Petroleum potential and development
Article # 33_2021 submitted on 10/15/2021 displayed on website on 11/08/2021
15 p.
pdf Development dynamics of the hydrocarbons resources base Bukhara-Khiva region
The article briefly examines the history of the origin of the petroleum industry of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the results of geological exploration for oil and gas and the state of the hydrocarbon resource base in the context of oil and gas bearing regions. The Bukhara-Khiva petroleum bearing area, to which the article is dedicated, is the main one in this republic not only in terms of hydrocarbon production, but also in terms of their growth. The proven commercial oil and gas productivity is located in the stratigraphic range from the Lower-Middle Jurassic to the Upper Cretaceous, inclusive. The article presents the dynamics evolution of the hydrocarbons resource base.
The article provides information on the share of accumulated production in the structure of initial total resources and its distribution by the size of fields. It is concluded that almost half of the initial total resources have not yet been developed, and despite the significant coefficient of the exploration of the initial total resources, the potential for increasing industrial degree hydrocarbon reserves is still quite high.

Keywords: petroleum bearing area, hydrocarbon resource base, hydrocarbon production, industrial degree hydrocarbon reserves, Bukhara-Khiva region, Republic of Uzbekistan.
article citation Bogdanov A.N., Khmyrov P.V. Dinamika razvitiya syr'evoy bazy uglevodorodov Bukharo-Khivinskogo regiona [Development dynamics of the hydrocarbons resources base Bukhara-Khiva region]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2021, vol. 16, no. 4, available at:
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