Afanasyev Yu.V.

PhD in Chemistry.
Assistant professor of Samara State Technical University.
Area of scientific interest: regularities and modelling of imposed-epigenetic changes of producing complexes with oil and gas deposits; theory, methodology, and modeling of training in the area of development and exploitation of oil and gas fields.
Author of 75 publications.
Regional petroleum geology
Section editor – PhD in geology and mineralogy Makarevich V.N.
Article # 44_2012 submitted on 07/12/2012 displayed on website on 08/27/2012
12 p.
pdf  Nonequilibrium of producing carbonate strata of the Karachaganak field
The issue of hydrocarbon deposits formation represents both practical and theoretical interest. Every producing trap is an open nonequilibrium heterogeneous rock-fluid system, which is limited from environment by cap and is located in the ordered steady state when development starts. Self-organization (formation of ordered structures) can occur in open systems. The analysis of large amount of informative data, characterized micro- and macro-defectiveness of carbonate rocks, enable us to identify the nonequilibrium of producing strata of the Karachaganak oil and gas field (Caspian petroleum province). Numerous and varied one-, two- and three-dimensional defects in producing carbonate strata indicate nonequilibrium of rock - fluid system. Recommendations to optimize field development are given.

Key words: carbonate rock, defectiveness, trap, oil and gas condensate field, dislocation, nonequilibrium.
article citation Afanasjev Yu.V. Neravnovesnost' produktivnoy karbonatnoy tolshchi Karachaganakskogo mestorozhdeniya [Nonequilibrium of producing carbonate strata of the Karachaganak field]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2012, vol. 7, no. 3, available at:

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   Afanas'ev Yu.V., Peskov A.V., Tsivinskaya L.V., Borisevich Yu.P. Defektnost' kal'tsita razlichnogo genezisa [Defectiveness of calcite of various origins]. Istoriya, dostizheniya i problemy geologicheskogo izucheniya Samarskoy oblasti. Samara: ROSGEO, 2000, p. 140-146.
   Afanas'ev Yu.V. Fazovyy sostav kal'tsita v produktivnykh karbonatnykh porodakh [Phase composition of calcite in producing carbonate rocks]. Izvestiya SNTs RAN. Special edition «Problemy nefti i gaza», 2003, vol.1, p. 164-169.
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Regional petroleum geology
Section editor – PhD in geology and mineralogy Makarevich V.N.
Article # 25_2011 submitted on 07/11/2011 displayed on website on 07/15/2011
16 p.
pdf  Epigenesis of oil and gas deposits in view of forecast exploration
Hydrocarbon trap is considered as an open regulated system «rock-fluid»; the starting process of regulation is the segregation of fluid with limited components solubility; oil and gas accumulation - is conversed form of the isolated HC-phase.
Key words: epigenesis, secondary heterogeneity, regulating, accumulation, segregation.
article citation Afanasjev Yu.V. Epigenesis of oil and gas deposits in view of forecast exploration // Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika. – 2011. - V.6. - #3.-