Article # 24_2018 | submitted on 05/21/2018 displayed on website on 07/10/2018 |
15 p. | Kotik I.S., Kotik O.S. |
Organic matter in the Carbonaceous Middle Frasnian deposits of the Kosyu-Rogovaya Depression and Chernyshev Ridge (Timan-Pechora Basin) | |
The article presents the results of coal petrographical and geochemical research of carbonaceous Middle Frasnian sections on the Kosyu-Rogov Depression, the Chernyshev Ridge and the adjacent territories. The composition of organic matter, its catagenetic transformation and hydrocarbon potential are studied. For the sections of the Chernyshev Ridge, organic matter consists of a large amount of amorphous organic matter (kolloalginite), zooplankton (intraclasts) and components of the liptinite group (alginite, sporinite, cutinite) admixture. Redeposited humic detritus occur mainly in the sections of the Kosyu-Rogov depression, along with the matter of phytogenous and zoogenic origin. The catagenetic transformation of Middle Frasnian organic matter sections within the Chernyshev Ridge are in the stage MK2 (Ro – 0,65-0,85%) and has a high hydrocarbon potential. In the Kosyu-Rogov depression, the maturity of organic matter is increased to the stage of MK5-AK1 (Ro – 1,5-2,5%) and it has achieved its hydrocarbon potential. Based on the gamma-ray logging, the thickness of petroleum source rocks was estimated. Сalculations of the densities of the oil and gas migration of from Middle Frasnian Domanik-Sargay sequences were carried out. The maximum of hydrocarbon migration quantity are determined in the Kosyu-Rogov depression, where they are amount to 2291 thousand tons / km2 for oil and 750 million m3 / km2 for gas.
Keywords: Domanik-Sargay sequences, petroleum source rock, organic matter, oil and gas migration, Middle Frasnian, Timan-Pechora Basin. |
article citation | Kotik I.S., Kotik O.S. Organicheskoe veshchestvo uglerodistykh srednefranskikh otlozheniy Kos'yu-Rogovskoy vpadiny i gryady Chernysheva (Timano-Pechorskiy basseyn) [Organic matter in the Carbonaceous Middle Frasnian deposits of the Kosyu-Rogovaya Depression and Chernyshev Ridge (Timan-Pechora Basin)]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2018, vol. 13, no. 3, available at: |
DOI | |
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