Machula I.A.

Graduated from Ukhta State Technical University, majoring in "Economics and Management (Energy)" (2011).
PhD in economy.
Leading Specialist of the feasibility of designing gas industry LLC "Gazprom Expo."
Research interests: economic evaluation of investment projects in the oil and gas industry, analyzes of oil and gas, the composition of predictive models of industrial markets with the help of software Statistica.
Author of 20 publication.
Economy, information technology, resource management
Section editor – PhD in economics Krasnov O.S.
Article # 42_2016 submitted on 01/25/2016 displayed on website on 11/11/2016
22 p.
pdf  Asia-Pacific region market as a leading factor of liquefied natural gas production in the Russian Federation
Liquefied natural gas is playing an increasingly prominent role and gaining competitive position in the global trade of energy resources. The development of liquefied natural gas global market is characterized by the expansion of exporters and importers of liquefied natural gas, increasing its role in covering energy needs of many countries, technology improvement at all stages of the value chain, increasing capacity of liquefaction and re-gasification, and expansion of transport infrastructure. Russian interest in the export of liquefied natural gas is firstly caused by the fact that our country seeks to strengthen energy security and to diversify gas supplies to foreign partners. One of the most promising markets of liquefied natural gas sales is Asia-Pacific region and the South-East Asia countries, which consumes more than 70% of the world's liquefied natural gas production.

Keywords: liquefied natural gas market, forecasted price simulation, the Asia-Pacific region.
article citation Razmanova S.V., Machula I.A. Rynok Aziatsko-Tikhookeanskogo regiona kak vedushchiy drayver razvitiya proizvodstva szhizhennogo prirodnogo gaza v Rossiyskoy Federatsii [Asia-Pacific region market as a leading factor of liquefied natural gas production in the Russian Federation]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2016, vol. 11, no. 4, available at:
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Economy, information technology, resource management
Section editor – PhD in economics Krasnov O.S.
Article # 38_2015 submitted on 09/17/2015 displayed on website on 10/12/2015
37 p.
pdf  Analysis of competitive advantages of synthetic liquid fuels production: world experience and Russian practice
Increasing quality requirements for motor fuels results in the need for additional capital investment by companies that own the refineries. Under these circumstances, Russia as the main supplier of oil products on the European market need to pay attention to the possibility of production of synthetic liquid fuels. The opportunities and prospects of development of synthetic liquid fuels production in Russia are analyzed. SWOT-analysis of synthetic liquid fuel production in Russia is carried out. The forecast of prices on diesel fuel for the EU market is performed on the basis of the developed algorithm.

Keywords: fuel and energy complex, synthetic liquid fuels, oil, gas, monetization of natural gas, diesel fuel, the EU market.
article citation Razmanova S.V., Machula I.A. Analiz konkurentnykh preimushchestv proizvodstva sinteticheskikh zhidkikh topliv: mirovoy opyt i otechestvennaya praktika [Analysis of competitive advantages of synthetic liquid fuels production: world experience and Russian practice]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2015, vol. 10, no. 4, available at:

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