Mosyakin Yu.A.
Graduated from Grozny State Oil Technical University named after Academician M.D. Millionshtchikov.
PhD in geology and mineralogy.
He worked at JSC "Krasnodarneftegeofizika".
Area of scientific interest: petrography and lithology of reservoir rocks, forecast oil and gas potential of mineral resources.
Author of 50 publications.
Article # 41_2015 | submitted on 07/24/2015 displayed on website on 10/30/2015 |
27 p. | Astakhov S.M., Mosyakin Yu.A., Mosyakin A.Yu. |
Petroleum potential prospects of the Oxford-Neocomian reef deposits within the southern edge of the West Kuban trough. Part 2. Historical and genetic modelling of petroleum potential prospects of new selected objects | |
Upper Jurassic oil and gas potential within the southern edge of the West Kuban basin are estimated at the article by means of historical-genetic computer simulation methods. The analysis of the peculiarities of lithology, structural framework and geochemistry of sediments forming section of the studied area are provided. To improve the reliability of the simulation laboratory and analytical recovery of kinetic spectrum of reactions of organic matter transformation of Kuma Formation was carried out. Structural paleoreconstruction of seismic-geological section taken as a basis represents the basis for further modelling of hydrocarbon systems. Palaeostresses area identified as a result of the reconstruction were used to explain a possible intensification of the processes of oil and gas formation in the early catagenesis stages of Miocene petroleum source rocks. According to the results of modelling the Medovsk structure is filled with hydrocarbons with a source in syngenetic Oxford-Kimmeridgian deposits. The computer model is built taking into account the lack of major faults in the roof of Medovsk structure that allows us to create the conditions of deposits preservation.
Keywords: Kuma Formation, basin modelling, hydrocarbon system, reef array, Akhtyrsk suture zone, Khadyzhensk cordillera, West Kuban trough. |
article citation | Astakhov S.M., Mosyakin Yu.A., Mosyakin A.Yu. Perspektivy neftegazonosnosti oksford-neokomskikh rifogennykh otlozheniy v predelakh yuzhnogo borta Zapadno-Kubanskogo progiba. Chast' 2. Istoriko-geneticheskoe modelirovanie neftegazonosnosti novykh vydelennykh ob"ektov [Petroleum potential prospects of the Oxford-Neocomian reef deposits within the southern edge of the West Kuban trough. Part 2. Historical and genetic modelling of petroleum potential prospects of new selected objects]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2015, vol. 10, no. 4, available at: http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/11/41_2015.pdf |
DOI | https://doi.org/10.17353/2070-5379/41_2015 |
Astakhov S.M. Georeaktor. Algoritmy neftegazoobrazovaniya [Georeaktor. Algorithms of oil and gas formation]. Rostov-na-Donu: Kontiki, 2015, 256 p. |
Article # 40_2015 | submitted on 07/24/2015 displayed on website on 10/29/2015 |
23 p. | Mosyakin Yu.A., Astakhov S.M., Mosyakin A.Yu. |
Petroleum potential prospects of the Oxford-Neocomian reef deposits within the southern edge of the West Kuban trough. Part 1. New objects distinguishing | |
The reasons for the failures in the search for hydrocarbon deposits in the Mesozoic sediments of Psebepsko-Goytkhsk anticlinorium, Northwest Caucasus are presented on the basis of the analysis of results of deep exploration drilling, new geological studies. The reinterpretation of five seismic profiles located within the prospective uplift zone of "Khadyzhensk barrier zone" in the western part of the southern edge of the West Kuban basin has showed that the prospects for hydrocarbon search in the Upper Jurassic reef bodies should be associated with Soberbash-Gunaysky synclinorium. Position of the Upper Jurassic reef cordillera was determined by Akhtyrsk suture zone. Estimated barrier reef extends parallel to the latter. The structures associated with the Upper Jurassic reef complex, are limited to the north and south by faults of northwest strike. One structure was confirmed, and three new structures were identified. Keywords: reef body, organogenic limestones, conglomerates-breccias, reservoir rocks, clay cap, Afipsk Formation, Derby Formation, Chatalovsk Formation, reef facies, Akhtyrsk suture zone, Soberbashsko-Gunaysk synclinorium. |
article citation | Mosyakin Yu.A., Astakhov S.M., Mosyakin A.Yu. Perspektivy neftegazonosnosti oksford-neokomskikh rifogennykh otlozheniy v predelakh yuzhnogo borta Zapadno-Kubanskogo progiba. Chast' 1. Vydelenie novykh ob"ektov [Petroleum potential prospects of the Oxford-Neocomian reef deposits within the southern edge of the West Kuban trough. Part 1. New objects distinguishing]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2015, vol. 10, no. 4, available at: http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/4/40_2015.pdf |
DOI | https://doi.org/10.17353/2070-5379/40_2015 |
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