Gnibidenko Z.N.
Graduated from Tomsk State University (1958), specialization "prospecting and exploration of oil and gas fields".
PhD in Geology and Mineralogy, Senior Researcher.
Chief Researcher of the Trofimuk Institute of Petroleum Geology and Geophysics SB RAS.
Area of scientific interests: paleomagnetism, magnetostratigraphy, rock magnetism.
Author of 189 articles and 1 monography.
Regional petroleum geology
Article # 21_2023 | submitted on 04/05/2023 displayed on website on 06/15/2023 |
28 p. | Gnibidenko Z.N., Marinov V.A. |
Regional magnetostratigraphic section of the Upper Cretaceous strata in the north of Western Siberia | |
The results of magnetostratigraphic studies of the Upper Cretaceous in the north of Western Siberia, studied by nine boreholes in the southeast of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug (Pur-Taz Interfluve), are presented. According to the geological and tectonic zoning, the studied wells are located on the territory of a large negative structure - the Middle Pur inclined mega trough. The strata of the Upper Cenomanian-Maastrichtian time interval have been studied. Thanks to complex (bio- and paleomagnetic) data, magnetostratigraphic sections of nine wells were built, based on the synthesis of which the regional magnetostratigraphic section of the Upper Cretaceous in the north of Western Siberia was developed for the first time. This section consists of four magnetozones: two straight N1K2(sn2-st) and N2K2cp1 and two reverse (R1K2cp2 and R2K2m1) polarity, compared with the world scale of magnetic polarity. The obtained regional magnetostratigraphic section will be one of the fragments of the Upper Cretaceous regional magnetic polarity scale for the whole of Western Siberia (its northern, central, and southern provinces). In applied terms, this section will allow local, regional, interregional and global correlation of sections and geological events, as well as their dating. Keywords: Upper Cretaceous strata, regional magnetostratigraphic section, geomagnetic polarity, magnetozone, Pur-Taz Interfluve, north of Western Siberia. |
article citation | Gnibidenko Z.N., Marinov V.A. Regional'nyy magnitostratigraficheskiy razrez verkhnego mela severa Zapadnoy Sibiri [Regional magnetostratigraphic section of the Upper Cretaceous strata in the north of Western Siberia]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2023, vol. 18, no. 2, available at: http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/2023/21_2023.html EDN: OJMZVA |
Burov B.V., Yasonov P.G. Vvedenie v differentsial'nyy termomagnitnyy analiz gornykh porod [Introduction to differential thermomagnetic analysis of rocks]. Kazan': Izd-vo Kazan. un-ta, 1979, 160 p.
Cobban W.A., Walaszczyk I., Obradovich J.D., McKinney K.C. A USGS Zonal table for the Upper Cretaceous middle Cenomanian-Maastrichtian of the Western Interior of the United States based on Аmmonites, Inoceramids, and radiometric ages, U.S. Geological Survey, 2006. Open-File Report 2006-1250, 46 p.
Dopolneniya k Stratigraficheskomu kodeksu Rossii [Additions to the Stratigraphic Code of Russia]. Ed. A.I. Zhamoyda, St.-Petersburg: Izd-vo VSEGEI, 2000, 112 p.
Gnibidenko Z.N., Kuz'mina O.B., Levicheva A.V. Regional'nyy magnitostratigraficheskiy razrez verkhnego mela i pogranichnogo paleogena yuga Zapadnoy Sibiri: k razrabotke shkaly geomagnitnoy polyarnosti mela i pogranichnogo paleogena Zapadnoy Sibiri [Regional magnetostratigraphic section of the Upper Cretaceous and the boundary Paleogene of the south of Western Siberia: towards the development of a geomagnetic polarity scale for the Cretaceous and boundary Paleogene of Western Siberia]. Geologiya i geofizika, 2020, vol. 61, no. 9, pp. 1256-1265.
Gnibidenko Z.N., Lebedeva N.K., Levicheva A.V. Magnitostratigrafiya kampan-maastrikhta Bakcharskogo basseyna (yug Zapadnoy Sibiri) [Magnetostratigraphy of the Campanian-Maastrichtian of the Bakchar Basin (south of Western Siberia)]. Geologiya i geofizika, 2015, no. 11, pp. 1868-1882.
Gnibidenko Z.N., Lebedeva N.K., Shurygin B.N. Paleomagnetizm melovykh otlozheniy yuga Zapadno-Sibirskoy plity (po rezul'tatam izucheniya kerna skvazhiny 8) [Paleomagnetism of Cretaceous section in the south of the West Siberian Plate (according to the results of studying the core of well 8)]. Geologiya i geofizika, 2012, vol. 53, no. 9, pp. 1169-1181.
Gnibidenko Z.N., Lebedeva N.K., Shurygin B.N. Regional'nyy magnitostratigraficheskiy razrez verkhnemelovykh otlozheniy yuga Zapadnoy Sibiri (Omskaya vpadina) [Regional magnetostratigraphic section of Upper Cretaceous strata in the south of Western Siberia (Omsk depression)]. Doklady RAN, 2014, vol. 458, no. 1, pp. 83-87.
Gnibidenko Z.N., Levicheva A.V., Marinov V.A. Paleomagnetizm verkhnemelovykh otlozheniy severo-vostoka Zapadnoy Sibiri (po rezul'tatam izucheniya kerna skvazhin) [Paleomagnetism of the Upper Cretaceous section in the northeast of Western Siberia (based on the results of the study of core well)]. Nedropol'zovanie. Gornoe delo. Napravleniya i tekhnologii poiska, razvedki i razrabotki mestorozhdeniy poleznykh iskopaemykh. Ekonomika. Geoekologiya: sbornik materialov XIII Mezhdunar. nauch. kongr. Interekspo GEO-Sibir'-2017 v 4 t. (Novosibirsk, 17-21 Apr 2017), 2017, vol. 4, pp. 196-201.
Gnibidenko Z.N., Levicheva A.V., Marinov V.A., Smolyaninova L.G., Semakov N.N. Paleomagnitnye issledovaniya verkhnemelovykh otlozheniy severa Zapadnoy Sibiri [Paleomagnetic studies of Upper Cretaceous strata in the north of Western Siberia]. Problemy Geokosmosa: materialy 12-oy mezhdunarodnoy shkoly-konferentsii (St.-Petersburg, Peterhof, 8-12 Oct 2018). Sankt-Peterburg, 2018, pp. 58-63.
Gnibidenko Z.N., Levicheva A.V., Semakov N.N., Rusanov G.G. Paleomagnetizm i magnitostratigrafiya verkhnemelovykh i pogranichnykh mel-paleogenovykh otlozheniy yuga Kulundinskoy vpadiny (Zapadnaya Sibir') [Paleomagnetism and magnetostratigraphy of the Upper Cretaceous and boundary Cretaceous-Paleogene strata in the south of the Kulunda depression (Western Siberia)]. Geologiya i geofizika, 2017, vol. 58, no. 1, pp.105-117.
Gnibidenko Z.N., Levicheva A.V., Smolyaninova L.G., Marinov V.A. Magnitostratigrafiya verkhnego mela Pur-Tazovskogo mezhdurech'ya severo-vostoka Zapadnoy Sibiri [Upper Cretaceous magnetostratigraphy of the Pur-Taz Interfluve in the North-East of Western Siberia]. Paleomagnetizm i magnetizm gornykh porod: materialy XXV yubileynoy Vserossiyskoy shkoly-seminara po problemam paleomagnetizma i magnetizma gornykh porod (s mezhdunarodnym uchastiem) (Borok, 25-29 Sept 2019). Borok, 2019, pp. 81-86.
Gnibidenko Z.N., Levicheva A.V., Smolyaninova L.G., Marinov V.A., Semakov N.N. Paleomagnetizm i magnitostratigrafiya verkhnego mela Pur-Tazovskogo mezhdurech'ya (sever Zapadnoy Sibiri) [Paleomagnetism and magnetostratigraphy of the Upper Cretaceous of the Pur-Taz Interfluve (North of Western Siberia)]. Problemy geokosmosa: materialy 13-oy mezhdunarodnoy shkoly-konferentsii (St.-Petersburg, 24-27 March 2021), 2021, pp 125-134.
Gnibidenko Z.N., Levicheva A.V., Smolyaninova L.G., Marinov V.A., Semakov N.N. Upper Cretaceous paleomagnetism and magnetostratigraphy of the Pur-Taz Interfluve (northern West Siberia). Problems of Geocosmos 2020. Proceeding of the XIII International Conference and school, pp. 115-132.
Gnibidenko Z.N., Marinov V.A., Levicheva A.V., Smolyaninova L.G. Magnitostratigrafiya verkhnego mela severa Zapadnoy Sibiri (Pur-Tazovskoe mezhdurech'e) [Magnetostratigraphy of the Upper Cretaceous in the north of Western Siberia (Pur-Taz Interfluve)]. Melovaya sistema Rossii i blizhnego zarubezh'ya: problemy stratigrafii i paleogeografii: materialy Odinnadtsatogo Vserossiyskogo soveshchaniya s mezhdunarodnym uchastiem. Tomsk: Izd-vo Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta, 2022, pp. 82-86.
Gradstein F.M., Ogg J.G., Schmitz M.D., Ogg G.M. The geological time scale 2012. Elsevier, 2012, pp. 793-853.
Jelinek K. Statistical processing of anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility measured on groups of specimens. Studia Geoph. Et Geod., 1978, 22:50:62.
Khramov A.N., Sholpo L.E. Paleomagnetizm [Paleomagnetism]. Leningrad: Nedra, 1967, 251 p.
Kontorovich V.A. Tektonika i neftegazonosnost' zapadnoy chasti Enisey-Khatangskogo regional'nogo progiba [Tectonics and petroleum potential of the western part of the Yenisey-Khatanga regional trough]. Geologiya i geofizika, 2011, vol. 52, no. 8, pp. 1027-1050.
Marinov V.A., Agalakov S.E., Glukhov T.V., Gnibidenko Z.N., Kudamanov A.I., Novoselova M.Yu. Regional'nye i mestnye podrazdeleniya verkhnego mela tsentral'nykh i severnykh rayonov Zapadnoy Sibiri [Regional and local divisions of the Upper Cretaceous of the central and northern regions of Western Siberia]. Byull. Mosk. o-va ispytateley prirody. Otd. geol., 2021, vol. 96, issue 3, pp. 12-39.
Marinov V.A., Agalakov S.E., Kosenko I.N., Urman O.S., Potapova E.A., Rozbaeva G.L. Stratigrafiya nizhnego i srednego turona (verkhniy mel) Prieniseyskoy (levoberezhnoy) chasti Zapadnoy Sibiri po inotseramidam i foraminiferam [Stratigraphy of the Lower and Middle Turonian (Upper Cretaceous) of the Yenisei (left-bank) part of Western Siberia based on Inoceramids and Foraminifera]. Stratigrafiya. Geologicheskaya korrelyatsiya, 2019, vol. 27 (4), pp. 40-59.
Ogg J.G. Geomagnetic polarity time scale. In: Gradstein F.M., Ogg J.G., Schmitz M.B., Ogg G.M. Geologic Time Scale 2020, v. 2. Amsterdam, Oxford, Cambridge: Elsevier, 2020, pp. 159-192.
Opdyke N., Channel J. Magnetic stratigraphy. Academic Press. International Geophysics Series, 1996, 346 p.
Paleomagnitologiya [Paleomagnetology]. Leningrad: Nedra, 1982, 312 p.
Podobina V.M. Biostratigrafiya slavgorodskogo gorizonta (santon-nizhniy kampan) Zapadnoy Sibiri (na osnovanii foraminifer) [Biostratigraphy of the Slavgorod level (Santonian-Lower Campanian) of Western Siberia (based on Foraminifera)]. Geosfernye issledovaniya, 2019a, no. 4, pp. 46-61.
Podobina V.M. Foraminifery i biostratigrafiya verkhnego mela (kon'yak-maastrikht) Zapadnoy Sibiri [Foraminifera and biostratigraphy of the Upper Cretaceous (Coniacian-Maastrichtian) of Western Siberia]. Tomsk: Izd. dom TGU, 2019b, 204 p.
Podobina V.M. Foraminifery i biostratigrafiya verkhnego mela i paleogena Zapadnoy Sibiri [Foraminifera and biostratigraphy of the Upper Cretaceous and Paleogene of Western Siberia]. Tomsk: TGU, 2009, 432 p.
Reshenie 5-go Mezhvedomstvennogo regional'nogo stratigraficheskogo soveshchaniya po mezozoyskim otlozheniyam Zapadno-Sibirskoy ravniny, prinyatym MRSS-90 14-18 maya 1990 g. i utverzhdennym MSK SSSR 30 yanvarya 1991 g. [Decision of the 5th Interdepartmental Regional Stratigraphic Meeting on the Mesozoic strata of the West Siberian Plain, adopted by MRSS-90 on May 14-18, 1990 and approved by the MSC of the USSR on January 30, 1991]. Tyumen': ZapSibNIGNI, 1991, 54 p.
Tretyak A.N. Estestvennaya ostatochnaya namagnichennost' i problema paleomagnitnoy stratifikatsii osadochnykh tolshch [Natural remanence and the problem of paleomagnetic stratification of sedimentary strata] Kiev: Naukova Dumka, 1983, 256 p.
Walaszczyk I., Kopaevich L.F., Beniamovski V.N. Inoceramid and foraminiferal record and biozonation of the Turonian and Coniacian (Upper Cretaceous) of the Mangyshlak Mts., western Kazakhstan. Acta Geologica Polonica, 2013, vol. 63, no. 4, pp. 469-487.
Walaszczyk I., Plint A.G., Landman N.H. Inoceramid Bivalves from the Coniacian and basal Santonian (Upper Cretaceous of the Western Canada Foreland Basin). Bulletin American Museum of Natural History, 2017, v. 414, pp. 53-103.
Zijderveld J.D.A. A.C. demagnetization of rocks: analysis of results. Methods in paleomagnetism. Amsterdam. 1967, pp. 254-286.
Cobban W.A., Walaszczyk I., Obradovich J.D., McKinney K.C. A USGS Zonal table for the Upper Cretaceous middle Cenomanian-Maastrichtian of the Western Interior of the United States based on Аmmonites, Inoceramids, and radiometric ages, U.S. Geological Survey, 2006. Open-File Report 2006-1250, 46 p.
Dopolneniya k Stratigraficheskomu kodeksu Rossii [Additions to the Stratigraphic Code of Russia]. Ed. A.I. Zhamoyda, St.-Petersburg: Izd-vo VSEGEI, 2000, 112 p.
Gnibidenko Z.N., Kuz'mina O.B., Levicheva A.V. Regional'nyy magnitostratigraficheskiy razrez verkhnego mela i pogranichnogo paleogena yuga Zapadnoy Sibiri: k razrabotke shkaly geomagnitnoy polyarnosti mela i pogranichnogo paleogena Zapadnoy Sibiri [Regional magnetostratigraphic section of the Upper Cretaceous and the boundary Paleogene of the south of Western Siberia: towards the development of a geomagnetic polarity scale for the Cretaceous and boundary Paleogene of Western Siberia]. Geologiya i geofizika, 2020, vol. 61, no. 9, pp. 1256-1265.
Gnibidenko Z.N., Lebedeva N.K., Levicheva A.V. Magnitostratigrafiya kampan-maastrikhta Bakcharskogo basseyna (yug Zapadnoy Sibiri) [Magnetostratigraphy of the Campanian-Maastrichtian of the Bakchar Basin (south of Western Siberia)]. Geologiya i geofizika, 2015, no. 11, pp. 1868-1882.
Gnibidenko Z.N., Lebedeva N.K., Shurygin B.N. Paleomagnetizm melovykh otlozheniy yuga Zapadno-Sibirskoy plity (po rezul'tatam izucheniya kerna skvazhiny 8) [Paleomagnetism of Cretaceous section in the south of the West Siberian Plate (according to the results of studying the core of well 8)]. Geologiya i geofizika, 2012, vol. 53, no. 9, pp. 1169-1181.
Gnibidenko Z.N., Lebedeva N.K., Shurygin B.N. Regional'nyy magnitostratigraficheskiy razrez verkhnemelovykh otlozheniy yuga Zapadnoy Sibiri (Omskaya vpadina) [Regional magnetostratigraphic section of Upper Cretaceous strata in the south of Western Siberia (Omsk depression)]. Doklady RAN, 2014, vol. 458, no. 1, pp. 83-87.
Gnibidenko Z.N., Levicheva A.V., Marinov V.A. Paleomagnetizm verkhnemelovykh otlozheniy severo-vostoka Zapadnoy Sibiri (po rezul'tatam izucheniya kerna skvazhin) [Paleomagnetism of the Upper Cretaceous section in the northeast of Western Siberia (based on the results of the study of core well)]. Nedropol'zovanie. Gornoe delo. Napravleniya i tekhnologii poiska, razvedki i razrabotki mestorozhdeniy poleznykh iskopaemykh. Ekonomika. Geoekologiya: sbornik materialov XIII Mezhdunar. nauch. kongr. Interekspo GEO-Sibir'-2017 v 4 t. (Novosibirsk, 17-21 Apr 2017), 2017, vol. 4, pp. 196-201.
Gnibidenko Z.N., Levicheva A.V., Marinov V.A., Smolyaninova L.G., Semakov N.N. Paleomagnitnye issledovaniya verkhnemelovykh otlozheniy severa Zapadnoy Sibiri [Paleomagnetic studies of Upper Cretaceous strata in the north of Western Siberia]. Problemy Geokosmosa: materialy 12-oy mezhdunarodnoy shkoly-konferentsii (St.-Petersburg, Peterhof, 8-12 Oct 2018). Sankt-Peterburg, 2018, pp. 58-63.
Gnibidenko Z.N., Levicheva A.V., Semakov N.N., Rusanov G.G. Paleomagnetizm i magnitostratigrafiya verkhnemelovykh i pogranichnykh mel-paleogenovykh otlozheniy yuga Kulundinskoy vpadiny (Zapadnaya Sibir') [Paleomagnetism and magnetostratigraphy of the Upper Cretaceous and boundary Cretaceous-Paleogene strata in the south of the Kulunda depression (Western Siberia)]. Geologiya i geofizika, 2017, vol. 58, no. 1, pp.105-117.
Gnibidenko Z.N., Levicheva A.V., Smolyaninova L.G., Marinov V.A. Magnitostratigrafiya verkhnego mela Pur-Tazovskogo mezhdurech'ya severo-vostoka Zapadnoy Sibiri [Upper Cretaceous magnetostratigraphy of the Pur-Taz Interfluve in the North-East of Western Siberia]. Paleomagnetizm i magnetizm gornykh porod: materialy XXV yubileynoy Vserossiyskoy shkoly-seminara po problemam paleomagnetizma i magnetizma gornykh porod (s mezhdunarodnym uchastiem) (Borok, 25-29 Sept 2019). Borok, 2019, pp. 81-86.
Gnibidenko Z.N., Levicheva A.V., Smolyaninova L.G., Marinov V.A., Semakov N.N. Paleomagnetizm i magnitostratigrafiya verkhnego mela Pur-Tazovskogo mezhdurech'ya (sever Zapadnoy Sibiri) [Paleomagnetism and magnetostratigraphy of the Upper Cretaceous of the Pur-Taz Interfluve (North of Western Siberia)]. Problemy geokosmosa: materialy 13-oy mezhdunarodnoy shkoly-konferentsii (St.-Petersburg, 24-27 March 2021), 2021, pp 125-134.
Gnibidenko Z.N., Levicheva A.V., Smolyaninova L.G., Marinov V.A., Semakov N.N. Upper Cretaceous paleomagnetism and magnetostratigraphy of the Pur-Taz Interfluve (northern West Siberia). Problems of Geocosmos 2020. Proceeding of the XIII International Conference and school, pp. 115-132.
Gnibidenko Z.N., Marinov V.A., Levicheva A.V., Smolyaninova L.G. Magnitostratigrafiya verkhnego mela severa Zapadnoy Sibiri (Pur-Tazovskoe mezhdurech'e) [Magnetostratigraphy of the Upper Cretaceous in the north of Western Siberia (Pur-Taz Interfluve)]. Melovaya sistema Rossii i blizhnego zarubezh'ya: problemy stratigrafii i paleogeografii: materialy Odinnadtsatogo Vserossiyskogo soveshchaniya s mezhdunarodnym uchastiem. Tomsk: Izd-vo Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta, 2022, pp. 82-86.
Gradstein F.M., Ogg J.G., Schmitz M.D., Ogg G.M. The geological time scale 2012. Elsevier, 2012, pp. 793-853.
Jelinek K. Statistical processing of anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility measured on groups of specimens. Studia Geoph. Et Geod., 1978, 22:50:62.
Khramov A.N., Sholpo L.E. Paleomagnetizm [Paleomagnetism]. Leningrad: Nedra, 1967, 251 p.
Kontorovich V.A. Tektonika i neftegazonosnost' zapadnoy chasti Enisey-Khatangskogo regional'nogo progiba [Tectonics and petroleum potential of the western part of the Yenisey-Khatanga regional trough]. Geologiya i geofizika, 2011, vol. 52, no. 8, pp. 1027-1050.
Marinov V.A., Agalakov S.E., Glukhov T.V., Gnibidenko Z.N., Kudamanov A.I., Novoselova M.Yu. Regional'nye i mestnye podrazdeleniya verkhnego mela tsentral'nykh i severnykh rayonov Zapadnoy Sibiri [Regional and local divisions of the Upper Cretaceous of the central and northern regions of Western Siberia]. Byull. Mosk. o-va ispytateley prirody. Otd. geol., 2021, vol. 96, issue 3, pp. 12-39.
Marinov V.A., Agalakov S.E., Kosenko I.N., Urman O.S., Potapova E.A., Rozbaeva G.L. Stratigrafiya nizhnego i srednego turona (verkhniy mel) Prieniseyskoy (levoberezhnoy) chasti Zapadnoy Sibiri po inotseramidam i foraminiferam [Stratigraphy of the Lower and Middle Turonian (Upper Cretaceous) of the Yenisei (left-bank) part of Western Siberia based on Inoceramids and Foraminifera]. Stratigrafiya. Geologicheskaya korrelyatsiya, 2019, vol. 27 (4), pp. 40-59.
Ogg J.G. Geomagnetic polarity time scale. In: Gradstein F.M., Ogg J.G., Schmitz M.B., Ogg G.M. Geologic Time Scale 2020, v. 2. Amsterdam, Oxford, Cambridge: Elsevier, 2020, pp. 159-192.
Opdyke N., Channel J. Magnetic stratigraphy. Academic Press. International Geophysics Series, 1996, 346 p.
Paleomagnitologiya [Paleomagnetology]. Leningrad: Nedra, 1982, 312 p.
Podobina V.M. Biostratigrafiya slavgorodskogo gorizonta (santon-nizhniy kampan) Zapadnoy Sibiri (na osnovanii foraminifer) [Biostratigraphy of the Slavgorod level (Santonian-Lower Campanian) of Western Siberia (based on Foraminifera)]. Geosfernye issledovaniya, 2019a, no. 4, pp. 46-61.
Podobina V.M. Foraminifery i biostratigrafiya verkhnego mela (kon'yak-maastrikht) Zapadnoy Sibiri [Foraminifera and biostratigraphy of the Upper Cretaceous (Coniacian-Maastrichtian) of Western Siberia]. Tomsk: Izd. dom TGU, 2019b, 204 p.
Podobina V.M. Foraminifery i biostratigrafiya verkhnego mela i paleogena Zapadnoy Sibiri [Foraminifera and biostratigraphy of the Upper Cretaceous and Paleogene of Western Siberia]. Tomsk: TGU, 2009, 432 p.
Reshenie 5-go Mezhvedomstvennogo regional'nogo stratigraficheskogo soveshchaniya po mezozoyskim otlozheniyam Zapadno-Sibirskoy ravniny, prinyatym MRSS-90 14-18 maya 1990 g. i utverzhdennym MSK SSSR 30 yanvarya 1991 g. [Decision of the 5th Interdepartmental Regional Stratigraphic Meeting on the Mesozoic strata of the West Siberian Plain, adopted by MRSS-90 on May 14-18, 1990 and approved by the MSC of the USSR on January 30, 1991]. Tyumen': ZapSibNIGNI, 1991, 54 p.
Tretyak A.N. Estestvennaya ostatochnaya namagnichennost' i problema paleomagnitnoy stratifikatsii osadochnykh tolshch [Natural remanence and the problem of paleomagnetic stratification of sedimentary strata] Kiev: Naukova Dumka, 1983, 256 p.
Walaszczyk I., Kopaevich L.F., Beniamovski V.N. Inoceramid and foraminiferal record and biozonation of the Turonian and Coniacian (Upper Cretaceous) of the Mangyshlak Mts., western Kazakhstan. Acta Geologica Polonica, 2013, vol. 63, no. 4, pp. 469-487.
Walaszczyk I., Plint A.G., Landman N.H. Inoceramid Bivalves from the Coniacian and basal Santonian (Upper Cretaceous of the Western Canada Foreland Basin). Bulletin American Museum of Natural History, 2017, v. 414, pp. 53-103.
Zijderveld J.D.A. A.C. demagnetization of rocks: analysis of results. Methods in paleomagnetism. Amsterdam. 1967, pp. 254-286.