Blinova V.N.

Graduated from Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov (2003), specialization "geologist".
PhD in Geology and Mineralogy.
Chief Specialist of Rosneft Oil Company.
Area of scientific interests: geology and geochemistry of oil and gas, marine geology, authigenic transformations as a result of hydrocarbons.
Author of 20 publications.
Hard-extracted reserves, unconventional hydrocarbon sources
Section editor – PhD in geology and mineralogy Yakutseni V.P.
Article # 33_2011 submitted on 08/18/2011 displayed on website on 09/12/2011
15 p.
pdf  New data on geological structure of the Olenek bitumen field and hydrocarbon potential of the adjacent territory
The reservoirs characteristics were studied and the prerequisites for the formation and location of satellites of the Olenek field were reviewed. This field buried and saturated by fluids, was unaffected by the regional hypergenesis processes. The principal directions of hydrocarbon exploration for the adjacent territory were identified.
Key words: bitumen, ontogenesis of hydrocarbon systems, terrigenous deposits, Permian, hydrocarbon potential, Olenek field.
article citation Polyakov А.А., Blinova V.N., Kashirtsev V.A., Smirnova M.E. New data on geological structure of the Olenek bitumen field and hydrocarbon potential of the adjacent territory // Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika. – 2011. - V.6. - #3.-