Evseeva G.B.
Graduated from Tashkent Polytechnic Institute (1985), specialization "geological engineer".
PhD in geology and mineralogy.
Head of the Laboratory of Institute of Geology and Exploration of Oil and Gas Deposits (IGIRNIGM).
Area of scientific interests: petroleum geology, paleontology, stratigraphy, petrography.
Author of 29 publications.
Stratigraphy and lithology
Article # 18_2023 | submitted on 03/31/2023 displayed on website on 05/29/2023 |
26 p. | Abdullaev G.S., Evseeva G.B., Kudasheva L.R., Zakirov R.T. |
Stratigraphic features of Jurassic terrigenous strata belonging to the Central part of the Chardzhou step and their relationship with pre-Jurasic formations | |
When carrying out exploration activity for oil and gas in the strata of the Jurassic terrigenous formation in the study area, it is necessary to establish the age equivalence of stratigraphic units. The results of a detailed study of the terrigenous rocks composition, lithofacies and stratigraphic characteristics of Jurassic terrigenous section are presented. The influence of pre-Jurassic formations on the genesis of terrigenous strata, due to the strong alteration of the surface of pre-Jurassic section, which determined the facies and stratigraphic characteristics of the terrigenous formation, as well as the inheritance of the relief and the distribution of thicknesses of terrigenous cover, is considered. The studied patterns make it possible to determine the temporal and spatial distribution and the relationship of reservoirs and seal rocks in terrigenous Jurassic strata on the territory of the Central part of the Chardzhou step and make it possible to effectively solve theoretical and practical problems of oil and gas geology of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Keywords: Jurassic terrigenous formation, lithofacies characteristic, stratigraphic characteristic, oil and gas geology, Central part of the Chardzhou step, Republic of Uzbekistan. |
article citation | Abdullaev G.S., Evseeva G.B., Kudasheva L.R., Zakirov R.T. Stratigraficheskie osobennosti terrigennykh yurskikh otlozheniy tsentral'noy chasti Chardzhouskoy stupeni i vzaimootnoshenie s doyurskimi obrazovaniyami [Stratigraphic features of Jurassic terrigenous strata belonging to the Central part of the Chardzhou step and their relationship with pre-Jurasic formations]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2023, vol. 18, no. 2, available at: http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/2023/18_2023.html EDN: IYOWBT |
Abdullaev G.S., Evseeva G.B. Litologo-fatsial'nye osobennosti, geologicheskoe stroenie i perspektivy neftegazonosnosti yurskoy terrigennoy formatsii v severo-zapadnoy chasti Chardzhouskoy stupeni [Lithofacies features, geological structure and prospects for petroleum potential of the Jurassic terrigenous formation in the north-western part of the Chardjou stage]. Uzbekskiy zhurnal nefti i gaza, 2014, no. 1, pp. 16-22.
Alekseev V.P., Babaev A.G., Safonov B.K., Troitskiy A.V., Eremenko N.V. Raschlenenie i korrelyatsiya razrezov yurskoy terrigennoy formatsii Chardzhouskoy stupeni po dannym GIS [Division and correlation of sections of the Jurassic terrigenous formation of the Chardjou stage according to well logging data]. Uzbekskiy geologicheskiy zhurnal, 1990, no. 4, pp. 22-24.
Babadzhanov T.L. Abetov A.E., Rubo V.V. Novye predstavleniya o regional'noy tektonike i neftegazonosnosti promezhutochnogo strukturnogo etazha (PSE) platformennykh territoriy Uzbekistana [New ideas about regional tectonics and oil and gas potential of the intermediate structural stage of the platform territories of Uzbekistan]. Geologiya i mineral'nye resursy, 2001, no. 1, pp. 29-37.
Babaev A.G., Gabril'yan R.A., Salyamova S.K. Terrigennaya formatsiya yurskogo vozrasta Bukharo-Khivinskogo regiona i Yugo-Zapadnogo Gissara i ee neftegazonosnost' [Terrigenous formation of the Jurassic age of the Bukhara-Khiva region and South-Western Gissar and its petroleum potential]. Moscow: Nedra, 1977, 158 p.
Bogdanov A.N. Kriterii otsenki perspektiv neftegazonosnosti doyurskogo kompleksa porod Bukharo-Khivinskogo neftegazonosnogo regiona Uzbekistana [Estimation criteria for petroleum perspectives of the Pre-Jurassic section - Bukhara-Khiva oil and gas region (Uzbekistan)]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2018, vol. 13, no. 1, available at: http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/4/5_2018.pdf DOI: 10.17353/2070-5379/5_2018
Egamberdyev M.E., Abdullaev G.S. Osobennosti poetapnogo razvitiya organicheskogo mira yurskogo perioda v severnoy bortovoy zone Amudar'inskogo sedimentatsionnogo basseyna [Features of the stage-by-stage development of the organic world of the Jurassic period in the northern side zone of the Amu Darya sedimentation basin]. Uzbekskiy geologicheskiy zhurnal, 1997, no. 2, pp. 3-17.
Mordvintsev O.P. Geologicheskoe stroenie doyurskikh obrazovaniy Bukharo-Khivinskogo regiona po materialam kompleksnykh geologo-geofizicheskikh issledovaniy [The geological structure of the pre-Jurassic formations of the Bukhara-Khiva region based on complex geological and geophysical studies]. Uzbekskiy zhurnal nefti i gaza, 2004, no. 2, pp. 10-14.
Opornye razrezy yurskoy sistemy Uzbekistana i sopredel'nykh rayonov [Reference sections of the Jurassic system of Uzbekistan and adjacent areas]. Tashkent: Mingeo UzSSR, «Fan», 1969, 129 p.
Popov V.I., Tikhomirov S.V., Makarova S.D., Filippov A.A., Gonchar A.D., Gridnev N.I. Ritmostratigraficheskie (tsiklostratigraficheskie) i litostratigraficheskie podrazdeleniya [Rhythmostratigraphic (cyclostratigraphic) and lithostratigraphic units.]. Tashkent: Fan, 1979, 112 p.
Alekseev V.P., Babaev A.G., Safonov B.K., Troitskiy A.V., Eremenko N.V. Raschlenenie i korrelyatsiya razrezov yurskoy terrigennoy formatsii Chardzhouskoy stupeni po dannym GIS [Division and correlation of sections of the Jurassic terrigenous formation of the Chardjou stage according to well logging data]. Uzbekskiy geologicheskiy zhurnal, 1990, no. 4, pp. 22-24.
Babadzhanov T.L. Abetov A.E., Rubo V.V. Novye predstavleniya o regional'noy tektonike i neftegazonosnosti promezhutochnogo strukturnogo etazha (PSE) platformennykh territoriy Uzbekistana [New ideas about regional tectonics and oil and gas potential of the intermediate structural stage of the platform territories of Uzbekistan]. Geologiya i mineral'nye resursy, 2001, no. 1, pp. 29-37.
Babaev A.G., Gabril'yan R.A., Salyamova S.K. Terrigennaya formatsiya yurskogo vozrasta Bukharo-Khivinskogo regiona i Yugo-Zapadnogo Gissara i ee neftegazonosnost' [Terrigenous formation of the Jurassic age of the Bukhara-Khiva region and South-Western Gissar and its petroleum potential]. Moscow: Nedra, 1977, 158 p.
Bogdanov A.N. Kriterii otsenki perspektiv neftegazonosnosti doyurskogo kompleksa porod Bukharo-Khivinskogo neftegazonosnogo regiona Uzbekistana [Estimation criteria for petroleum perspectives of the Pre-Jurassic section - Bukhara-Khiva oil and gas region (Uzbekistan)]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2018, vol. 13, no. 1, available at: http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/4/5_2018.pdf DOI: 10.17353/2070-5379/5_2018
Egamberdyev M.E., Abdullaev G.S. Osobennosti poetapnogo razvitiya organicheskogo mira yurskogo perioda v severnoy bortovoy zone Amudar'inskogo sedimentatsionnogo basseyna [Features of the stage-by-stage development of the organic world of the Jurassic period in the northern side zone of the Amu Darya sedimentation basin]. Uzbekskiy geologicheskiy zhurnal, 1997, no. 2, pp. 3-17.
Mordvintsev O.P. Geologicheskoe stroenie doyurskikh obrazovaniy Bukharo-Khivinskogo regiona po materialam kompleksnykh geologo-geofizicheskikh issledovaniy [The geological structure of the pre-Jurassic formations of the Bukhara-Khiva region based on complex geological and geophysical studies]. Uzbekskiy zhurnal nefti i gaza, 2004, no. 2, pp. 10-14.
Opornye razrezy yurskoy sistemy Uzbekistana i sopredel'nykh rayonov [Reference sections of the Jurassic system of Uzbekistan and adjacent areas]. Tashkent: Mingeo UzSSR, «Fan», 1969, 129 p.
Popov V.I., Tikhomirov S.V., Makarova S.D., Filippov A.A., Gonchar A.D., Gridnev N.I. Ritmostratigraficheskie (tsiklostratigraficheskie) i litostratigraficheskie podrazdeleniya [Rhythmostratigraphic (cyclostratigraphic) and lithostratigraphic units.]. Tashkent: Fan, 1979, 112 p.
Stratigraphy and lithology
Article # 32_2021 | submitted on 07/05/2021 displayed on website on 10/20/2021 |
17 p. | Evseeva G.B., Kudasheva L.R., Atadzhanova M.E. |
Lithostratigraphical features and the Poro-Perm properties of lagoonal facies rocks of Bukhara step (Bukharа-Khivа oil and gas region) | |
For the effective conduct of petroleum geological exploration, it is necessary to reliably determine the position in space and time of the reservoirs, which are often composed of rocks of various petrographical compositions and facies. The results of a detailed study of the material composition, structural and textural features of carbonate rocks and their reservoir properties in the zone of development of lagoonal strata on the territory of the Bukhara step of the Bukhara-Khiva oil and gas region, using the example of the Dultepa field located within the Mubarek uplift, are presented. The relationship between the reservoir properties of rocks and the facial conditions of sedimentary environment, obeying the general developing pattern of shelf carbonate accumulation, is considered. The studied patterns of distribution of various genetic types of rocks that compose the strata of the lagoon facies zone reflect the temporal events of the development of sedimentary basins and make it possible to effectively solve theoretical and practical problems of oil and gas geology. Keywords: carbonate rock, lagoon facies, reservoir properties, Bukhara-Khiva oil and gas region. |
article citation | Evseeva G.B., Kudasheva L.R., Atadzhanova M.E. Litologo-stratigraficheskie osobennosti razreza i fil'tratsionno-emkostnye svoystva porod lagunnoy fatsial'noy zony Bukharskoy stupeni Bukharo-Khivinskogo neftegazonosnogo regiona [Lithostratigraphical features and the Poro-Perm properties of lagoonal facies rocks of Bukhara step (Bukharа-Khivа oil and gas region)]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2021, vol. 16, no. 4, available at: http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/2021/32_2021.html |
DOI | https://doi.org/10.17353/2070-5379/32_2021 |
Abdullaev G.S., Mirkamalov Kh.Kh. K biostratigrafii neftegazonosnykh tolshch verkhneyurskoy karbonatnoy formatsii Zapadnogo Uzbekistana [Biostratigraphy of petroleum bearing strata of the Upper Jurassic carbonate formation in Western Uzbekistan]. Neftegazovaya geologiya i voprosy prirosta zapasov uglevodorodov v Uzbekistane. Tashkent: IGIRNIGM, 1996, pp.9-18.
Abdullaev G.S., Mirkamalov Kh.Kh., Evseeva G.B. Organogennye postroyki neftegazonosnykh otlozheniy karbonatnoy formatsii yury Zapadnogo Uzbekistana i ikh terminologiya [Organogenic structures of petroleum bearing Jurassic carbonate formation of Western Uzbekistan and their terminology]. Uzbekskiy zhurnal nefti i gaza, 2009, no. 3, pp. 16-23.
Egamberdyev M.E., Abdullaev G.S. Osobennosti poetapnogo razvitiya organicheskogo mira yurskogo perioda v severnoy bortovoy zone Amudar'inskogo sedimentatsionnogo basseyna [Features of the stage-by-stage development of the organic world of the Jurassic period in the northern side zone of the Amu Darya sedimentary basin]. Uzbekskiy geologicheskiy zhurnal, 1997, no.2, pp. 3-17.
Evseeva G.B. Usloviya osadkonakopleniya i kollektorskie svoystva porod yurskikh karbonatnykh otlozheniy Bukharo-Khivinskogo neftegazonosnogo regiona [Bukhara-Khiva oil and gas region - depositional environment of the Jurassic carbonate deposits and reservoir rock properties]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2015, vol. 10, no. 2, available at: http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/4/15_2015.pdf. DOI: https://doi.org/10.17353/2070-5379/15_2015
Luchnikov V.S. Stratigrafiya yurskikh otlozheniy yugo-vostoka Sredney Azii [Stratigraphy of the Jurassic srata of the southeast of Central Asia]. Problemy neftegazonosnosti Tadzhikistana. Dushanbe: Donish., 1972, pp. 351-374.
Mikheev I.G., Fortunatova N.K., Veto V.I., Boyarinova L.A. Stroenie i raspredelenie verkhneyurskikh rifovykh kompleksov v Yuzhnom i Zapadnom Uzbekistane [Structure and distribution of Upper Jurassic reef structures in South and West Uzbekistan]. Sbornik trudov VNIGNI. Moscow, 1978, issue 210, pp. 54-68.
Abdullaev G.S., Mirkamalov Kh.Kh., Evseeva G.B. Organogennye postroyki neftegazonosnykh otlozheniy karbonatnoy formatsii yury Zapadnogo Uzbekistana i ikh terminologiya [Organogenic structures of petroleum bearing Jurassic carbonate formation of Western Uzbekistan and their terminology]. Uzbekskiy zhurnal nefti i gaza, 2009, no. 3, pp. 16-23.
Egamberdyev M.E., Abdullaev G.S. Osobennosti poetapnogo razvitiya organicheskogo mira yurskogo perioda v severnoy bortovoy zone Amudar'inskogo sedimentatsionnogo basseyna [Features of the stage-by-stage development of the organic world of the Jurassic period in the northern side zone of the Amu Darya sedimentary basin]. Uzbekskiy geologicheskiy zhurnal, 1997, no.2, pp. 3-17.
Evseeva G.B. Usloviya osadkonakopleniya i kollektorskie svoystva porod yurskikh karbonatnykh otlozheniy Bukharo-Khivinskogo neftegazonosnogo regiona [Bukhara-Khiva oil and gas region - depositional environment of the Jurassic carbonate deposits and reservoir rock properties]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2015, vol. 10, no. 2, available at: http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/4/15_2015.pdf. DOI: https://doi.org/10.17353/2070-5379/15_2015
Luchnikov V.S. Stratigrafiya yurskikh otlozheniy yugo-vostoka Sredney Azii [Stratigraphy of the Jurassic srata of the southeast of Central Asia]. Problemy neftegazonosnosti Tadzhikistana. Dushanbe: Donish., 1972, pp. 351-374.
Mikheev I.G., Fortunatova N.K., Veto V.I., Boyarinova L.A. Stroenie i raspredelenie verkhneyurskikh rifovykh kompleksov v Yuzhnom i Zapadnom Uzbekistane [Structure and distribution of Upper Jurassic reef structures in South and West Uzbekistan]. Sbornik trudov VNIGNI. Moscow, 1978, issue 210, pp. 54-68.
Regional petroleum geology
Section editor – PhD in geology and mineralogy Makarevich V.N.
Article # 15_2015 | submitted on 03/25/2015 displayed on website on 04/21/2015 |
18 p. | Evseeva G.B. |
Bukhara-Khiva oil and gas region - depositional environment of the Jurassic carbonate deposits and reservoir rock properties | |
The characteristic of reservoir rocks of the Jurassic carbonate formation of Bukhara-Khiva oil and gas region is provided. Genetic types, facial conditions and reservoir properties of these rocks are analyzed. Distributional patterns of rocks forming the productive layers and certain reservoir properties will serve as the basis for typing of exposed sections. The same for creation of reliable models of hydrocarbon traps, promising for identifying of hydrocarbon deposits, which will enable us to choose the best course of exploration strategy. Keywords: Jurassic, oil, gas, carbonate formation, reservoir, Bukhara-Khiva oil and gas region. |
article citation | Evseeva G.B. Usloviya osadkonakopleniya i kollektorskie svoystva porod yurskikh karbonatnykh otlozheniy Bukharo-Khivinskogo neftegazonosnogo regiona [Bukhara-Khiva oil and gas region - depositional environment of the Jurassic carbonate deposits and reservoir rock properties]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2015, vol. 10, no. 2, available at: http://www.ngtp.ru/rub/4/15_2015.pdf |
DOI | https://doi.org/10.17353/2070-5379/15_2015 |
Abdullaev G.S., Mirkamalov Kh.Kh. Unifikatsiya stratigraficheskoy nomenklatury promyslovykh gorizontov karbonatnoy formatsii yury Yuzhnogo i Yugo-Zapadnogo Uzbekistana. Uzbekskiy [Unification of stratigraphic nomenclature of commercial section of Jurassic carbonate formation of the Southern and South-Western Uzbekistan, Uzbeksky]. Zhurnal nefti i gaza, 1998, no. 4, p. 13-16.
Abdullaev G.S., Mirkamalov Kh.Kh. Znachenie paleontologicheskikh issledovaniy pri razrabotke stratigraficheskoy skhemy verkhnego kompleksa karbonatnoy formatsii Bukharo-Khivinskogo regiona [The value of paleontological research in the development of stratigraphic scheme of the upper complex of carbonate formation of Bukhara-Khiva region]. Geologiya, poleznye iskopaemye i problemy geoekologii Boshkortostana: Abstracts of the VI International Conference. Ufa, Rossiya, 2006, p. 66-68.
Akramkhodzhaev A.M., Mirkamalov Kh.Kh., Abdullaev G.S., Akhmedov P.U. Stratigrafiya i fatsial'nye skhemy verkhneyurskoy karbonatnoy formatsii Zapadnogo Uzbekistana [Stratigraphy and facial scheme of Upper Jurassic carbonate formations of western Uzbekistan]. Byul. MOIP, otd. geol., 1982, no. 6, p. 53-62.
Babaev A.G. Karbonatnaya formatsiya yurskogo vozrasta platformennoy oblasti Uzbekistana i ee neftegazonosnost' [Jurassic carbonate formation of platform region of Uzbekistan and its petroleum potential]. Tashkent: FAN, 1983, p. 1-160.
Korsun' V.V. O tipakh razrezov karbonatnoy formatsii verkhney yury Yugo-Zapadnogo Uzbekistana po rezul'tatam geologicheskoy interpretatsii promyslovykh geofizicheskikh dannykh. Voprosy regional'noy geologii neftegazonosnykh oblastey Uzbekistana [Types of carbonate formation sections of the Upper Jurassic of South-Western Uzbekistan on the basis of result of the geological interpretation of geophysical data. Questions of regional geology of oil and gas fields in Uzbekistan]. Tashkent: SAIGIMS, 1981, vol. 9, p. 46-60.
Egamberdyev M.E. Neftegazonosnye fatsii mezozoya i paleogena [Petroleum facies of the Mesozoic and Paleogene]. Tashkent: FAN, 1981, p. 1-158.
Abdullaev G.S., Mirkamalov Kh.Kh. Znachenie paleontologicheskikh issledovaniy pri razrabotke stratigraficheskoy skhemy verkhnego kompleksa karbonatnoy formatsii Bukharo-Khivinskogo regiona [The value of paleontological research in the development of stratigraphic scheme of the upper complex of carbonate formation of Bukhara-Khiva region]. Geologiya, poleznye iskopaemye i problemy geoekologii Boshkortostana: Abstracts of the VI International Conference. Ufa, Rossiya, 2006, p. 66-68.
Akramkhodzhaev A.M., Mirkamalov Kh.Kh., Abdullaev G.S., Akhmedov P.U. Stratigrafiya i fatsial'nye skhemy verkhneyurskoy karbonatnoy formatsii Zapadnogo Uzbekistana [Stratigraphy and facial scheme of Upper Jurassic carbonate formations of western Uzbekistan]. Byul. MOIP, otd. geol., 1982, no. 6, p. 53-62.
Babaev A.G. Karbonatnaya formatsiya yurskogo vozrasta platformennoy oblasti Uzbekistana i ee neftegazonosnost' [Jurassic carbonate formation of platform region of Uzbekistan and its petroleum potential]. Tashkent: FAN, 1983, p. 1-160.
Korsun' V.V. O tipakh razrezov karbonatnoy formatsii verkhney yury Yugo-Zapadnogo Uzbekistana po rezul'tatam geologicheskoy interpretatsii promyslovykh geofizicheskikh dannykh. Voprosy regional'noy geologii neftegazonosnykh oblastey Uzbekistana [Types of carbonate formation sections of the Upper Jurassic of South-Western Uzbekistan on the basis of result of the geological interpretation of geophysical data. Questions of regional geology of oil and gas fields in Uzbekistan]. Tashkent: SAIGIMS, 1981, vol. 9, p. 46-60.
Egamberdyev M.E. Neftegazonosnye fatsii mezozoya i paleogena [Petroleum facies of the Mesozoic and Paleogene]. Tashkent: FAN, 1981, p. 1-158.