Demin V.Yu.
Graduated from Tyumen State Oil and Gas University (1997), specialization "drilling of oil and gas wells".
Head of the Exploration and Production of Ltd Gazpromneft-Angara.
Area of scientific interest: geology of oil and gas, exploration of oil and gas fields, drilling of oil and gas wells.
Article # 20_2015 | submitted on 05/18/2015 displayed on website on 06/01/2015 |
16 p. | Moskalenko A.N., Khudoley A.K., Zhukov V.V., Demin V.Yu., Verin A.V. |
Reconstruction of kinematic characteristics of faults and paleostress field of the Urman-Archinsk area (Nyurolsk depression) | |
Paleostress field reconstruction methods based on study of structural maps of seismic horizons with the following interpretation of displacement vector on the fault surface as slickenline and slickenside is also suggested. Estimation of the main axes of the stress field was done using two softwares (FaultKin and StressGeol), which are based on different theoretical assumptions on the media properties and relationship between brittle fractures and stress field. In Mesozoic compression, the north-northwest trend axis had predominated. Shallow to moderate dipping of the main compression and extension axes points to predominance of strike-slip tectonics at that stage of the Urman-Archinsk area evolution. During formation of the surface that separate Paleozoic carbonates and Mesozoic clastic rocks (seismic horizon M1) normal fault displacements were significant showing that during Mesozoic there were several stages of the fault activity.
Keywords: seismic horizons, stress field, strike-slip faults, Urman-Archinsk area. |
article citation | Moskalenko A.N., Khudoley A.K., Zhukov V.V., Demin V.Yu., Verin A.V. Rekonstruktsiya kinematicheskikh kharakteristik razryvnykh narusheniy i polya paleonapryazheniy dlya Urmano-Archinskoy ploshchadi (Nyurol'skaya vpadina) [Reconstruction of kinematic characteristics of faults and paleostress field of the Urman-Archinsk area (Nyurolsk depression)]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2015, vol. 10, no. 2, available at: http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/11/20_2015.pdf |
DOI | https://doi.org/10.17353/2070-5379/20_2015 |
Allmendinger R.W., Cardozo N.C., Fisher D., Structural geology algorithms: Vectors & Tensors. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2012, 302 p. |