Gildin S.M.

Graduated from Herzen State Pedagogical Institute (2003).
Researcher of VNIGRI, PhD in Geographical Sciences.
Area of scientific interest: Riphean stratigraphy, Precambrian, microphytofossils, sediment geochemistry, geo-ecological research.
Author of 32 publications.
Stratigraphy and lithology
Section editor – PhD in geology and mineralogy Kirichkova A.I.
Article # 33_2016 submitted on 05/30/2016 displayed on website on 09/28/2016
16 p.
pdf  Lower Vendian microfossils from Nepa Formation (Eastern Siberia)
The distribution analysis of the pertataka type microfossils from the Nepa Formation (Lower Vendian) within the central and south-eastern Siberian platform area is carried out. It is shown that the difference in the typology character of identified microfossils associations was produced by the peculiarities of their environment habitat.

Keywords: Lower Vendian, microfossils, environment habitat, Nepa Formation, Eastern Siberia.
article citation Arkadyeva О.V., Gil'din S.M. Mikrofossilii nizhnevendskogo paleobasseyna Vostochnoy Sibiri [Lower Vendian microfossils from Nepa Formation (Eastern Siberia)]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2016, vol. 11, no. 3, available at:
   Fayzulina Z.Kh., Lysova L.A., Treshchetenkova A.A. Biostratigrafiya pozdnedokembriyskikh i rannekembriyskikh otlozheniy nepsko-botuobinskogo rayona [Biostratigraphy of Late Precambrian and early Cambrian deposits Nepa Botuobiya District]. Izv. AH SSSR. Ser. geol, 1982, no. 2, p. 13-26.
   Fayzullin M.Sh. Novye dannye o mikrofossiliyakh baykaliya Patomskogo nagor'ya [New data on microfossils Baikalian Patom Highland]. Geologiya i geofizika, 1998, vol. 39, no. 3, p. 328-337.
   Golubkova E.Yu., Kuznetsov A.B. Biostratigraficheskaya i Sr-khemostratigraficheskaya kharakteristika baykal'skogo kompleksa yuga Sibirskoy platformy: rifey ili vend? [Biostratigraphic and Sr-chemo-stratigraphic characteristics of the Baikal complex south of the Siberian platform: Riphean or Vendian?]. Geodinamicheskaya evolyutsiya litosfery Tsentral'no-Aziatskogo podvizhnogo poyasa (ot okeana k kontinentu): materialy Vserosp. soveshchaniya, Irkutsk: IZK SO RAN, 2007, p. 58-60.
   Golubkova E.Yu., Raevskaya E.G. Nizhnevendskiy kompleks mikrofossiliy vnutrennikh rayonov Sibirskoy platformy [Lower Vendian complex of microfossils in inland areas of the Siberian platform]. Rassvet i zakat vendskoy (ediakarskoy) bioty. Proiskhozhdenie sovremennoy biosfery: materialy Mezhdunarodnoy konferentsii, Moscow: GEOS, 2007, p. 39-42.
   Golubkova E.Yu., Raevskaya E.G., Kuznetsov A.B. Nizhnevendskie kompleksy mikrofossiliy Vostochnoy Sibiri v reshenii stratigraficheskikh problem regiona [Lower Vendian microfossils complexes of Eastern Siberia in solving stratigraphic problems of the region]. Stratigrafiya. Geologicheskaya korrelyatsiya, 2010, vol. 18, no. 4, p. 3-27.
   Ivanovskaya A.V., Golubkova E.Yu. Kompleksnyy podkhod k rekonstruktsii fatsial'nykh obstanovok vendskikh neftegazonosnykh otlozheniy yuga Sibirskoy platformy [A comprehensive approach to the reconstruction of facial conditions Vendian oil and gas deposits south of the Siberian platform]. Neftegazogeologicheskiy prognoz i perspektivy razvitiya neftegazovogo kompleksa Rossii: sbornik materialov nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii, St. Petersburg: VNIGRI, 2010, p. 322-337.
   Kolosova P.P. Drevneyshie akantomorfity vostoka Sibirskoy platformy [The oldest akantomorfity east Siberian Platform]. Organicheskiy mir i stratigrafiya otlozheniy neftegazonosnykh i rudonosnykh rayonov Yakutii, Yakutsk: Yakutskiy in-t geol. nauk SO AN SSSR, 1990, p. 2-45.
   Kolosova P.P. Pozdnedokembriyskie shipovatye mikrofossilii vostoka Sibirskoy platformy [Late pre-Cambrian prickly microfossils, east Siberian Platform]. Al'gologiya, 1991, vol. 1, no. 2, p. 53-59.
   Kushmar I.A. Obobshchit' rezul'taty geologicheskikh issledovaniy, vypolnennykh v predelakh Leno-Tungusskoy neftegazonosnoy provintsii v 1994-2004 godakh, osushchestvit' prognoz zon neftegazonakopleniya i lokalizatsii ob"ektov nedropol'zovaniya na neraspredelennom fonde nedr v vostochnoy chasti Sibirskoy platform [Summarize the results of the geological research carried out within the Lena-Tunguska petroleum province in 1994-2004, to carry out the forecast for oil and gas accumulation zones and location of subsurface objects in the unlicensed subsoil area in the eastern part of the Siberian platform]. St. Petersburg: VNIGRI, 2006, 250 p.
   Kushmar I.A. Razrabotka serii regional'nykh skhem i kart neftegazogeologicheskogo soderzhaniya s tsel'yu utochneniya stroeniya i otsenki potentsial'noy neftegazonosnosti perspektivnykh territoriy Zapadnoy Yakutii (v predelakh Nepsko-Botuobinskoy, Predpatomskoy, Syugdzherskoy, Zapadno-Vilyuyskoy NGO) [Development of a series of regional schemes and petroleum-card content with a view to clarifying the structure and evaluation of potential oil and gas potential of promising areas of Western Yakutia (within Nepa Botuobiya, Predpatomskoy, Syugdzherskoy, West Vilyuiskaya oil and gas areas)]. St. Petersburg: VNIGRI, 2011. – 314 p.
   Kushmar I.A., Grigorenko Yu.N., Anan'ev V.V., Belinkin V.A., Gubina E.A. Neft' i gaz Vostochnoy Sibiri [Oil and Gas of Eastern Siberia]. St. Petersburg: Nedra, 2006, 102 p.
   Mel'nikovN.V. Vend-kembriyskiy solenosnyy basseyn Sibirskoy platformy (Stratigrafiya, istoriya razvitiya) [Vendian-Cambrian saliferous pool of the Siberian Platform (Stratigraphy, history of development)]. Novosibirsk: SO RAN, 2009, 148 p.
   Moczydlowska M. Taxonomic review of some Ediacaran acritarchs from the Siberian Platform. Precambrian Res, 2005. vol. 136, p. 283-307. DOI:
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   Murav'eva Yu.A., Shibina T.D., Belonovskaya L.G. Litologo-fatsial'naya kharakteristika otlozheniy talakhskogo gorizonta Nepsko-Botuobinskoy anteklizy [Lithofacies characteristic deposits talahskogo horizon Nepa Botuoba anteclise]. Resursno-geologicheskie i metodicheskie aspekty osvoeniya neftegazonosnykh basseynov: sbornik materialov II Mezhdunarodnoy konferentsii molodykh uchenykh i spetsialistov, St. Petersburg: VNIGRI, 2011. – 332 p.
   Nagovitsin K.E., Fayzullin M.Sh., Yakshin M.P. Novye formy akantomorfnykh akritarkh baykaliya Patomskogo nagor'ya (urinskaya svita, Vostochnaya Sibir') [New forms akantomorfnyh acritarch Baikalian Patom Highland (Urinskaya Formation, Eastern Siberia)]. Novosti paleontologii i stratirgrafii. Prilozhenie k zhurnalu «Geologiya i geofizika», 2004, vol. 45, issue 6-7, p. 7-19.
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   Rudavskaya V.A. Opredelenie paleontologicheskikh ob"ektov v otlozheniyakh venda-rannego kembriya Yakutii [Definition of paleontological objects in the deposits of the Vendian-Early Cambrian Yakutia]. Leningrad: VNIGRI, 1991, 15 p.
   Rudavskaya V.A., Vasil'eva N.I. Talsinskiy kompleks akritarkh Nepsko-Botuobinskoy anteklizy [Talsi complex acritarch Nepa Botuobiya anteclise]. Fitostratigrafiya i morfologiya spor drevnikh rasteniy neftegazonosnykh provintsiy SSSR, Leningrad: VNIGRI, 1989, p. 5-11.
   Stratigrafiya neftegazonosnykh basseynov Sibiri. Rifey i vend Sibirskoy platformy i ee skladchatogo obramleniya [Stratigraphy of the oil and gas basins of Siberia. Riphean and Vendian of the Siberian Platform and its folded frame]. Novosibirsk: Geo, 2005, 432 p.
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Raw hydrocarbon geoecology
Section editor – PhD in geology and mineralogy Rogozina E.A.
Article # 24_2013 submitted on 06/24/2013 displayed on website on 06/28/2013
21 p.
pdf  Palynological investigations applied to engineering and environmental survey
The possibilities of using palynological methods in engineering and environmental survey (including the oil and gas bearing areas) are considered in this article. Analysis of taxonomic composition of subfossil spore-pollen spectra and morphological features of pollen grains of higher plants have allowed the authors to characterize environmental conditions, to carry out the retrospective analysis, to estimate the current state of biocenoses in the natural and technogenic environment, and to carry out environmental monitoring within the studied territories.

Key words: engineering and environmental surveys, palynology, spore-pollen analysis, bioindication, biotesting, ecological monitoring, palynoindication of the environmental quality.
article citation Dzyuba O.F., Kochubey O.V., Fedoseeva S.V., Markov V.E., Gildin S.M. Palinologicheskie issledovaniya v praktike inzhenerno-ekologicheskikh izyskaniy [Palynological investigations applied to engineering and environmental survey]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2013, vol. 8, no. 2, available:
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   Dzyuba O.F., Yakovleva T.L., Kudrina A.N., Tarasevich V.F. Pyl'tsa kak model' dlya kontrolya kachestva muzhskoy generativnoy sfery rasteniy, zhivotnykh i cheloveka v usloviyakh promyshlennykh tsentrov i krupnykh gorodov [Pollen as a model for quality control of male generative sphere of plants, animals and human in industrial centers and major cities]. Aktual'nye problemy palinologii na rubezhe tret'ego tysyacheletiya. IX All-Russia palynological conference. Moscow: IGiRGI, 1999, p. 61-79.
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   Kochubey O.V. Kachestvo pyl'tsy, vydelennoy iz subfossil'nykh sporovo-pyl'tsevykh spektrov na territorii Kumzhinskogo mestorozhden[The quality of pollen derived from subfossil spore-pollen spectra in the Kumzhinskoe field]. Resursno-geologicheskie i metodicheskie aspekty osvoeniya neftegazonosnykh basseynov. Proceedings of II International conference. Saint Petersburg: VNIGRI, 2011, p. 299-308.
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   Meyer-Melikyan N.R., Kifishina T.A. Struktura obolochki pyl'tsevykh zeren Dactylis glomerata L. – nadezhnyy ob"ekt monitoringa na stepen' zagryazneniya okruzhayushchey sredy [The structure of pollen grains Dactylis glomerata L. - a reliable object of monitoring the degree of pollution]. Palinologiya i problemy detal'noy stratigrafii. Proceedings of YII palynological conference. Saratov, 1993, p. 57.
   Meyer-Melikyan N.R., Polevova S.V., Severova E.E., Tekleva M.V. Razvitie sporodermy v norme i v neblagopriyatnykh usloviyakh (na primere pyl'tsevykh zeren Cichorium intibus L. i Tanacetum vulgare L.) [Sporoderm development under normal and adverse conditions (by example of pollen grains Cichorium intibus L. and Tanacetum vulgare L.)]. Pyl'tsa kak indikator sostoyaniya okruzhayushchey sredy i paleoekologicheskie rekonstruktsii. Saint Petersburg, 2001, p. 125-128. Okruzhayushchaya sreda regiona Sankt-Peterburga [The environment of St. Petersburg]. SPbGTU, 2002, available at:
   Podoynitsyna S.V. Pervye rezul'taty palinoekologicheskogo obsledovaniya territorii Nevskoy stantsii podzemnogo khraneniya gaza (NSPKhG) [The first results of palyno-ecological survey of Neva station area of underground gas storage]. Resursno-geologicheskie i metodicheskie aspekty osvoeniya neftegazonosnykh basseynov. - Proceedings of II International conference. Saint Petersburg: VNIGRI, 2011, p. 308-314.
   Pyl'tsevoy analiz [Pollen analysis].Editor I.M. Pokrovskaya. Moscow: Gosgeolitizdat, 1950, 553 p.
Stratigraphy and lithology
Section editor – PhD in geology and mineralogy Kirichkova A.I.
Article # 12_2010 submitted on 01/28/2010 displayed on website on 03/10/2010
11 p.
pdf  Microphytologic characteristic of the Osinsk horizon halogenic-carbonate rocks, Nizhnee Preangarie, East Siberia
As a result of conducted palynologic researches, the complex of microfossils not having analogues in the Lower Cambrian deposits was detected in the deposits of the Ussolsk formation Osinsky horizon penetrated on the territory of the East Siberia Angara-Lena step.
Key words: microfossils, Cambrian, Ussolsk formation, East Siberia, stratigraphy.
article citation Arkadyeva O.V., Gildin S.M. Microphytologic characteristic of the Osinsk horizon halogenic-carbonate rocks, Nizhnee Preangarie, East Siberia// Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika. – 2010. - V.5. - #1.-