Regional petroleum geology
Article # 45_2020 submitted on 07/27/2020 displayed on website on 12/25/2020
19 p.
pdf Colisional deformations of the Dnieper-Donetsk Basin. Part 3. Geodinamic model of tectonic inversion
Based on the results of the structural-kinematic analysis of deformation structures identified in the folded levels of the southeastern segment of the Dnieper-Donets Вasin and the analysis of earlier studies of the mechanisms of inversion structure formation, a fundamentally new geodynamic model of tectonic inversion of the riftogenic structure was developed.
Collisional deformations of the Late Hercynian time in the sedimentary cover of the West Donets Graben occurred in the mode of tangential compression of the riftogenic structure in the southwestern direction. In the regional horizontal shear field, this caused the tectonic transport of geomas from the super-compressed axial zone towards the geodynamic shelters on the southern side of the graben. Linear anti- and syn-forms were formed according to the mechanism of the strata buckling due to collisional warping of the layers. In the Cimmerian and Alpine times, deformations continued in a strike-slip thrust activity with a compression component in the northwestern points. This caused a general transport of geomas from the folded Donbass to the southeastern part of the depression - to the Hercynian neoautochthon and the poorly deployed syneclisic autochthon with the formation of an Alpine nappe-fold thrust system.
The original geodynamic model envisages the complication of the riftogenic structure in the southeast of the basin by echelons of thrust covers and en-echelon articulated near-fault reverse-fold. The kinematic mechanism of the inversion is due to the pressure of the "tectonic stamp" of the Donets Foldbelt, in the front of which a clinoform tectonic segment of geomass wedging was formed, identified by a thrust-type orocline. The "tectonic rails of the invasion" of the orocline were two flank (Northeastern and Southwestern) and axial (Central) linear zones of horizontal shear control. In the foreland of the orocline, geodynamic injection bands of geomas were formed, where linear reverse-fold zones were formed, at the ends of main strike-slip faults, an advanced scaly compression fan was formed. In the hinterland of the orocline, folded suture zones are formed on the roots of the tectonic nappes of the thrust. The structural result of collisional deformations is the formation of an inversion geostructure of a regional scale - the West Donets Nappe-Fold Region.

Keywords: geodynamic model of tectonic inversion, protruding orocline, tectonic stamp of the Donets foldbelt, West Donets Nappe-Fold Region.
article citation Bartashchuk A.V. Kollizionnye deformatsii Dneprovsko-Donetskoy vpadiny. Chast' 3. Geodinamicheskaya model' tektonicheskoy inversii [Colisional deformations of the Dnieper-Donetsk Basin. Part 3. Geodinamic model of tectonic inversion]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2020, vol. 15, no. 4, available at:
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