Geochemical research
Section editor – PhD in geology and mineralogy Bazhenova T.K.
Article # 54_2012 submitted on 08/06/2012 displayed on website on 11/12/2012
13 p.
pdf  Distribution of gaseous hydrocarbons in bottom sediment and near-bottom water samples of offshore Southern Vietnam shelf zone
Among the direct methods of offshore oil and gas exploration the surface gas-geochemistry survey represent an especial interest. Relatively low cost, rapidity and possibility of all types deposits detection are laid in the basis of the gas-geochemistry survey relevance.
The halo concentration anomalies of gaseous hydrocarbons have been detected in bottom sediment and near-bottom water samples on the basis of areal gas-geochemistry survey carried out in offshore Southern Vietnam shelf zone, promising for petroleum resources. These anomalies probably outline the seeping of hydrocarbon deposits in the sediment column.
In the course of complex interpretation of geochemical and geophysical data the presence of high concentration of gaseous hydrocarbons in the areas of anomalies in the temporal seismic sections, which indicate zones of gas-saturated fluids discharge, was revealed.

Key words: gas geochemistry, gaseous hydrocarbons, bottom sediments, oil and gas potential, shelf, Southern Vietnam.
article citation Ilatovskaya P.V., Semenov P.B, Rys’kova E.О., Portnov А.D., Serov P.I. Raspredelenie gazoobraznykh uglevodorodov v donnykh otlozheniyakh i pridonno-pogranichnom sloe vodnoy tolshchi kontinental'nogo shel'fa yuzhnogo V'etnama [Distribution of gaseous hydrocarbons in bottom sediment and near-bottom water samples of offshore Southern Vietnam shelf zone]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2012, vol. 7, no. 4, available at:
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