Roschin P.V.

Graduated from Samara State Technical University (2011), specialization “development and operation of oil and gas fields”.
PhD in Technical Sciences.
Assistant of the Department of Development and Operation of Oil and Gas Fields, St. Petersburg Mining University.
Scientific interest area: hard-to-recover reserves, high-viscosity oil, oil flow intensification.
Author of 20 publications, 2 patents.
Geological simulation and issues of petroleum fields development
Section editor – PhD in geology and mineralogy Prischepa O.M.
Article # 36_2015 submitted on 06/08/2015 displayed on website on 09/22/2015
20 p.
pdf Features of geological structure and stimulation of complex oil reservoirs of Bazhenov formation, Palyanovsk oil field
The results of special investigation at exploration and producing wells, core samples investigation of Tutleimskaya formation, which is the prototype of Bazhenov Formation at Palyanovskoye oil field, are presented. The conceptual poroperm model of Bazhenov Formation at Palyanovskoye oil field (Krasnoleninskoye fields cluster) is presented on the basis of the aggregation of these data with facies description. Some recommendations for further studies of Bazhenov Formation unconventional reserves and special technologies of wells stimulation at producing zones are proposed.

Keywords: unconventional resources, poroperm model, tight reservoir, shale oil, acidizing, Bazhenov Formation, Tutleimskaya Formation, Palyanovskoye oil field.
article citation Litvin V.T., Strizhnev K.V., Roschin P.V. Osobennosti stroeniya i intensifikatsii pritokov nefti v slozhnykh kollektorakh bazhenovskoy svity Pal'yanovskogo mestorozhdeniya [Features of geological structure and stimulation of complex oil reservoirs of Bazhenov formation, Palyanovsk oil field]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2015, vol. 10, no. 3, available at:
   Aksenov A.A., Alenin V.V., Zonn M.S., Ryzhik V.M. K metodike prognoznoy otsenki resursov nefti bazhenovskoy svity Zapadnoy Sibiri [On the methods of forecast evaluation of oil resources of Bazhenov Formation of Western Siberia]. Problemy neftenosnosti bazhenovskoy svity Zapadnoy Sibiri: collection of scientific papers, 1986, p. 111.
   Alekseev A.D. Bazhenovskaya svita: v poiskakh bol'shoy slantsevoy nefti na Verkhnem Salyme. Chast' 2 [Bazhenovskaya Formation: In Search of a large shale oil in the Upper Salym. Part 2.]. Rogtec, 2014, no. 35, p. 38-51.
   Burshteyn L.M., Kazanenkov V.A., Kireeva A.A., Kontorovich V.A., Kostyreva E.A., Melenevskiy V.N., Ponomareva E.V., Safronov P.I., Fomin A.N. Neftegazoproizvodyashchy potentsial bazhenovskoy svity i ee analogov (tsentral'nye i yuzhnye rayony Zapadno-Sibirskogo basseyna) [Oil and gas producing potential of Bazhenov suite and its analogs (central and southern areas of the West Siberian basin)]. Tyumen 2015-Deep SubsoilandScienceHorizons, 2015.
   Dorofeeva T.V., Krasnov S.G., Lebedev V.A., Petrova G.V., Pozinenko B.V. Kollektory nefti bazhenovskoy svity Zapadnoy Sibiri [Reserves of oil Bazhenov Formation in Western Siberia]. Leningrad: Nedra, 1983, 131 p.
   Farmanzade A.R., Litvin V.T., Roshchin P.V. Podbor osnovy kislotnogo sostava i spetsial'nykh dobavok dlya obrabotki prizaboynoy zony plasta bazhenovskoy svity [Selection of basis of acid composition and special additives for the treatment of bottomhole formation zone of Bazhenov Formation]. Mezhdunarodnyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy zhurnal, 2015, no. 3-4 (34), p. 68-72.
   Filina S.I., Korzh M.V., Zonn M.S. Paleografiya i neftenosnost' bazhenovskoy svity Zapadnoy Sibiri [Paleography and oil potential of Bazhenov Formation in Western Siberia]. Moscow: Nauka, 1984, 36 p.
   Gimatudinov Sh.K. Spravochnoe rukovodstvo po proektirovaniyu razrabotki i ekspluatatsii neftyanykh mestorozhdeniy. Dobycha nefti [Guidelines on development and exploitation of oil deposits. Petroleum production]. Moscow: Nedra, 1983, 455 p.
   Khalimov E.M., Melik-Pashaev V.S. O poiskakh promyshlennykh skopleniy nefti v bazhenovskoy svite [On the search for industrial clusters oil Bazhenov formation]. Geologiya nefti i gaza, 1980, no. 6, p. 1-10.
   Litvin V.T., Ryazanov A.A., Farmanzade A.R. Teoreticheskie aspekty i opyt provedeniya rabot po intensifikatsii pritoka nefti na kollektorakh bazhenovskoy svity [Theoretical aspects and experience of the work on the stimulation of oil reservoirs in the Bazhenov Formation]. Neftepromyslovoe delo, 2015, no. 5, p. 24-29.
   Neft' i gaz nizkopronitsaemykh slantsevykh tolshch - rezerv syr'evoy bazy uglevodorodov Rossii [Oil and gas of low-permeability shale strata - Reserve of hydrocarbon resource base in Russia]. O.M. Prishchepa, O.Yu. Aver'yanova, A.A. Il'inskiy, D. Morariu; editor O.M. Prishchepy. Saint Petersburg: VNIGRI, 2014, 323 p.
   Nesterov I.I. Neftegazonosnost' bituminoznykh glin bazhenovskoy svity Zapadnoy Sibiri [Petroleum potential of bituminous clays of Bazhenov Formation of Western Siberia]. Sov. geologiya. - 1980. - T. 11911. - S. 3-10.
   Petukhov A.V. Teoriya i metodologiya izucheniya strukturno-prostranstvennoy zonal'nosti treshchinnykh kollektorov nefti i gaza [Theory and methodology of the study of structural and spatial zoning fractured reservoirs of oil and gas]. Ukhta: Ukhtinskiy gosudarstvennyy tekhnicheskiy universitet, 2002. 276 p.
   Roshchin P.V., Rogachev M.K., Vaskes Kardenas L.K., Kuz'min M.I., Litvin V.T., Zinov'ev A.M. The research of core sample of Pecherskoe bitumen formation by SkyScan 1174v2 micro-ctscanner. Mezhdunarodnyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy zhurnal, 2013, no. 2 (8), p. 45-48.
   Sarancha A.V. Garina V.V. Mitrofanov D.A. Levitina E.E. Rezul'taty opytno-promyshlennoy razrabotki bazhenovskoy svity na zapadno-sakhalinskom mestorozhdenii [Results of research and industrial development of the Bazhenov Formation in the West Sakhalin field]. Fundamental'nye issledovaniya, 2015, no. 2-14.
   Slavkin B.C., Alekseev A.D., Koloskov V.N. Nekotorye aspekty geologicheskogo stroeniya i perspektiv neftenosnosti bazhenovskoy svity na zapade Shirotnogo Priob'ya [Some aspects of the geological structure and prospects of the oil-bearing Bazhenov Formation in the west Latitude Ob]. Neftyanoe khozyaystvo, 2007, no. 8, p. 100-104.
   Strizhnev K.V., Litvin V.T. Povyshenie effektivnosti tekhnologii intensifikatsii dobychi nefti dlya kollektorov bazhenovskoy svity [Improving the efficiency of technology for stimulation of oil reservoirs Bazhenov Formation]. Neft'. Gaz. Promyshlennost', 2013, no. 50, p. 26-31.
   Vygon G., Rubtsov A., Klubkov S., Ezhov S., Belova M., Kozlova D., Li D. Netraditsionnaya neft': stanet li Bazhen vtorym Bakkenom? Energeticheskiy tsentr Moskovskoy shkoly upravleniya SKOLKOVO [Unconventional oil: Will the Bazhen be second Bakken? Energy Centre SKOLKOVO]. 2013, 68 p, available at:
   Yasovich G.S. Perspektivy neftegazonosnosti zon razvitiya anomal'nykh razrezov bazhenovskoy svity Srednego Priob'ya [Oil and gas potential development zones of anomalous sections of the Bazhenov Formation Middle Ob]. Trudy ZapSibNIGNI, 1981, no. 166, p. 51-60.
   Zakharov V.A. Usloviya formirovaniya volzhsko-berriasskoy vysokouglerodistoy bazhenovskoy svity Zapadnoy Sibiri po dannym paleoekologii [Conditions of formation of the Volga-Berriasian high-carbon Bazhenov Formation in Western Siberia according to paleoecology]. Evolyutsiya biosfery i bioraznoobraziya. Moscow: T-vo nauchnykh izdaniy KMK, 2006, p. 552-568.
   Zherlygin A.L., Roshchin P.V., Litvin V.T., Orlov M.S. Primenenie trekhmernoy rentgenovskoy komp'yuternoy tomografii dlya obosnovaniya tekhnologii razrabotki mestorozhdeniy vysokovyazkoy nefti Samarskoy oblasti [The use of three-dimensional computed tomography technology to support the development of heavy oil fields of the Samara region]. Practical microtomography: Materials III All-Russian scientific conference, 2014, no.1 (1), p. 59-62.
Hard-extracted reserves, unconventional hydrocarbon sources
Section editor – PhD in geology and mineralogy Yakutseni V.P.
Article # 12_2013 submitted on 02/11/2013 displayed on website on 03/06/2013
17 p.
pdf  Fields of Samara region - study of rheological properties of high-viscosity and waxy oil
The development of heavy high-viscosity oil fields is becoming urgent due to the steady decline of active reserves of light oil. The results of experiments, aimed at determination of rheological properties of high-viscosity and waxy oils from fields of Samara region are presented. It was found that all studied samples of heavy oils from Borovskoe, Buzbashskoe and Perukhnovskoe fields exhibits thixotropic properties; and the intensity of these properties depends mainly on the temperature. With increasing temperature, there is a sharp decrease in oil viscosity due to the destruction of complex spatial structure of coagulation-crystallization type in the oils from Borovskoe, Buzbashskoe and Perukhnovskoe oil fields. The results of provided research substantiate and propose the implementation of effective integrated technology of enhanced oil recovery into the operation of these fields. It is shown that the structure of coagulation and coagulation-crystallization types can form in oils, the destruction of which requires considerably more energy input. Therefore, the application together with the thermal effects of dispersants and solvents will significantly improve the development efficiency of these fields.

Key words: heavy high-viscosity oil, heavy high viscosity oil properties, enhanced oil recovery, rheotest, viscosity, Samara region fields.
article citation Roshchin P.V., Petukhov A.V., Vasquez Cardenas L.C., Nazarov A.D., Khromykh L.N Issledovanie reologicheskikh svoystv vysokovyazkikh i vysokoparafinistykh neftey mestorozhdeniy Samarskoy oblasti [Fields of Samara region - study of rheological properties of high-viscosity and waxy oil]. Neftegazovaya Geologiya. Teoriya I Praktika, 2013, vol. 8, no. 1, available at:
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