Regional petroleum geology
Article # 43_2023 submitted on 10/20/2023 displayed on website on 11/28/2023
18 p.
pdf Assessment of the possibility of carbon dioxide burial in a hydrate state in the sub-permafrost aquifers of the Vilyuy syneclise
The paper presents the results of experimental studies of the carbon dioxide hydrates formation and decomposition processes in porous media with different types of salinity using the method of differential thermal analysis. Equilibrium conditions of carbon dioxide hydrate formation in porous media salinized with solutions of bicarbonate and sodium chloride, the concentration of which corresponds to the composition and mineralization of sheet waters in the sub-permafrost aquifers of the Vilyuy syneclise, were obtained. The boundaries of the carbon dioxide hydrate stability zone were assessed using as the example a geological exploration area 15-Kenkemen. It has been established that, depending on thermobaric conditions and depth, hydrate formation processes can occur from water (ice) and gaseous and liquid carbon dioxide.

Keywords: carbon dioxide hydrate, porous media, equilibrium conditions of hydrate formation, carbon dioxide hydrate stability zone, sub-permafrost aquifers, sodium bicarbonate, sodium chloride, Vilyuy syneclise.
article citation Kalacheva L.P., Ivanova I.K., Portnyagin A.S., Ivanov V.K., Argunova K.K., Bubnova А.R. Otsenka vozmozhnosti zakhoroneniya uglekislogo gaza v gidratnom sostoyanii v podmerzlotnykh vodonosnykh gorizontakh Vilyuyskoy sineklizy [Assessment of the possibility of carbon dioxide burial in a hydrate state in the sub-permafrost aquifers of the Vilyuy syneclise]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2023, vol. 18, no. 4, available at: EDN: DLKKNY
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