Gladkov P.D.

Graduated from St. Petersburg State Mining Institute, specialization «development and operation of oil and gas fields» (2009). Postgraduate student of St. Petersburg State Mining University.
Area of scientific interest: physical and chemical methods of enhanced oil recovery.
Author of 11 publications.
Regional petroleum geology
Section editor – PhD in geology and mineralogy Makarevich V.N.
Article # 2_2012 submitted on 11/14/2011 displayed on website on 01/12/2012
13 p.
pdf  Some peculiarities of water flooding system capacity amid the Neocomian complex of Western Siberia
History and genesis conditions of oil accumulation into the strata of Neocomian complex of Priobskoe oil field have been shown. Problems of interaction of water-flooding system agents and low-permeable clay-containing matrix are considered. Results of electronic-microscopic research of core samples mineral composition are given. Desalted water effect on core sample permeability and final oil saturation mechanism are evaluated.
Key words: producing horizons, water-flooding, matrix, desalted water, filtration, Neocomian complex, Priobskoe oil field.
article citation Gladkov P.D., Rogachev M.K. Osobennosti realizatsii sistem zavodneniya v usloviyakh produktivnykh gorizontov neokomskogo kompleksa Zapadnoy Sibiri [Some peculiarities of water flooding system capacity amid the Neocomian complex of Western Siberia]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2012, vol. 7, no. 1,

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