Chibisova V.S.
Graduated from Russian State Hydrometeorological University, specialization «geo-ecology» (2008).
Engineer of VNIGRI.
Area of scientific interest: hydrogeology, geology of the Kaliningrad region and Timan-Pechora province, geo-ecology.
Author of 8 publications.
Regional petroleum geology
Section editor – PhD in geology and mineralogy Makarevich V.N.
Article # 41_2013 | submitted on 10/21/2013 displayed on website on 11/11/2013 |
12 p. | Zytner Yu.I., Otmas A.A., Chibisova V.S. |
Geothermal conditions of the Cambrian deposits (Baltic petroleum province, Kaliningrad region) | |
A wide range of temperatures was observed in the underground water of the Cambrian deposits of Kaliningrad region. The geothermal gradients also vary widely from minimum values in the south of the Kaliningrad region to the maximum values in the northeast of the region (Novoserebryanskoe, East Gorinskoe fields). No correlation has been found between temperature changes and the age of the crystalline basement, its composition, thickness of crust blocks and gravitational fields is typical for the Cambrian deposits of the region.
The possibility of use the thermal energy waters of the region for the national economic purposes is discussed. With this aim the values of formation temperatures were adjusted to a depth of 1500 m. In the Kaliningrad region they can be used to heat the soil, in animal agriculture, domestic hot water service and greenhouse farming. Key words: formation temperature, geothermal gradient, Cambrian deposits, groundwater, thermal energy water, Kaliningrad region. |
article citation | Zytner Yu.I., Otmas A.A. (junior), Chibisova V.S. Geotermicheskie usloviya otlozheniy kembriyskogo kompleksa Baltiyskoy neftegazonosnoy oblasti (Kaliningradskaya oblast') [Geothermal conditions of the Cambrian deposits (Baltic petroleum province, Kaliningrad region) ]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2013, vol. 8, no. 4, available at: http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/4/41_2013.pdf |
DOI | https://doi.org/10.17353/2070-5379/41_2013 |
Dedeev V.A., Zytner Yu.I., Oberman N.G., Migunov L.V., Mil'kov V.M., Gorbachev A.F., Rufov S.B. Podzemnye vody Evropeyskogo Severo-Vostoka SSSR [Groundwater of the European North-East of the USSR]. Syktyvkar (Institut geologii Komi nauchnogo tsentra UrO AN SSSR), 1989, 160 p.
Fenin G.I. Anomal'no vysokie plastovye davleniya v Timano-Pechorskoy neftegazonosnoy provintsii [Abnormally high reservoir pressures in the Timan-Pechora oil and gas province]. St. Petersburg: VNIGRI, 2011. (1-CD-R).
Geologiya i neftegazonosnost' zapada Vostochno-Evropeyskoy platformy [Geology and petroleum potential of the East European platform]. Editor A.M. Sinichka. Minsk: Nauka, 1997, 696 p.
Otmas A.A., Zytner Yu.I., Otmas An.A., Chibisova V.S. Pereotsenka nachal'nykh summarnykh resursov Kaliningradskoy oblasti – osnova vybora perspektivnykh napravleniy provedeniya GRR na blizhne-srednesrochnuyu perspektivu [Revaluation of total initial reserves of Kaliningrad region - the basis of selecting promising areas of exploration in the short-medium term]. Kompleksnoe izuchenie i osvoenie syr'evoy bazy nefti i gaza severa evropeyskoy chasti Rossii.. St. Petersburg: VNIGRI, 2012, 392 p.
Zytner Yu.I., Migunov L.V. Termobaricheskie usloviya sushchestvovaniya zalezhey uglevodorodov Evropeyskogo Severo-Vostoka SSSR [Pressure and temperature conditions for the existence of hydrocarbon deposits in the European North-East of the USSR]. Pechorskiy neftegazonosnyy basseyn (geologiya, geokhimiya). Syktyvkar, 1988, vol. 64.
Fenin G.I. Anomal'no vysokie plastovye davleniya v Timano-Pechorskoy neftegazonosnoy provintsii [Abnormally high reservoir pressures in the Timan-Pechora oil and gas province]. St. Petersburg: VNIGRI, 2011. (1-CD-R).
Geologiya i neftegazonosnost' zapada Vostochno-Evropeyskoy platformy [Geology and petroleum potential of the East European platform]. Editor A.M. Sinichka. Minsk: Nauka, 1997, 696 p.
Otmas A.A., Zytner Yu.I., Otmas An.A., Chibisova V.S. Pereotsenka nachal'nykh summarnykh resursov Kaliningradskoy oblasti – osnova vybora perspektivnykh napravleniy provedeniya GRR na blizhne-srednesrochnuyu perspektivu [Revaluation of total initial reserves of Kaliningrad region - the basis of selecting promising areas of exploration in the short-medium term]. Kompleksnoe izuchenie i osvoenie syr'evoy bazy nefti i gaza severa evropeyskoy chasti Rossii.. St. Petersburg: VNIGRI, 2012, 392 p.
Zytner Yu.I., Migunov L.V. Termobaricheskie usloviya sushchestvovaniya zalezhey uglevodorodov Evropeyskogo Severo-Vostoka SSSR [Pressure and temperature conditions for the existence of hydrocarbon deposits in the European North-East of the USSR]. Pechorskiy neftegazonosnyy basseyn (geologiya, geokhimiya). Syktyvkar, 1988, vol. 64.
Regional petroleum geology
Section editor – PhD in geology and mineralogy Makarevich V.N.
Article # 35_2013 | submitted on 09/23/2013 displayed on website on 09/27/2013 |
19 p. | Zytner Yu.I., Chibisova V.S. |
Hydrogeological criteria for petroleum potential forecast (northern areas of Timan-Pechora province) | |
Genetic relationships between certain chemical types of groundwater and oil and gas accumulations form the basis of petroleum potential forecast using hydrogeological criteria. The hydrogeological parameters determining the peculiarities of development of hydrogeological systems of sedimentary basins are defined. The parameters depend on the lithology of sedimentary cover and history of geological development of basins. This enables us to develop a system of genesis-evolutionary hydrogeological criteria for petroleum potential forecast and to make the forecast of water-bearing complexes of the northern Timan Pechora province.
Key words: groundwater, sedimentation basin, gas-hydro-chemical indicators, hydrogeological criteria, petroleum potential forecast, Timan-Pechora province. |
article citation | Zytner Yu.I., Chibisova V.S. Gidrogeologicheskie kriterii prognoza neftegazonosnosti severnykh rayonov Timano-Pechorskoy neftegazonosnoy provintsii [Hydrogeological criteria for petroleum potential forecast (northern areas of Timan-Pechora province)]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2013, vol. 8, no. 3, available at: http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/4/35_2013.pdf |
DOI | https://doi.org/10.17353/2070-5379/35_2013 |
Aminov L.Z., Dedeev V.A., Zytner Yu.I., Migunov L.V. Gidrogeologicheskie usloviya neftegazonosnosti sedimentatsionnykh basseynov Evropeyskogo Severa SSSR [Hydrogeological conditions of the petroleum potential of sedimentary basins of the European North of the USSR]. Nauchnye rekomendatsii - narodnomu khozyaystvu. KNTs UrO AN SSSR, 1987, vol. 65, 44 p.
Danilevskiy S.A., Sklyarova Z.P., Trifachev Yu.M. Geoflyuidal'nye sistemy Timano-Pechorskoy provintsii [Geo-fluid system of the Timan-Pechora]. Ukhta, 2003, 298 p.
Podzemnye vody Evropeyskogo Severo-Vostoka SSSR [Groundwater European North-East of the USSR]. V.A. Dedeev, Yu.I. Zytner, N.G. Oberman. Syktyvkar: In-t geologii Komi nauchnogo tsentra UrO AN SSSR, 1989, 158 p.
Toplivno-energeticheskaya baza Evropeyskogo Severo-Vostoka SSSR [Fuel and energy base of the European North-East of the USSR]. Editor V.A. Dedeev, L.Z. Aminov. Syktyvkar: KNTs UrO AN SSSR, 1991, 305 p.
Zytner Yu.I. Evolyutsionno-geneticheskie gidrogeologicheskie kriterii prognoza neftegazonosnosti sedimentatsionnykh basseynov [Evolutionary-genetic hydrogeological criteria for petroleum potential forecast of sedimentary basins]. Neftegazovaya geologiya. Teoriya i praktika, 2006, vol. 1, available at: http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/4/08.pdf
Danilevskiy S.A., Sklyarova Z.P., Trifachev Yu.M. Geoflyuidal'nye sistemy Timano-Pechorskoy provintsii [Geo-fluid system of the Timan-Pechora]. Ukhta, 2003, 298 p.
Podzemnye vody Evropeyskogo Severo-Vostoka SSSR [Groundwater European North-East of the USSR]. V.A. Dedeev, Yu.I. Zytner, N.G. Oberman. Syktyvkar: In-t geologii Komi nauchnogo tsentra UrO AN SSSR, 1989, 158 p.
Toplivno-energeticheskaya baza Evropeyskogo Severo-Vostoka SSSR [Fuel and energy base of the European North-East of the USSR]. Editor V.A. Dedeev, L.Z. Aminov. Syktyvkar: KNTs UrO AN SSSR, 1991, 305 p.
Zytner Yu.I. Evolyutsionno-geneticheskie gidrogeologicheskie kriterii prognoza neftegazonosnosti sedimentatsionnykh basseynov [Evolutionary-genetic hydrogeological criteria for petroleum potential forecast of sedimentary basins]. Neftegazovaya geologiya. Teoriya i praktika, 2006, vol. 1, available at: http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/4/08.pdf
Petroleum potential and development
Section editor – PhD in geology and mineralogy Podolsky Yu.V.
Article # 44_2009 | submitted on 12/10/2009 displayed on website on 12/12/2009 |
12 p. | Zytner Yu.I., Fenin G.I., Chibisova V.S., Rovinskaya E.L. |
Hydrocarbon resource base and the state of licensing of the Baltic oil region (Kaliningrad oblast) | |
The performed research allowed actualizing the hydrocarbon resource base of the Kaliningrad oblast as of 01.01.2009, to estimate the state of oil reserves by fields and the hydrocarbon prospects of prepared and revealed structures. Analyzing the coefficient of ratio of oil reserve growth (at the expense of exploration) to production has shown that it is less than 1.0 and in 2008 it was only 0.16. And, as the exploration maturity of the region increases (from the anticline traps of discovered fields to uplifts revealed in recent years), natural worsening the morphological parameters of local objects is observed and, as a result, the volume of resources in them decreases. Key words: Kaliningrad oblast, oil, reserves, resources, licensing. |
article citation | Zytner Yu.I., Fenin G.I., Chibisova V.S., Rovinskaya E.L. Hydrocarbon resource base and the state of licensing of the Baltic oil region (Kaliningrad oblast) // Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika. – 2009. - V.4. - #4.- http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/6/44_2009.pdf |