Shimansky V.K.
Graduated from Chemistry Department of Leningrad State University (1955).
PhD in geology and mineralogy (1968).
Head of the department of geochemical bases of petroleum potential forecast and oil ecology research.
Area of scientific interest: geochemistry of oil and organic matter of rocks, geochemistry of individual hydrocarbons, kinetic and thermodynamic models of oil formation processes, genetic classification of oils, banks of geochemical data.
Author and coauthor of 200 publications, including 6 monographs.
Outstanding petroleum geologists
Section editor – Averyanova O.Yu.
Article # | submitted on 06/02/2009 displayed on website on 06/30/2009 |
10 p. | Shimansky V.K. |
Vladimir A. Uspensky. Byografy and Scientific activity | |
The paper is devoted to Vladimir Alexeevich Uspensky - an outstanding researcher, a founder of native bituminology. He laid the foundations of applied organic geochemistry as the obligatory and basic element of oil-gas exploration geology, the modern methods of forecasting and estimating petroleum potential scales. Key words: bituminology, classifications of bitumens, organic geochemistry, origin of oil. |
article citation | Shimansky V.K. Vladimir A. Uspensky. Byografy and Scientific activity // Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika. - 2009. - V.4. - #2.- http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/14/vauspensky_2009.pdf |
Raw hydrocarbon geoecology
Section editor – PhD in geology and mineralogy Rogozina E.A.
Article # 012 | displayed on website on 03/23/2007 |
16 p. | Rogozina E.A., Shimansky V.K. |
Some theoretical aspects of the contaminated soil ecosystems recovery | |
The peculiarities of soil organic matter alterations under the influence of hydrocarbon contamination provided with experimental data have been described, depending on mineralogical composition, organic matter content, size and composition of soil microbiota, oxidation-recovery environment. Any transformation within the system “contaminated soil - hydrocarbon contaminant” under aerobic conditions is accompanied by CO2 generation; while hindered air access conditions account for generation of CO2, N2, CH4, paraffin and unsaturated homologues of CH4.
Key words: organic matter, hydrocarbon contamination, soil ecosystems, soil recovery. |
article citation | Rogozina E.A., Shimansky V.K. Some theoretical aspects of the contaminated soil ecosystems recovery // Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika. – 2007. - V.2. - http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/7/012.pdf |
Geochemical research
Section editor – PhD in geology and mineralogy Bazhenova T.K.
Article # 008 | displayed on website on 03/19/2007 |
17 p. | Bazhenova T.K., Shimansky V.K. |
Research on hydrocarbon systems ontogenesisas the basis for realistic prospectof sedimentary basins petroleum potential | |
The geochemical history of hydrocarbon systems resulted from different types of organic matter in sedimentary basins has been considered on the basis of current geological and geochemical modeling. Serial analysis of the hydrocarbon systems evolution has been carried out - from the hydrocarbons generation-migration to the state and behavior of the systems in the process of formation and further existence of hydrocarbon accumulations. This allows carrying out the separate forecast estimation of petroleum potential of the different level objects. Key words: hydrocarbon system, current modeling, oil and gas formation, sapropelites, gumity, catagenesis, domanikity, domanikoidy, Siberian platform, migration, genetic deficiency of gas, accumulation. |
article citation | Bazhenova T.K., Shimansky V.K. Research on hydrocarbon systems ontogenesis as the basis for realistic prospect of sedimentary basins petroleum potential // Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika. – 2007. - V.2. - http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/1/008.pdf |
Scientific heritage /VNIGRI's ideas/
Section editor – PhD in geology and mineralogy Prischepa O.M.
Article # 11 | displayed on website on 11/21/2006 |
19 p. | Shimansky V.K., Shapiro A.I. |
Evolution of the hydrocarbon composition of the bitumens during catagenesis according to laboratory stepwise thermolysis data | |
Reedition The features of the composition of the residual organic matter and thermo-bitumens from five samples of organic matter (sapropelite type) are investigated by stepwise thermolysis. Four samples (shale from Undory, Aleksinac, Suzak fields and dispersed organic matter of Kuma Formation’s mudstone) are presented by organic matter of kollo-algin type, while the fifth one (shale from Boltysh field) – is presented by organic matter of tallomosorbomikstinit type. Refractive index of the micro-components in insoluble organic matter increases as well as thermolysis temperature, with varying intensity depending on the micro-component composition of the original organic matter. The refractive index of the insoluble organic matter of kollo-algin type at the thermolysis stage 400C was equal MK3 - 4, while tallomo-algin type was characterized by not more than MK2 - 3. As for the thermolysis outcome for Undora shales, the maximum falls on the 250-300C step, whereas the same one for Aleksinac is equal to 350C. The organic matter from Kuma formation and Suzak field shale generated thermobitumens uniformly from 300C to 400C, as opposed to Boltysh field shale with 400C. What is more in the latter’s insoluble part there was still 16% of lipid component. It is proved by the chloroform thermo-bitumen study that the evolution of the chloroform thermo-bitumen and parameters of the individual composition are similar to those of the natural evolution of the bitumens for organic matter of the same type. Key words: organic matter, shales, mudstones, North Caucasus, catagenesis, thermolysis. The revised article published in the collection of scientific papers «Study of oil and gas generation characteristics of rocks organic matter by thermal methods». Leningrad: VNIGRI, 1988. P. 23-47. |
article citation | Shimansky V.K., Shapiro A.I. Evolution of the hydrocarbon composition of the bitumens during catagenesis according to laboratory stepwise thermolysis data // Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika. – 2006. - V.1. - http://www.ngtp.ru/10/11.pdf |
Geochemical research
Section editor – PhD in geology and mineralogy Bazhenova T.K.
Article # 09 | displayed on website on 11/14/2006 |
14 p. | Shimansky V.K., Shapiro A.I., Vasilyeva V.F., Vishnevskaya N.B., Kunaeva N.T., Turenkova G.V. |
Peculiarities of the bitumens structure of dispersed organic matter of the Mesozoic argillite,south of the Eastern Siberia | |
The structure and distribution of the hydrocarbon biomarkers of poorly explored complex of the Middle and Lower Jurassic deposits, south of the Eastern Siberia, have been investigated by modern geochemistry methods. Low-boiling hydrocarbons, ordinary and isoprenoid alkanes, sterany, turpane, triaromatic sterany and phenanthrene have been identified in the structure of bitumens. The hydrocarbon structure and distribution regularity of different types of the dispersed organic matter have been analyzed. The hydrocarbon biomarkers structure and distribution of catagenesis graduation are shown to be connected with the type of original organic matter, whereas the hydrocarbon biomarkers structure and distribution inside each type of organic matter are connected with the ratio of humus and sapropel components. Key words: bitumens, dispersed organic matter, argillite, hydrocarbon biomarkers, Eastern Siberia, Middle and Lower Jurassic deposits. |
article citation | Shimansky V.K., Shapiro A.I., Vasilyeva V.F., Vishnevskaya N.B., Kunaeva N.T., Turenkova G.V. Peculiarities of the bitumens structure of dispersed organic matter of the Mesozoic argillite, south of the Eastern Siberia // Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika. – 2006. - V.1. - http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/1/09.pdf |