New methods and technologies
Section editor – PhD in geology and mineralogy Yakutseni V.P.
Article # 5_2011 submitted on 02/01/2011 displayed on website on 02/14/2011
18 p.
pdf  Methodological aspects of catagenesis study of sapropelic organic matter in oil and gas potential evaluation

The evaluation of catagenesis level of sapropelic organic matter from the Early Paleozoic and Late Proterozoic sediments causes certain methodological difficulties. A comparative analysis of different methods of organic matter study has been carried out in order to choose optimal methods for the determination of composition and the evaluation of organic matter catagenesis level. The efficient set of methods based on the joint application of palynological and infrared spectroscopic methods has been justified, which enables us to conduct systemic research of organic matter on three interrelated levels: taxonomic; geo-polymeric and molecular. The set of methods proposed can enhance the efficiency of oil and gas exploration.
Key words: the Lower Paleozoic and the Upper Proterozoic sediments, catagenesis level, insoluble organic matter, palynological method, infrared spectroscopic method, oil and gas exploration efficiency.
article citation

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