Burova I.A.
Graduated from Leningrad Mining Institute, specialization "geological mapping, prospecting and exploration of mineral deposits" (1977).
Works with VNIGRI from 1972 to 2002 and from 2008.
PhD in Geological and Mineralogical Sciences (2001).
Main fields of research: lithology study of carbonate reservoir rocks of Siberian platform, study of oil and gas potential of Siberian platform, development of methods of hydrocarbon deposits search in carbonate rocks of Siberian platform.
Has about 30 scientific works, including monograph.
Article # 45_2018 | submitted on 08/30/2018 displayed on website on 12/28/2018 |
33 p. | Burova I.A. |
Hydrocarbon investigation reserves targeting a Upper Devonian carbonate basin - Moroshkin area and contiguous zones (Timan-Peсhora petroleum Province) | |
A comprehensive interdisciplinary method for analyzing the geological structure and history of the sedimentary basin genesis, based on all available geological, geophysical and geochemical data and traditionally involving the analysis of stratigraphy (sequence-stratigraphic analysis) and sedimentology (sedimentological modeling), too has been used. A complete structural paleoprofile of carbonate sections of the Upper Devonian was constructed. Taking into account the discrete nature of sedimentation, three sedimentary structures were distinguished with a characteristic sequence of beddings connected by the unity of time and place of studied formation, and a certain internal structure of parasequences composing them (tt-hw). Middle-Upper Frasnian and Famennian oil and gas bearing accumulations were identified. The distribution patterns of the thickness of productive levels and the values of the effective thicknesses of reservoir beds, as well as the distribution patterns of the values of the clay component coefficient in sections of these structures, are constructed. The exploration forecast of hydrocarbon traps in their productive part is made. Keywords: Upper Devonian sedimentary basin, sequence-stratigraphic analysis, sedimentary structures, parasequence (tt-hw), Middle-Upper Frasnian and Famennian oil and gas accumulations, hydrocarbon traps, Timan-Pechora petroleum Province. |
article citation | Burova I.A. Poisk zalezhey uglevodorodov v karbonatnoy tolshche verkhnedevonskogo osadochnogo basseyna Timano-Pechorskoy provintsii (Moroshkinskiy uchastok i prilegayushchie territorii) [Hydrocarbon investigation reserves targeting a Upper Devonian carbonate basin - Moroshkin area and contiguous zones (Timan-Peсhora petroleum Province)]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2018, vol. 13, no. 4, available at: http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/2018/45_2018.html |
DOI | https://doi.org/10.17353/2070-5379/45_2018 |
Alekseev A.S., Burlin Yu.K. O prirode pozdnepaleozoyskikh «karbonatnykh platform» i «atollov» Prikaspiyskoy vpadiny v svyazi s ikh neftegazonosnost'yu [On the nature of the Late Palaeozoic "carbonate platform" and "atolls" Caspian depression and its relationship with petroleum bearing areas]. Byulleten' Moskovskogo obshchestva ispytateley prirody. Otd. geologiya, 2011, vol.86, no.1, p.3-10.
Article # 9_2018 | submitted on 02/15/2018 displayed on website on 03/29/2018 |
25 p. | Burova I.A. |
Siberian Plantform warping movements influence for the formation of petroleum accumulations in the sequences of the Vendian-Cambrian sedimentary cover | |
A sequential stratigraphic model of the Vendian-Cambrian sedimentary cover sequences was constructed. Three sedimentary basins are distinguished with characteristic features for each bedding system: the Buks-Tyra (V21), the Uspun-Kudulakh-Yuryakh (V22), and the Lower-Middle Cambrian (Є1-Є2 am) sedimentary basins. Reconstruction of (primary) sedimentary basins, which make up the structure of the actually sedimentary basins, was carried out. The relationship between the formation of reservoir rocks and the regressive phase of sedimentation is established. The relationship between the distribution of productive reservoir units of oil and gas bearing accumulations with the vibrational motions of the basement blocks belonging to three tectonic provinces is analyzed: the southern part of the Anabar Province, the southern part of the Akitkan mobile belt and the northwestern part of the Aldan Province.
Keywords: sequential stratigraphic model, tectonic provinces, Vendian-Cambrian sedimentary sequence, sedimentary basin, sedimentary basin, regressive sedimentation phase, petroleum accumulation, Siberian Platform. |
article citation | Burova I.A. Vliyanie kolebatel'nykh dvizheniy blokov fundamenta Sibirskoy platformy na formirovanie neftegazonosnykh kompleksov v otlozheniyakh vend-kembriyskogo osadochnogo chekhla [Siberian Plantform warping movements influence for the formation of petroleum accumulations in the sequences of the Vendian-Cambrian sedimentary cover]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2018, vol. 13, no. 1, available at: http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/4/9_2018.pdf |
DOI | https://doi.org/10.17353/2070-5379/9_2018 |
Belenitskaya G.A. Rol' glubinnykh flyuidov v osadochnom porodo- i rudoobrazovanii [The role of deep fluids in sedimentary rock and ore formation]. Degazatsiya Zemli i genezis neftegazovykh mestorozhdeniy (k 100-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya akademika P.N. Kropotkina). Moscow: GEOS, 2012, p. 153-197.
Burova I.A. Kompleksnyy metod poiska karbonatnykh kollektorov Vostochnoy Sibiri [Complex method of searching carbonate reservoirs in Eastern Siberia]. Neftegazogeologicheskiy prognoz i perspektivy razvitiya neftegazovogo kompleksa Vostoka Rossii: sb. materialov nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii (Sankt-Peterburg, 17-21 iyunya 2013 g.). St. Petersburg: FGUP «VNIGRI», 2013, 492 p.
Burova I.A. Neftegazonosnye karbonatnye kompleksy yugo-zapadnoy territorii Respubliki Sakha (Yakutiya) [Petroleum-bearing carbonate sequences of the south-western territory of the Sakha Republic (Yakutia)]. Problemy vosproizvodstva zapasov nefti i gaza v sovremennykh usloviyakh: sb. nauch. statey, posvyashchennyy 85-letiyu VNIGRI. St. Petersburg: FGUP «VNIGRI», 2014, p.199-215.
Burova I.A. Paleogeograficheskie rekonstrukcii vend-nizhnekembrijskih karbonatnyh otlozhenij zapadnogo sklona severnoj chasti Nepsko-Botuobinskoj anteklizy [Paleogeographic reconstruction of the Vendian-Cambrian carbonate deposits of the western slope of the northern part of the Nepa-Botuoba Anteclise]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2014, vol. 9, no. 4, available at: http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/4/42_2014.pdf. DOI: https://doi.org/10.17353/2070-5379/42_2014
Burova I.A., Kubetova N.L., Shostak K.V. Distribution of the main salt-bearing suites in the Upper Vendian - Lower Cambrian sedimentary complex, Western Yakutia // Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2011. vol. 6, no. 4. http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/4/46_2011.pdf
Burova I.A., Shibina T.D., Korvet N.A. Litologo-geneticheskiy aspekt formirovaniya otlozheniy tirskoy svity na territorii Nepskogo svoda [Tyre Formation (Nepa Arch) - lithological and genetic aspects]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2017, vol. 12, no. 1, available at: http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/2/7_2017.pdf. DOI: https://doi.org/10.17353/2070-5379/7_2017
Degazatsiya Zemli i genezis neftegazovykh mestorozhdeniy (k 100-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya akademika P.N. Kropotkina) [Degassing of the Earth and the genesis of oil and gas accumulations (to the 100th anniversary of the birth of Academician P.N. Kropotkin)]. Moscow: GEOS, 2012, 516 p.
Geologiya i neftegazovyy potentsial yugo-zapada Respubliki SAKhA (Yakutiya): realii, perspektivy, prognozy [Geology and oil and gas potential of the southwest of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia): realities, prospects, forecasts]. V.S. Sitnikov, I.A. Kushmar, T.K. Bazhenova, I.A. Burova, V.P. Semenov, T.D. Shibina, K.V. Shostak, L.K. Yashenkova; red. V.S. Sitnikov, O.M. Prishchepa. St. Petersburg: FGUP «VNIGRI», 2014, 436 p. (Trudy VNIGRI).
Khain V.E. Tektonika kontinentov i okeanov (god 2000) [Tectonics of continents and oceans (year 2000)]. Moscow: Nauchnyy mir, 2001, 606 p.
Kuznetsov V.G. Evolyutsiya karbonatonakopleniya v istorii Zemli [Evolution of carbonate accumulation in the history of the Earth]. Moscow: GEOS, 2003, 262 p.
Migurskiy A.V. Mikrograbeny: rasprostranennost', paragenez s tsentrami neftegazonakopleniya [Micrograbens: prevalence, paragenesis with centers of oil and gas accumulation]. Geologiya nefti i gaza, 2014, no. 3, p.39-46.
Neft' i gaz Vostochnoy Sibiri [Oil and gas of Eastern Siberia]. I.A. Kushmar, Yu.N. Grigorenko, V.V. Anan'ev, V.A. Belinkin, E.A. Gubina. St. Petersburg.: Nedra, 2006, 102 p.
Obstanovki osadkonakopleniya i fatsii. V 2-kh tomakh [Sedimentation and facies. In 2 volumes]. T.1. / Editor Kh. Redinga. Moscow: Mir, 1990, 384 p.
Osadochnye basseyny: metodika izucheniya, stroenie i evolyutsiya [Sedimentary basins: a technique of studying, structure and evolution]. Editor Yu.G. Leonov, Yu.A. Volozh. Moscow: Nauchnyy mir, 2004, 526 p. (Tr. GIN RAN, vyp. 543).
Rozen O.M. Sibirskiy kraton: tektonicheskoe rayonirovanie, etapy evolyutsii [Siberian craton: tectonic zoning, stages of evolution]. Geotektonika, 2003, no.3, p.3-21.
Seysmicheskaya stratigrafiya. Ispol'zovanie pri poiskakh i razvedke nefti i gaza [Seismic stratigraphy. Use in the search and exploration of oil and gas]. Editor Ch. Peyton. Chast' 1. Moscow: izd. «Mir», 1982, 375 p.
Shishlov S.B. Strukturno-geneticheskiy analiz osadochnykh formatsiy [Structural-genetic analysis of sedimentary formations]. St. Petersburg: S.-Peterb. gorn. in-t, 2010, 276 p.
Article # 7_2017 | submitted on 11/11/2016 displayed on website on 03/09/2017 |
25 p. | Burova I.A., Shibina T.D., Korvet N.A. |
Tyra Formation (Nepa Arch) - lithological and genetic aspects | |
The study of formation conditions and facial variation of Tyra Formation is carried out on the basis of core, thin sections study and geophysical data analysis of ten wells. The lithological and genetic types of rocks are presented. A description of the stromatolite body structure of Erbogachen level is described. The sedimentational and genetical model of Tyra Formation and lithofacies zones distribution, including stromatolite dolomites of Erbogachen level are provided.
Keywords: Tyra Formation, Erbogachen level, lithological and genetical types of rocks, stromatolites, sedimentation-genetic model, Nepa Arch. |
article citation | Burova I.A., Shibina T.D., Korvet N.A. Litologo-geneticheskiy aspekt formirovaniya otlozheniy tirskoy svity na territorii Nepskogo svoda [Tyra Formation (Nepa Arch) - lithological and genetic aspects]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2017, vol. 12, no. 1, available at: http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/2/7_2017.pdf |
DOI | https://doi.org/10.17353/2070-5379/7_2017 |
Ivlev N.F., Pustyl'nikov A.M. Magnezit v vendsko-nizhnekembriyskikh solenosnykh otlozheniyakh yuga Sibirskoy platformy [Magnesite in Vendian-Lower Cambrian salt-bearing sedimentary rocks of the south of the Siberian platform]. Litologiya i poleznye iskopaemye, 1982, no. 1, p. 136-141.
Ivlev N.F., Pustyl'nikov A.M., Chekanov V.I. O regional'nom rasprostranenii magnezitov v otlozheniyakh solenosnoy formatsii yuga Sibirskoy platformy [On the regional distribution of magnesite in deposits of salt bearing formation in the south of the Siberian platform]. Geologiya i geofizika, 1985, no. 11, p. 16-24.
Kuznetsov V.G. Evolyutsiya karbonatonakopleniya v istorii Zemli [The evolution of the carbonate accumulation in the Earth's history]. Moscow: GEOS, 2003, 262 p.
Kuznetsov V.G. Fatsii i fatsial'nyy analiz v neftegazovoy geologii [Facies and facial analysis in petroleum geology]. Textbook for high schools. Moscow: Gubkin RSU of oil and gas, 2012, 244 p.
Mitchel R.M. ml., Veyl P.R., Sangri Dzh.B. Stratigraficheskaya interpretatsiya seysmorazrezov MOV po konfiguratsii otrazheniy [Stratigraphic interpretation of seismic sections by reflection configuration], p. 215-242. Seysmicheskaya stratigrafiya., Vol. 1, per. s angl., ed. Ch. Peyton, Moscow: Mir, 1982, 375 p.
Pustyl'nikova A.M., Chernova L.S. Magnezitovyy gorizont v otlozheniyakh venda-nizhnego kembriya Nepsko-Botuobinskoy anteklizy [Magnesite level in the sediments of Vendian-Lower Cambrian Nepa Bota Anteclise]. Geologiya nefti i gaza, 1991, no. 6, p. 17-20.
Resheniya chetvertogo Mezhvedomstvennogo regional'nogo stratigraficheskogo soveshchaniya po utochneniyu i dopolneniyu stratigraficheskikh skhem venda i kembriya vnutrennikh rayonov Sibirskoy platform [Decisions of the fourth Interagency Regional Stratigraphic meeting for clarification and supplement of stratigraphic schemes of the Vendian and Cambrian inland areas of the Siberian Platform]. Novosibirsk: SNIIGGiMS, 1989, 64 p.
Shishlov S.B. Strukturno-geneticheskiy analiz osadochnykh formatsiy [Structural and genetical analysis of sedimentary formations]. St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg Mining University, 2010, 276 p.
Article # 42_2014 | submitted on 10/01/2014 displayed on website on 10/10/2014 |
31 p. | Burova I.A. |
Paleogeographic reconstruction of the Vendian-Cambrian carbonate deposits of the western slope of the northern part of the Nepa-Botuoba Anteclise | |
The paleogeographical reconstruction for the Vendian-Lower Cambrian period of formation of sulfate-halogen-carbonate strata on the western slope of the northern part of the Nepa-Botuoba Anticlise is proposed. The reconstruction is performed using the method of integration of core with GIS data, structural and genetic analysis and seismic results. As a result of the construction of the sedimentation model sustainable vertical sequences of litho-genetic types of rocks and their lateral changes were identified. The lithofacial criteria of distribution of carbonate reservoir rocks and prospecting features that enable to forecast the formation of hydrocarbon traps on the western slope of the northern part of the Nepa-Botuoba oil and gas area were analysed.
Keywords: sedimentation model, litho-genetic types of rocks, bedding, para-generation, transgressive-regressive cycle, halogenic basin. |
article citation | Burova I.A. Paleogeograficheskie rekonstrukcii vend-nizhnekembrijskih karbonatnyh otlozhenij zapadnogo sklona severnoj chasti Nepsko-Botuobinskoj anteklizy [Paleogeographic reconstruction of the Vendian-Cambrian carbonate deposits of the western slope of the northern part of the Nepa-Botuoba Anteclise]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2014, vol. 9, no. 4, available at: http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/4/42_2014.pdf |
DOI | https://doi.org/10.17353/2070-5379/42_2014 |
Burova I.A. Metody prognoza effektivnykh kollektorov-lovushek uglevodorodov v karbonatnykh tolshchakh Sibirskoy platformy [Methods of efficient forecasting of reservoir traps of hydrocarbons in the carbonate strata of the Siberian platform]. Geologiya, metody poiskov, razvedki i otsenki m-niy toplivno-energeticheskogo syr'ya: Obzor. AOZT «Geoinformmark». Moscow, 1997, 50 p.
Burova I.A., Kubetova N.L., Shostak K.V. Rasprostranenie osnovnykh solenosnykh tolshch v verkhnevendsko-nizhnekembriyskom osadochnom komplekse Zapadnoy Yakutii [Distribution of the main strata of salt in Upper Vendian-Lower Cambrian sedimentary sequences of Western Yakutia]. Neftegazovaya geologiya. Teoriya i praktika, 2011, vol. 6, no. 4, available at: http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/4/46_2011.pdf
Ivanov A.A., Voronova M.L. Galogennye formatsii (mineral'nyy sostav, tipy i usloviya obrazovaniya; metody poiskov i razvedki mestorozhdeniy mineral'nykh soley) [Halogen formation (mineral composition, types and conditions of formation, methods of prospecting and exploration of halogen fields)]. Nedra, 1972, 328 p.
Kuznetsov V.G. Fatsii i fatsial'nyy analiz v neftegazovoy geologii [Facies and facial analysis in oil and gas geology]. Moscow.: Gubkin SU of Oil and Gas, 2012, 244 p.
Polyakova G.A., Usacheva I.V., Usychenko O.N., Burova I.A. Usloviya sedimentatsii karbonatnykh gorizontov tsentral'noy chasti Sibirskoy platform [The carbonate depositional environment of the central part of the Siberian platform]. Geologiya kollektorov nefti i gaza venda-nizhnego paleozoya Sibirskoy platformy. Leningrad: VNIGRI, 1986, 63-73 p.
Shemin G.G. Ereminsko-Chonskoe skoplenie nefti v preobrazhenskom rezervuare – krupneyshiy ob"ekt po podgotovke zapasov i dobyche uglevodorodnogo syr'ya v Vostochnoy Sibiri [Ereminsk-Chonska accumulation of oil in the Preobrazhensky reservoir - the largest object for the reserves development and production of hydrocarbons in the Eastern Siberia]. Novosibirsk: INGG SO RAN, 2011, 122 p.
Shishlov S.B. Strukturno-geneticheskiy analiz osadochnykh formatsiy [Structural-genetic analysis of sedimentary formations]. Saint Petersburg, Saint Petersburg Mining University: LEMA, 2010, 276 p.
Article # 46_2011 | submitted on 10/27/2011 displayed on website on 12/12/2011 |
19 p. | Burova I.A., Kubetova N.L., Shostak K.V. |
Distribution of the main salt-bearing suites in the Upper Vendian - Lower Cambrian sedimentary complex, Western Yakutia | |
The distribution of salt-bearing sedimentary basins in the Upper Vendian - Lower Cambrian sedimentary complex of the Nepa-Botuoba, Pre-Patom, Syugdzhersk and West-Vilyuy oil and gas regions, which included in the Lena-Tunguska petroleum province, is analyzed. Five oil and gas complexes are distinguished in the Upper Vendian - Lower Cambrian sedimentary - complex. The distribution areas of oil and gas complexes are identified using the method of mapping of the salt layers’ thickness, distinguished in the section of impermeable part of oil and gas complex.
Key words: salt-bearing suites, the Upper Vendian, the Lower Cambrian, sediment complex, oil and gas region, oil and gas complex, thickness mapping , Lena-Tunguska petroleum province. |
article citation | Burova I.A., Kubetova N.L., Shostak K.V. Distribution of the main salt-bearing suites in the Upper Vendian - Lower Cambrian sedimentary complex, Western Yakutia // Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika. – 2011. - V.6. - #4. - http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/4/46_2011.pdf |
Article # 23_2010 | submitted on 05/24/2010 displayed on website on 05/28/2010 |
18 p. | Burova I.A. |
Carbonate reservoirs of the Vendian-Lower Cambrian petroleum complex, Eastern Siberia | |
Three petroleum regions (Nepsko-Botuoba, Predpatom and Zapadno-Vilyuy) and three possible petroleum regions (Syugdzher, Anabar and Severo-Aldan) are considered. The brief review of distributing the hydrocarbon fields over these regions is given. The data on hydrocarbon pools and inflows received from the carbonate deposits of the petroleum regions are summarized. Distinctions in forming the hydrocarbon
reservoirs at a level of the productive horizons of the Vendian-Lower Cambrian petroleum complex are shown. Key words: Eastern Siberia, petroleum region, Vendian-Lower Cambrian petroleum complex, productive horizon. |
article citation | Burova I.A. Carbonate reservoirs of the Vendian-Lower Cambrian petroleum complex, Eastern Siberia // Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika. – 2010. - V.5. - #2.- http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/4/23_2010.pdf |