Stratigraphy and lithology
Article # 1_2025 submitted on 11/13/2024 displayed on website on 01/16/2025
23 p.
pdf Types of paleomagnetic record in Devonian rocks: new data on the Central Devonian field and analysis of the results
To date, there are significant differences in the existing magnetostratigraphic scales and trajectories of the apparent motion of the paleomagnetic pole for the Devonian period, which makes it extremely difficult to apply the paleomagnetic method to solve geological problems of correlation and section dating. The paper presents new paleomagnetic data and the results of an analysis of the paleomagnetic data available in the World databases. Studies have revealed the presence of three types of paleomagnetic records in Devonian rocks. Magnetostratigraphy methods can be successfully applied on sections with the first type without significant influence of the remagnetization components.

Keywords: Central Devonian field, Devonian period, paleomagnetic method, magnetostratigraphy.
article citation Sal'naya N.V. Tipy paleomagnitnoy zapisi v devonskikh gornykh porodakh: novyye dannyye po Tsentral′nomu devonskomu polyu i analiz rezul′tatov [Types of paleomagnetic record in Devonian rocks: new data on the Central Devonian field and analysis of the results]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2025, vol. 20, no. 1, available at: EDN: WUFZKX
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