Gribkov V.V.
/1931 - 2000/
Graduated from Leningrad Mining Institute, specialization «oil and gas fields prospecting and exploration» (1955).
Worked with VNIGRI from 1955 until his last days from a geologist to head of department of production technology and integrated processing of hydrocarbon minerals.
PhD in geology and mineralogy (1990).
Key fields of scientific research: oil and gas potential of Kazakhstan, metal contents of oils and bitumen. For the first time in the Soviet Union discovered and estimated reserves of vanadium in oils of the most important fields in Kazakhstan. Studied the patterns of metal accumulation in hydrocarbons.
Author and coauthor of more than 200 publications, including two dozen monographs, co-author of 15 inventions.
Scientific heritage /VNIGRI's ideas/
Section editor – PhD in geology and mineralogy Prischepa O.M.
Article # 010 | displayed on website on 03/23/2007 |
12 p. | Gribkov V.V. |
One of the probable natural processes of oil enrichment by vanadium | |
Reedition Geological, geochemical and hydrological occurrence of commercial vanadium bearing oil and bitumen in the largest fields of Canada, Venezuela and the USSR have been considered in the article after Gribkov Vsevolod Vsevolodovich /1931 - 2000/, who is the outstanding petroleum geologist, the laureate of the USSR State award (1982), the full member of International Academy of Mineral Resources (1996). The similarity of the conditions in oil and gas areas and provinces being considered has been highlighted. The exploration features of commercial vanadium bearing oils have been formulated. The probable way of oil enrichment by vanadium has been described. Key words: heavy oil, bitumen, vanadium bearing oils, exploration indexes of vanadium bearing hydrocarbons, naphtha-metallogeny. The paper was published in the collection of scientific articles of VNIGRI "Oil associated components and recovery problems". – Leningrad: VNIGRI, 1989. - P. 28-39. |
article citation | Gribkov V.V. One of the probable natural processes of oil enrichment by vanadium // Нефтегазовая геология. Теория и практика. - 2007. - Т.2. - http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/10/010.pdf |