to clarify their industrial importance, some proposals are made on enhancing the economical and legal framework of subsoil management and improvement of the new classification of oil and combustible gases reserves and resources. Key words: renewal of mineral resources, oil, gas, geological and economical evaluation, reserves, probable reserves, classification, investment risks, economical and legal framework of subsoil management. |
article citation | Krasnov O.S., Nazarov V.I., Prischepa O.M., Medvedeva L.V., Metkin D.M. Geologo-ekonomicheskie problemy vosproizvodstva mineral'no-syr'evoy bazy nefti i gaza [Geological and economical problems of renewal of oil and gas mineral resources]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2011, vol. 6, no. 1, available at: http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/3/9_2011.pdf |
Ampilov Yu.P. Stoimostnaya otsenka nedr [Valuation of mineral resources]. Moscow: Geoinformtsentr, 2003, 274 p. |
Article # 35_2010 | submitted on 07/20/2010 displayed on website on 08/12/2010 |
17 p. | Nazarov V.I. |
Geological-economic substantiating the priority directions of oil and gas exploration and production: basic problems and ways of their solution | |
The basic problems of geological-economic substantiating the priority directions of oil and gas exploration and production are considered.
A significant increase in the detail of the forecast is needed for solving such problems. It is not enough to make quantitative estimation of the petroleum districts under current conditions of subsoil use. The estimation of the zones of petroleum accumulation or individual prospecting areas is required. Besides, it is necessary to separate the estimation of the hydrocarbon forecast resources of distributed and undistributed funds.
The factors determining the commercial significance of forecast hydrocarbon resources and also the indices providing the choice of priority directions
of oil and gas exploration and production are substantiated. Key words: geological-economic estimation, increase in detail of forecast, commercial significance of hydrocarbon resources. |
article citation | Nazarov V.I. Geological-economic substantiating the priority directions of oil and gas exploration and production: basic problems and ways of their solution // Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika. – 2010. - V.5. - #3.- http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/3/35_2010.pdf |
Article # 34_2008 | submitted on 09/19/2008 displayed on website on 09/22/2008 |
13 p. | Nazarov V.I., Iskritskaya N.I. |
Еconomic estimation of oil and gas reserves and resources as the basis for their commercial classification | |
The peculiarities of the new «Classification of reserves and forecast resources of oil and combustible gases» which establishes the unified for the Russian Federation principles of differentiation of hydrocarbon fields with respect to their geological study, development degree and commercial importance are considered. Its major peculiarity is orientation to economic criteria. In this new classification, as in other international classifications, reserves profitable for development are considered as commercial reserves. The profitability of developing oil and gas reserves can be determined only on the basis of their economic estimation. The results of an economic estimation allow have an idea of the size of commercial hydrocarbon reserves of the oil-gas-producing companies at the beginning of carrying out such estimation. The new classification is approximated by its criteria to the existing international classifications Key words: Classification of reserves and forecast resources of oil and combustible gases, economic criteria of estimation of commercial reserves, commercial and non-commercial reserves, profitability. |
article citation | Nazarov V.I., Iskritskaya N.I. Еconomic estimation of oil and gas reserves and resources as the basis for their commercial classification // Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika. – 2008. - V.3. - #3.- http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/3/34_2008.pdf |
Article # 35_2008 | submitted on 09/19/2008 displayed on website on 09/22/2008 |
28 p. | Grigor'ev G.A., Nazarov V.I., Tatarinov I.V., Kuznetsova N.T., Efanova L.V., Udot G.D., Metkin D.M. |
Geological-economic analysis of state of the Russian hydrocarbon resource base | |
The estimation of present state of the Russian hydrocarbon resource base based on the geological-economic analysis of the major elements of its structure is presented. A brief characteristic of its peculiarities by separate onshore regions (Federal okrugs) and the offshore is given. The prospects of oil and gas production within their limits are considered; the critical factors determining the possibility of progressive developing a producing branch and maintaining the achieved volumes of production are set out. The forecast of possible levels of oil and gas production in Russia is given during the period until 2030. The estimation of a number of indices being critical from the point of view of the guaranteed providing such production levels is given. The role of the State is considered; some measures on forming a policy in the field of taxation and using subsurface resources for efficient stimulating the processes of developing the resource base of oil-gas production are proposed Key words: oil resource base, gas resource base, production, geological-economic estimation, tax system, center of oil-gas industry, forecast. |
article citation | Grigoriev G.A., Nazarov V.I., Tatarinov I.V., Kuznetsova N.T., Efanova L.V., Udot G.D., Metkin D.I. Geological-economic analysis of state of the Russian hydrocarbon resource base // Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika. – 2008. - V.3. - #3.- http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/3/35_2008.pdf |
Article # 004 | displayed on website on 02/20/2007 |
11 p. | Nazarov V.I., Medvedeva (Kalist) L.V. |
Risks of decision-making process on the fields and objects decision for marine hydrocarbon resources development | |
Various kinds of risks arising during the study and development of the shelf hydrocarbon resources and having direct impact on decision-making on the choice of marine oil and gas exploration areas and development targets are described in the article. Approaches to decision-making at each stage of shelf oil and gas exploration have been presented, criteria of making these decisions have been identified and indicators of their implementation efficiency assessment have been proposed considering identified risks. Key words: hydrocarbon fields, shelf, offshore oil and gas exploration, risks, management decisions. |
article citation | Nazarov V.I., Kalist L.V. Risks of decision-making process on the fields and objects decision for marine hydrocarbon resources development // Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika. - 2007. - V.2. - http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/3/004.pdf |