Regional petroleum geology
Section editor – PhD in geology and mineralogy Makarevich V.N.
Article # 22_2014 submitted on 04/15/2014 displayed on website on 05/06/2014
16 p.
pdf  Reconstruction of geothermal history of the petroleum bearing Bazhenov Formation and estimation of the distribution of the offshore Neocomian reservoirs of the Nyurol megadepression
Description of the Neocomian shelf strata of the Nyurol megadepression and their structure is presented. Termal history of the Bazhenov source rocks strata is evaluated using the method of paleotemperatures modeling during the Jurassic time. Paleo-centers of oil generation are revealed and mapped considering geothermal criteria. Built maps of resources generation concentration and primary accumulated Bazhenov oil in the shelf reservoirs are presented. Recommended priority exploration areas are revealed.

Keywords: Neocom shelf, Bazhenov Formation, paleotemperature modeling, oil generation levels, density resources, Nyurol megadepression.
article citation Osipova E.N., Prakojo F.S., Isaev V.I. Rekonstrukcii geotermicheskoj istorii neftematerinskoj bazhenovskoj svity i ocenka raspredelenija plotnosti resursov v shel'fovom rezervuare neokoma Njurol'skoj megavpadiny [Reconstruction of geothermal history of the petroleum bearing Bazhenov Formation and estimation of the distribution of the offshore Neocomian reservoirs of the Nyurol megadepression]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2014, vol. 9, no. 2, available at:
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