Regional petroleum geology
Section editor – PhD in geology and mineralogy Makarevich V.N.
Article # 23_2019 submitted on 05/21/2019 displayed on website on 07/11/2019
10 p.
pdf Geotectonic zoning of junction area - Khorezm monocline, Mesheklin high, Dashkalin and Birgutli-Shortaklin fore deeps, using the satellite imagery data
The article discusses the possibilities of structural interpretation of space image and morphometric analysis of the latest tectonic movements in the poorly studied petroleum bearing north-western part of the Bukhara-Khiva region (Khorezm monocline and Misheklin high, Dashkalin and Birgutli-Shortaklin fore deeps). The regional latest structure of the territory and the connection of the relief with the deep tectonic structure of the Meso-Cenozoic cover and with the basement surface are revealed by structural interpretation of space photographs. In the sedimentary section, ordered systems of lineaments, which are paragenetic associations of different-scale disjunctives with azimuth-bearing directivity, are distinguished. As a result of the study a new geotectonic zoning was performed.

Keywords: satellite imagery data, lineament fracture system, geotectonic zoning, petroleum bearing, Bukhara-Khiva region.
article citation Bikeeva L.R. Geotektonicheskoe rayonirovanie zony sochleneniya Khorezmskoy monoklinali, Mesheklinskogo podnyatiya, Dashkalinskogo i Birgutli-Shortaklinskogo progibov po dannym deshifrirovaniya kosmofotosnimkov [Geotectonic zoning of junction area - Khorezm monocline, Mesheklin high, Dashkalin and Birgutli-Shortaklin fore deeps, using the satellite imagery data]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2019, vol. 14, no. 3, available at:
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