Stratigraphy and lithology
Article # 15_2024 submitted on 04/10/2024 displayed on website on 05/29/2024
21 p.
pdf The characteristics of boundary strata of the pre-Greben regional unconformity from Upper Silurian of the Chernov Swell (Sizimselebeyshor creek) according to the conodonts chronostatigraphy
Upper Silurian conodonts from the outcrop of the Sizimselebeishor Creek were studied for the first time. A sequence of four associations conodonts of different taxonomic structure has been established throughout the boundary of the pre-Greben regional unconformity in the Sizimselebeyshor Creek. Association 1 with the dominant regional species Ctenognathodus (?) sp. A is dated below the surface of the unconformity. Association 2 with Ozarkodina confluence (Branson et Mehl, 1933), Oz. cornidentata Viira, 1983 and Coryssognathus dubius (Rhodes, 1953) was fixed in section, which directly underlying the unconformity. Association 3 with Panderodus equicostatus (Rhodes, 1953) and Wurmiella excavata (Branson et Mehl, 1933) was established directly overlapping the discordance. Both borderland associations 2 and 3 are represented by species of wide geographical and long-term stratigraphic distribution. Association 4 with species Zieglerodina cf. ivochlupaci Carls, Slavik, Valenzuella-Rios, 2007 and Oz. denticulata Viira, 2000 Pridoly age is dated above the pre-Greben unconformity also.
An auxiliary biostratigraphic division - layers with Ctenognathodus (?) sp. A of Gerdyu time (Ludlow) was identified as a result of correlation the studied interval with the boundary strata of Gerdyu regional stage (Ludlow) and Greben regional stage (Pridoli) of the reference section of the Kozhym River of the western slope of the Subpolar Urals. The layers are characterized by the joint presence of conodonts Ctenognathodus (?) sp. A and Ozarkodina confluens (Branson et Mehl, 1933), zonal brachiopod species Didymothiris didyma (Dalman, 1828) and the development of stromatolites interlayers.

Keywords: conodonts, Upper Silurian, Gerdyu regional stage, Greben regional stage, pre-Greben regional unconformity, Sizimselebeyshor Creek, Chernov Swell.
article citation Sokolova L.V., Dan'shchikova I.I., Ul'nyrov I.L. Kharakteristika po konodontam pogranichnykh otlozheniy predgrebenskogo nesoglasiya v verkhnem silure podnyatiya Chernova (ruchey Sizimtselebeyshor) [The characteristics of boundary strata of the pre-Greben regional unconformity from Upper Silurian of the Chernov Swell (Sizimselebeyshor creek) according to the conodonts chronostatigraphy]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2024, vol. 19, no. 2, available at: EDN: UJJBXO
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