Penteley S.V.

Graduated from M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University (1994), specialization “oil and gas geology”.
PhD in Geological and Mineralogical Sciences.
Scientific interest area: gas-liquid inclusions, thermobarometry.
Author of 27 publications.
Geochemical research
Section editor – PhD in geology and mineralogy Bazhenova T.K.
Article # 41_2019 submitted on 10/14/2019 displayed on website on 11/29/2019
53 p.
pdf Phase composition and conditions of aqueous-hydrocarbon fluids at elevated and high temperatures and pressures (experiment using synthetic fluid inclusions)
The paper analyses the behavior of the phase composition and conditions of water-hydrocarbon fluids at elevated and high temperatures (240–700°С) and pressures (5–150 MPa) based on our new approach. The essence of approach is realization of experiments on the formation of water-hydrocarbon fluids through the interaction of hydrothermal solutions with bituminous, high-carbon rocks and directly with crude oil. In same experiments simultaneously the crystals of quartz with trapped water-hydrocarbon inclusions are grown. The inclusions are then studied using pressure-temperature geochemical methods, especially microthermometry including high-temperature in combination with Fourier-IR spectroscopy, and microscopy with natural, polarized and ultraviolet light. This approach also it possible to trace changes in situ in the phase composition and conditions of water-hydrocarbon fluids and to determine accurate temperatures and volume ratios of the water and hydrocarbon (liquid and gas) phases in fluids.
In synthetic water-hydrocarbon inclusions, the so-called imaginary homogenization associated not with the usual disappearance of phases, but with the alignment of their densities and refractive indices during heating was established. It also seems important to clarify the effect of volumetric ratios of the aqueous and hydrocarbon phases on the stopping of oil cracking processes during the transition of a fluid to a homogeneous sub- and supercritical state, and the resumption of these processes after fluid heterogenization at temperature decrease. The effect of temperature and its corresponding pressure on the metamorphic transformations of oil was elucidated. All this made it possible to assess the maximum possible depths of oil in the earth's inside. It turned out that these depths largely depend on the volumetric ratios of oil and its associated oil waters, as well as the actual values of geothermal gradients of specific oil and gas basins.

Keywords: phase composition of oil at elevated temperatures and pressures, synthetic water-hydrocarbon inclusions, interaction of oil with hydrothermal solutions, interaction of bituminous and carbonaceous rocks with hydrothermal solutions, critical states in water-oil fluids.
article citation Balitsky V.S., Penteley S.V., Balitskaya L.V., Bublikova T.M., Setkova T.V., Golunova M.A. Fazovyy sostav i sostoyaniya vodno-uglevodorodnykh flyuidov pri povyshennykh i vysokikh temperaturakh i davleniyakh (eksperiment s ispol'zovaniem sinteticheskikh flyuidnykh vklyucheniy) [Phase composition and conditions of aqueous-hydrocarbon fluids at elevated and high temperatures and pressures (experiment using synthetic fluid inclusions)]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2019, vol. 14, no. 4, available at:
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