Mar'yanovich Yu.V.

Graduated from St. Petersburg State University, specialization "petroleum geologist".
Leading engineer of Federal State Budgetary Institution "A.P. Karpinsky Russian Geological Research Institute" (FGBU "VSEGEI").
Research interests: oil and gas geology, oil and gas geology of Eastern Siberia, the Arctic, sedimentology.
Regional petroleum geology
Article # 20_2021 submitted on 03/31/2021 displayed on website on 06/29/2021
20 p.
pdf Geological structure of Usol-Bilir reservoir, south-eastern boarder of the Kureiya Syneclise
In the Cambrian interval, of the sedimentary section cover the junction zone of three large tectonic structures: the Nepa-Botuoba Anteclise, the Katanga Saddle, and the Kureiya Syneclise of the Eastern Siberian petroleum basin, four reservoir areals were identified, characterized by large variability of features within the studied area. The most promising reservoir is the lower Usol-Bilir reservoir, the forecast of petroleum content of which is based on the assumption of the possibility of flow of hydrocarbon from the underlying Vendian strata with already proven oil and gas content, as well as oil shows revealed by drilling in the reservoir sections. The assessment of the quality of the Usol-Bilyr reservoir is given on the basis of lithological-facies structures, which made it possible to identify favorable zones for the formation of seals and reservoirs.

Keywords: geological structure, oil and gas content, Cambrian, reservoir areal, Kureiya Syneclise, Eastern Siberian petroleum basin.
article citation Mar'yanovich Yu.V. Osobennosti geologicheskogo stroeniya usol'sko-bilirskogo prirodnogo rezervuara yugo-vostochnogo borta Kureyskoy sineklizy [Geological structure of Usol-Bilir reservoir, south-eastern boarder of the Kureiya Syneclise]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2021, vol. 16, no. 2, available at:
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